MES Communication
December 4-16
Hello BEAR Nation!
There is so much to be thankful for these days! Whether I am referring to our students, our staff, or our community, know that you are all greatly appreciated. Specifically, I would like to acknowledge the 289 “Pawsitive” Citations that our students have received this year. Receiving and forwarding these citations are a highlight to each day. Keep being awesome! We are watching! I would also like to recognize our recent “Student of the Month” recipients for their continuous display of Kindness. While this is only a small sampling of the kind students in our building. Know that you are all appreciated. As we head into the final stretch of 2022, I challenge all students to be the best you can be. Thank you Bear Nation! We got this!
Mr. Machi
Lunch Menu (Dec. 5-16)
FREE Breakfast and Lunch is available daily.
Students may decline a meal at any time.
Available Everyday: Yogurt Meal, Hummus, or Sunbutter & Jelly
Specials Rotation (Dec. 5-16)
Moncure is operating on a six-day rotation this year. Please look for specific Specials information from your child’s teacher!
SCPS 2022-23 Calendar
To help you to prepare for the year ahead, I encourage families to access the SCPS 2022-23 School Calendar. Please print or keep this link handy, as it will help you to prepare for holidays or periodic days off.
Congratulations to our “Employees of the Year!”
Each year, Moncure’s staff nominates and votes for Employees of the Year. Once this process is complete, our school celebrates these individuals for the year and we forward their accolades along to our county for division-wide Employee of the Year consideration. This year, our staff has identified and is in the process of forwarding the information of four individuals to our county. Please join me in celebrating the talented and deserving Moncure Bears below. We are proud of each of them.
Mrs. Stephanie Dale: Moncure’s 2022-23 Teacher of the Year
Ms. Katie Molina: Moncure’s 2022-23 First Class (New) Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Courtney Sutphin: Moncure’s 2022-23 Service Employee of the Year
Mrs. Nicole Clemente: Moncure’s 2022-23 Assistant Principal of the Year
Lost and Found – (Donation Day, December 20th)
It’s that time of year when our Lost and Found begins to get out of control. Please take a look at the slide show for any of your lost jackets, coats, sweatshirts, etc. As we head out for winter break, we plan to donate all remaining items to Goodwill. It is our hope that many of these items will be claimed before then. All items are located in our Lost and Found cabinets. If you notice an item that is yours, please either have your student check our cabinets or you are welcome to come in to our building to check. Our office will be glad to help. Happy finding! MES Lost and Found Video
Mid-Year Growth Assessments
Tis the season for mid-year assessments. Between now and January, our students will be taking assessments to measure their learning since August. Some of these tests will be used to steer our staff’s instruction and small group clusters. Others, like January’s SOL Growth Assessments will be monitored by our state. Regardless of the assessment, please challenge your student to take their time on each of these opportunities. Students who race to finish do not display their true ability. Together, I am hoping we can encourage our bears to shine! Look for reports to be sent home after these assessments conclude. Thanks for your help!
Upcoming PTO Spirit Night
December 6th (5-8PM) - McDonald’s Spirit Night (Garrisonville McDonalds)
School Calendar of Events
December 6: McDonald’s Spirit Night 5-8PM (Garrisonville Location)
December 7: Dare Graduation 9AM
December 8: Winter Concert 7PM
December 12-14: SMILE Virginia – Mobile Dentist Visit (Registration Closed)
December 20: House Celebration
December 20: End of Second Quarter
December 21- January 4: Winter Break
January 11: Report Cards go Live in ParentVue
REMINDER: National School Lunch Program Application (School and Family Benefits)
A Note to School - Communication
Plans change and communication makes everything easier. Should you need to report an absence or adjust your BEAR’S dismissal plan, please contact our school. One way to communicate is by completing our “A Note to School” form and sending it through email to our office and your student’s teacher or by simply sending the form or a note to school. To access digital forms of this note, you can go to the parent portion of our webpage or simply use the link below. Thanks for keeping us informed. The earlier the better.
How to communicate with Moncure: -or- "A Note To School"
Please include in all emails:
Student's Name, Teacher's Name, and your name
Office Dismissal Hours (“No Student Office Dismissals” after 2:30PM)
It is not uncommon for our office and elementary schools across our county to receive multiple emails each day with dismissal changes from parents. The notifications require our office to contact teachers to prevent students from being dismissed incorrectly. Student office dismissals after 2:30PM only add to this confusion. Please understand that our “No Student Office Dismissal” restriction after 2:30PM is based on student safety. Thanks for your understanding!
“Pawsitive” and “Caught Ya” Citations
“Pawsitive” and “Caught Ya” Citations are great ways to recognize students and staff for being awesome! Staff members are responsible for submitting “Pawsitive” Citations for students and students and parents are welcome to submit “Caught Ya” Citations for staff. Check your email for these citations! They are a highlight of our day to send and often a highlight for students and families to receive. They also provide students with an opportunity to earn House points. Everyone wants to be a member of the “House of the Year!” If you would like to recognize one or more of our staff members, simply use this link. “Caught Ya”–Staff Citation Link Thank you so much!