Monthly Parenting Newsletter
Parent Liaison Corner
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to call or email me .
Santonia Singleton
Parent Liaison
🎁Thank You🎁
🐾 Cathedral Church
🐾 H.A.I.R. LLC
🐾 ILA local 1422 A
🐾 ETHOS Athletic Center
Pepperhill Elementary Belief Statements and Core Values
Pepperhill Basketball Schedule
Please come out to support our Pepperhill basketball team. The schedule is posted above. We would love to have parents and families in the stands cheering them on throughout their season.
Pepperhill House Party
February 14th will be this quarters house party. Parents please make sure your student is present to represent their house.
Birthday Sign Shout Out
This is a reminder that we have an opportunity to celebrate your student's birthday on our school marquee. If you are interested complete the form above and bring in $10. Please submit your request directly with the front office, Ms. Singleton, or Ms. Gann. We have found that some students are losing forms in their backpacks.
2025-2026 Middle School Options
Hey 5th Grade Parents,
As we approach the new year, we want to share some pertinent information with you all regarding middle school for your students. The time has come to begin considering options for your student for the 25-26 school year, so please review the attached document for information regarding school choice options for your soon to be middle schooler. Things covered include different schools, links for virtual tours, important dates, etc.
If you have questions you can contact Ms. Leslie Brown at Pepperhill, you can reach out to the respective school(s) you are interested in, or for more details regarding the school choice process visit the website OR call the school choice office at 843-937-6582.
Thank you all and have a Happy Holiday Season!
Monthly Parenting Newsletter
Mu Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
We appreciate the Mu Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity involvement in our reading event, which highlighted the significance and delight of reading for our scholars. Our scholars had a great time and we eagerly await their return in the spring.
School Achievement Begins With Regular Attendance Parents/guardians have the responsibility to ensure that all school-age children in their care are in school and on time every day. Students have the responsibility to be on time and attend all classes. Students are expected to attend school 180 days. Lawful Absences (excused) shall include but are not limited to:
• Absences caused by a student’s own illness and whose attendance in school would endanger his or her health and the health of others
• Absences due to an illness or death in the student’s immediate family; the principal shall require a physician’s certificate from the parent/legal guardian of a student reported continuously absent for illness.
• Absences due to a recognized religious holiday of the student’s faith
• Absences due to activities that are approved in advance by the principal Approved activities include the following: – state and national competitions – ceremonies honoring outstanding students
• Work approved or sponsored by the school, the school district or the state department of education, accepted by the associate superintendent or school principal or designee as reason for excusing the student – out of school suspension – in school suspension – field trips approved by the principal or designee
• Absences for students whose parent/legal guardian (a) is an active duty member of the uniformed services, and (b) has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, upon presentation of appropriate military orders - student will be granted up to five days of excused absences to visit with his/her parents/legal guardians upon principal approval Absences Due to Illness (Fever, Diarrhea, and Vomiting)
• According to the SC Department of Health and Environment Control (DHEC) Exclusion Laws, if a student has a fever, that student must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school (this means without the use of fever reducing medications). Fever is defined as a temperature of 100.0 or greater.
• If a student has diarrhea, that student must be diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school (this means without the use of diarrhea suppressing medication). Diarrhea is defined as 3 or more episodes of loose stools in a 24 hour period.
• A student must not come to school if vomiting 2 or more times in a 24 hour period.
• Therefore, attendance that was excused because the nurse sent a student home with one of the above reasons should be for the day of dismissal and the next day. However, after 24 hours, if symptoms of diarrhea, fever, or vomiting are still occurring, the student should see a physician. Only the day of dismissal and the next day are excused; days after that would require a physician or parent note. Please refer to the following links from DHEC for additional information:
Pepperhill Uniform Policy
All scholars are expected to wear appropriate clothing that complies with the CCSD Code of Conduct. Thank you for ensuring that your child adheres to our dress policy.
* NO HOODIES or Sweatshirts with hoods are Permitted .
Shoes with a closed toe are required (backless shoes and those with greater than a ½” heel are not permitted).
Slides and flip-flops are not permitted.
Shorts and skirts must be an appropriate length.
When leggings are worn, the accompanying top must be an appropriate length.
Hats, bandanas, or headgear (bonnets, head wraps, helmets, etc.) are not allowed
Clothing must fit properly, not oversized or too tight, and pants must fit at the waist.
Clothing and accessories may not display profanity, suggestive phrases, weapons,or inflammatory graphics or statements.
Uniform shirts must be red, black, white, or gray.
Uniform pants must be black, navy blue, or khaki
Se espera que todos los estudiantes usen ropa adecuada que cumpla con el Código de conducta del CCSD. Gracias por asegurarse de que su hijo cumpla con nuestra política de vestimenta.
Se requieren zapatos con puntera cerrada (no se permiten zapatos sin espalda ni aquellos con tacón de más de ½”).
No se permiten toboganes ni chanclas.
Los pantalones cortos y las faldas deben tener un largo adecuado.
Cuando se usan mallas, la blusa que las acompaña debe tener una longitud adecuada.
No se permiten sombreros, pañuelos o artículos de sombrerería (gorros, pañuelos para la cabeza, cascos, etc.).
No se pueden usar capuchas en interiores.
No se permiten sudaderas con capucha.
La ropa debe quedar apropiadamente, no demasiado grande ni demasiado apretada, y los pantalones deben quedar a la altura de la cintura.
La ropa y los accesorios no pueden mostrar malas palabras, frases sugerentes, armas o gráficos o declaraciones incendiarias.
Las camisas del uniforme deben ser rojas, negras, blancas o grises.
Los pantalones del uniforme deben ser negros, azul marino o caqui.
🐾 Pepperhill House System 🐾
PBIS Update:
If your student was present on 10/18/24 and had NO OFFICE referrals, your student should know their house and color. If your student was absent or they did not earn it they still have a chance to spin the wheel on 2/14/2025.(IF THEY DON'T HAVE ANY REFERRALS)
Pepperhill is transitioning into the House System this year! For the 1st
Quarter, students will still earn points in Class Dojo for them to use points to spend at our monthly school store. After the 1st Quarter, if the student earns their way into a "house" (Team), they will work to earn points for themselves AND their house! Each house will be competing against one another all year
to earn the most points and it is up to the students to work together to earn
the most points. They can earn these points by displaying our core value words during the day. We will also still have a monthly PAWsome Panther from
each class that also represents our core value word of the month. (Check out our School Website, Instagram, Facebook, and ClassDojo for the Core Value words of the month. The houses will teach them the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and instill a sense of community within our classes and school
How you can support at home:
Encourage your student to come to school everyday displaying our core
value traits and following all school procedures. You can also talk with your
students about the houses at home and what it would mean for them to earn a way into a house and earn points for themselves AND their teams. You can also encourage them by reminding them of the house parties and
competitions they will be part of when they get into a house.
Also, their teachers are in houses too!
There are videos linked below that you can also watch to get more familiar
with the houses. You can also follow Ron Clark Academy on all social
platforms to see The House System in action at the creator's school.
About the Houses: We will only be using the first 4. We have the red,blue,black, and green house.
Chants and Signs: Each house has a fun chant:
House System at CCSD Schools: Some CCSD Schools have already been doing the House System. Click to watch below.
🐾Garden News🐾
Dear Parents and Community members,
Do you love gardening? We are looking for a few green thumbs to help us maintain our Pepperhill Garden! The garden is committed to helping children learn science and math concepts, while promoting healthy eating, cooperative learning, and food sovereignty. We also help support struggling families during the summer with fresh produce.
Come and join us in these endeavors! You will be making a real difference in your community by helping with a great cause!
Garden Contact:
Robin Bello
🎉 Dress Down Fridays 🎉
Pepperhill Clothing Closet
🐾 Panther Parents Get Ready for The House System! 🐾
Just A Reminder
Pepperhill Uniforms
All scholars are expected to wear appropriate clothing that complies with the CCSD Code of Conduct. Thank you for ensuring that your child adheres to our dress policy.
Shoes with a closed toe are required (backless shoes and those with greater than a ½” heel are not permitted).
Slides and flip-flops are not permitted.
Shorts and skirts must be an appropriate length.
When leggings are worn, the accompanying top must be an appropriate length.
Hats, bandanas, or headgear (bonnets, head wraps, helmets, etc.) are not allowed
Clothing must fit properly, not oversized or too tight, and pants must fit at the waist.
Clothing and accessories may not display profanity, suggestive phrases, weapons,or inflammatory graphics or statements.
Uniform shirts must be red, black, white, or gray.
Uniform pants must be black, navy blue, or khaki
Se espera que todos los estudiantes usen ropa adecuada que cumpla con el Código de conducta del CCSD. Gracias por asegurarse de que su hijo cumpla con nuestra política de vestimenta.
Se requieren zapatos con puntera cerrada (no se permiten zapatos sin espalda ni aquellos con tacón de más de ½”).
No se permiten toboganes ni chanclas.
Los pantalones cortos y las faldas deben tener un largo adecuado.
Cuando se usan mallas, la blusa que las acompaña debe tener una longitud adecuada.
No se permiten sombreros, pañuelos o artículos de sombrerería (gorros, pañuelos para la cabeza, cascos, etc.).
No se pueden usar capuchas en interiores.
No se permiten sudaderas con capucha.
La ropa debe quedar apropiadamente, no demasiado grande ni demasiado apretada, y los pantalones deben quedar a la altura de la cintura.
La ropa y los accesorios no pueden mostrar malas palabras, frases sugerentes, armas o gráficos o declaraciones incendiarias.
Las camisas del uniforme deben ser rojas, negras, blancas o grises.
Los pantalones del uniforme deben ser negros, azul marino o caqui.
Attendance rate is crucial and scholars are expected to attend school every day. Scholars cannot learn if they are not at school. Additionally, scholar attendance is one of the criteria by which we are evaluated by the State each year. If a scholar is absent, he/she is expected to present a written excuse signed and dated by the parent/guardian, or provide a doctor’s excuse, within 3 days of the absence. Emails, texts, and/or faxes are no longer accepted by CCSD as documentation of an absence. Any scholar who fails to bring a valid excuse to school automatically receives an “unexcused” absence. All public schools are expected to meet a state standard regarding scholar attendance. A letter will be sent home to parents to schedule conferences after their child has had 3 consecutive, unexcused absences or 5 cumulative, unexcused absences. Parents please try to schedule all appoints after 10:30 a.m. to ensure that your scholars are starting their day strong and not missing essential academic instruction. For a scholar to achieve perfect attendance they must be present (and on time) EVERY day
La tasa de asistencia es crucial y se espera que los estudiantes asistan a la escuela todos los días. Los estudiantes no pueden aprender si no están en la escuela. Además, la asistencia de los estudiantes es uno de los criterios por los cuales el Estado nos evalúa cada año. Si un estudiante está ausente, se espera que presente una excusa por escrito firmada y fechada por el padre/tutor, o que proporcione una excusa del médico, dentro de los 3 días posteriores a la ausencia. El CCSD ya no acepta correos electrónicos, mensajes de texto y/o faxes como documentación de una ausencia. Cualquier estudiante que no traiga una excusa válida a la escuela recibe automáticamente una ausencia “injustificada”. Se espera que todas las escuelas públicas cumplan con los estándares estatales con respecto a la asistencia escolar. Se enviará una carta a los padres para programar conferencias después de que su hijo haya tenido 3 ausencias consecutivas e injustificadas o 5 ausencias acumulativas e injustificadas. Padres, intenten programar todas las citas después de las 10:30 a. m. para asegurarse de que sus estudiantes comiencen el día con fuerza y no pierdan la instrucción académica esencial. Para que un estudiante logre una asistencia perfecta, debe estar presente (y puntualmente) TODOS los días.
Just A Reminder
1. Check bookbags each night for homework and important information.
2. If your scholar is absent from school, please remember to send in the excuse on the day that he/she returns to school.
Calendar of Events/Calendario de eventos
Pepperhill Elementary
Parenting Calendar of Events
Hispanic Heritage Program - 10/9/2024
Sip & Soup with Principal Sami
Winter Celebration 12/18/2024
Black History Bowl 2/26/2025
Black History Program 2/26/2025
Curriculum Night 3/26/2025
Coffee with Principal Sami
Picnic with Pops - 4/9/2025
Muffins with Mom - 5/1/2025
Primaria Pepperhill
Calendario de eventos para padres
Programa de Herencia Hispana - 10 de octubre
Café con el director Sami
Rendimiento de invierno
Programa de Historia Negra
Café con el director Sami
Picnic con Pops - Abril
Muffins con mamá - 2 de mayo
Donations for our Teachers /Donaciones para nuestras maestras 2024/2025
Donaciones para nuestras maestras
Queremos abastecer el refrigerador de nuestro personal con refrigerios y golosinas para nuestros maestros. También nos gustaría tener bocadillos disponibles para ellos en nuestras salas de trabajo. Si desea donar, traiga los artículos a la oficina principal