Business & Entrepreneurship
Virtual Academy
Parent & Family Newsletter May/June Edition
BEVA Mission 🎯
BEVA Vision 👀
Student Learning Outcomes
Hello May!
Happy May/June BEVA Families!
I can’t believe that we have made it to the last full month of the school year. As we approach the last six weeks of the year, I can’t help but feel extremely proud of our collective accomplishments. Here are a few highlights of the year:
Increased our graduation rate from 57% to almost 80%, a significant increase from our first year.
Increased, by 7%-8%, the number of passing grades issued across all subjects in grades 6-12.
Six sessions of Credit Recovery were offered throughout the year and students were able to earn credit towards graduation.
BEVA had 11 students earn a State Seal of Biliteracy honors, and 28 students who will earn the Pathway to State Seal of Biliteracy in 7 different languages.
By the end of the year, all Secondary BEVA teachers will be certified in Equitable Grading Instruction
Conducted the first student-led holiday celebration.
Earned first place in an LAUSD inaugural Mindcraft Ed competition.
Key Reminders/Events: Please notice the slight changes in our monthly events.
Our state testing season (for grades 3-8 and 11) has begun so please support your students in ensuring they have:
Appropriate nutrition and rest
Dedicated and quiet workspace
Working LAUSD Device (Camera and Audio)
Our goal is for 100% of our students to participate.
Please see our year-end ceremony schedule on our web page and in the newsletter.. We will be adding dates for our awards ceremonies, so check back soon.
All students are required to spend at least 45 minutes in i-Ready Math and 45 minutes in i-Ready Reading every week. Please ensure your student is meeting this important expectation and if you need support on how to do so, please contact your student’s teacher, counselor, and/or Ms. Duarte.
The School Site Council meeting is taking place on May 16, 2024, @ 3 PM.
Coffee with the Principal is May 21, 2024 @ 10 AM
High School Credit Recovery continues to be available for our students, please contact your counselor for details.
As we plan for next year, we want to highlight our areas of focus. BEVA will:
Increase our academic performance levels, specifically in math and reading
Continue to increase our graduation rate/attendance rate
Increase Student/Parent Engagement
Please reach out if you have any questions. Our staff are always ready to support you. Have a great end of the school year.
In appreciation,
Marco Tolj
Take some time to thank Mr. Tolj for all he does for BEVA! He works so hard and goes above and beyond for our school! He looks for the good and is always ready to celebrate. His leadership makes BEVA a great place to be!
BEVA's Teachers are Amazing!
Take some time to let your child's teacher know how much you appreciate them! Have your students share a favorite memory, draw a picture, or think of a fun way to say thank you! We would love your help in making our teachers feel the love!
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
Encourage Your Child to Get Involved!
🎓 College & Career Talk Tuesday
Tuesdays at 12pm
All Middle School Students Welcome!
👩💻 Coding Club
Wednesdays 12pm
All are welcome!
🤎 Pretty Brown Girls
Wednesdays at 12:30
All girls welcome!
⭐ Student Leadership
Thursdays at 12pm
All Middle & High School Students
🎉 BEVA Friendship Club
Fridays at 12:30
All are welcome!
Make friends and have fun!
🤴 Greatness Academy
Fridays at 12:30
All are welcome!
Sign up!
🦈 Shark Tank
Share your original product or business idea to compete for BEVA's Entrepreneur of the Year award! Entry Form
🏆 BEVA's Got Talent
Participate in BEVA's talent show! Showcase one of your many talent: Sing, dance, play an instrument, juggle, stand up comedy, train a pet, gymnastics, yo-yo...endless possibilities! Entry form coming soon!
2023-2024 School Calendars
Looking Ahead 2024-2025 LAUSD School Calendar
🎉 We Cannot Wait to Celebrate!
5th Grade Culmination
June 11th at 11am
8th Grade Promotion
June 11th at 9am
High School Graduation
June 10th
9am Virtual Ceremony
6pm In Person Ceremony at Wilson HS
Marvelous May
Month Celebrations
Fun Things Happening in May
Be Involved in BEVA!
English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC)
ELAC meetings will resume in the fall for the 24/25 school year. Please join us!
School Site Council (SSC)
SSC meetings take place every 3rd Thursday of the month from 3:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. Please visit the BEVA website for our scheduled SSC meeting and agenda.
☕ Coffee with the Principal 🤎
All are welcome! Stay informed. Ask questions! Click picture to join!
Parent Workshops | Saturdays at 9am
Parent Workshops 2nd Wednesday of the month 11:00-12:00pm
The Family Academy is designed to leverage families’ assets to be empowered as they support their child from the early primary years to college and career success. This effort will complement family knowledge by connecting them to actionable learning focused on their child’s development, as well as opportunities to accelerate their own careers and quality of livelihood.
🎓Financial Aid and Scholarships
Be on the lookout for the updated FAFSA form. FAFSA has opened. The goal is a more user-friendly experience for all FAFSA filers. Students may expect fewer questions, new tools and terminology, and updated resources for seamless application completion.
Student Health and Human Services
Attendance Matters!
Independent study students receive their attendance for submitting their work on time! Please help ensure that your child is completing assignments and submitting them by the due date to be given attendance credit. Record of Assignments (ROAs) are created every two weeks and show your child what must be completed to earn their attendance credit. Please note that assignments must be quality work for credit. Your help is crucial for the success of your student. Please follow up at your weekly check in with your child's teacher.
Beaver Basics | Self-Directed Learners
Beaver Basics for Success
Master Agreements, LAUSD device for learning, & Cameras On!
Punctuality, Participation, & Attendance!
Weekly ROA meetings, Check Email, & Get Involved!
iReady End of the Year (EOY) Assessment Happening Soon!
End of the year (EOY) assessment window for iReady begins May 13th. All students will be expected to complete the EOY assessment in both reading and math. Students in K-2 take the DIBELS test for ELA. Please make sure your child has an LAUSD device and is logged in to class every day to complete their assessments. This snapshot will show growth made this year and help us set goals! Students will be able to use iReady to work on skills by logging on to MyPath and working on personalized instruction.
Students should continue working on their personalized learning, My Path, for 45 minutes per week in math and 45 minutes per week in reading. Please make sure your child is completing the lessons. Reach out to your child's teacher with questions or support.
My Path - Personalized Learning for Your Child
Discussing iReady Data with Your Student
1. My Progress: Ask your child to click on My Progress at the bottom of the home page. Ask; “How is iReady going?”, “What are you learning about?”, or “What are you working on?”
2. Lesson Stats; This section shows your child about their online lessons. a. Time-on-Task: Look at the number of minutes your child has spent this week on Online Instruction. Ask; “Have you met your goal?” b. Lessons Passed: Look at the total number of lessons your child has passed this school year. Ask; “What is your goal?” or “What are you proud of?”
3. Lesson Streak: See how many lessons your child has passed in a row. Congratulate them and ask about what they are learning.
4. Completed Work: Ask your child to click on Completed Work. You will see lesson names and quiz scores. Ask; “What did you learn in ____lesson?”, “What did you enjoy?”, “What did you find challenging?”. You might also see your child’s Diagnostic score.
5. My Stuff: Your child can change background theme and redeem points earned for interactive games.
Every student should be working asynchronously on their My Path in iReady for 45 minutes minimum in ELA and 45 minutes minimum in math per week. Please check in regularly with your child to make sure they are working on their personalized learning for growth and success!
We have great news! The LAUSD is providing no cost, vendor-provided, virtual tutoring services for students in math and/or ELA. Tutoring happens in the evenings under supervision. Parents select a vendor and tutoring times when they enroll via enroll.lausd.net. For more information, please visit www.lausd.org/tutoring. Thank you!
Tutor.com Access through Schoology
Or Access through Clever
Please make sure your child has an LAUSD device. If you need one, please make a request as soon as possible. We want your child to have what they need to succeed. Click the title to get to our website to request your device!