White Oak News
February 3-7, 2025
Students First, Every Day!
Dear White Oak Community,
I hope this email finds you well. Last week, our students participated in the Great Kindness Challenge, spreading positivity and goodwill throughout the school. Students diligently completed kind acts from their checklists, fostering a culture of compassion and consideration. We encourage families to continue this spirit of kindness both at home and in the community. If your child brought home a checklist, we hope they'll continue to explore and complete acts of kindness.
As we step into the month of February, we are thrilled to share some exciting upcoming events and celebrations at White Oak Elementary that will not only engage and educate our students but also foster a sense of unity and appreciation for diversity.
Black History Month: February is dedicated to celebrating Black History Month, a time to honor the achievements, contributions, and rich history of African Americans. Throughout the month, our students will have the opportunity to learn about influential figures such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others who have made significant impacts on our world. Classroom activities and discussions will help our students gain a deeper understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion.
Lunar New Year: We are delighted to celebrate Lunar New Year, a vibrant and joyous occasion observed by many cultures around the world. This festive time marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and is often associated with family gatherings, delicious food, and colorful decorations. Our students will have the chance to explore the customs and traditions associated with Lunar New Year through various classroom activities. This celebration allows us to embrace the cultural diversity within our school community.
100th Day of School: We are so excited to announce that the 100th day of school is upon us! This is a very special day at school, filled with fun activities to celebrate everything we’ve learned so far. The 100th day will be celebrated THIS MONDAY, February 3rd , and we’d love for you to join in the fun! As part of the celebration, we invite your child to dress as if they were 100 years old! Feel free to keep it simple or go all out, whatever is easiest for your family! Here are some simple ideas:
•Hair: Use baby powder, a white wig, or temporary hair color for an aged look.
•Clothing: Cozy, relaxed styles – think cardigans, suspenders, or comfortable trousers.
•Props: Add a cane, glasses, a scarf, or even a purse to complete the outfit.
•Footwear: Comfortable shoes like loafers, slippers, or dress shoes.
•Makeup: For an extra touch, add a few wrinkles or age spots with makeup!
Valentine's Day: As we approach Valentine's Day, our students will have the opportunity to celebrate friendship and kindness. This day is not only about romantic love but also about showing appreciation for the friendships that make our school community special. Classroom activities may include crafting Valentine's cards, expressing gratitude, and engaging in acts of kindness. It's a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about the importance of empathy and compassion. More information about Valentine's Day at White Oak will be sent out in a separate email.
We encourage you to discuss these celebrations with your children and ask them about their experiences and the exciting activities they will be participating in throughout February. If you have any questions or would like to contribute to the festivities in any way, please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher or the school office.
Thank you for your ongoing support in making White Oak Elementary a diverse, inclusive, and vibrant learning environment!
Cheers to Week 23. It's GREAT to be a WILDCAT!
Jen Culbertson
THIS WEEK at White Oak:
February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week. Thank you, Mrs. Bills, for ALL you do for the White Oak community. We are so lucky to have YOU as our school counselor!
Monday, February 3
It's the 100th Day of School!
All students are encouraged to dress like they are 100 years old!
Valentine's Day Grams on Sale After School until 3:00 p.m. (MPR)
2:30-3:30 p.m.- Junior Olympics Practice (all events except tri-fit)
Tuesday, February 4
4th Grade Field Trip
9:00 a.m.- School of Choice Tour for Incoming Kindergarten Students (2025-2026)
Valentine's Day Grams on Sale After School until 3:00 p.m. (MPR)
Wednesday, February 5
Valentine's Day Grams on Sale After School until 3:00 p.m. (MPR)
2:30-3:30 p.m.- Student Council Meeting in Room 16 (elected officers only)
Thursday, February 6
Valentine's Day Grams on Sale After School until 3:00 p.m. (MPR)
2:30-3:30 p.m. Junior Olympics Practice (tri-fit only)
Friday, February 7
Spirit Theme: Wear RED or PINK (or any color you LOVE)
8:30 a.m.- Spirit Assembly for ALL Parents (Back Yard)
9:00 a.m.- Chattin' with Culbertson (MPR)
Wednesday, February 12- Early Release Day (12:15 p.m.)
Wednesday, February 12- Chick-fil-A Fundraiser
Friday, February 14- Lunch with Your Valentine (more to come...)
Monday, February 17- NO SCHOOL for President's Day Holiday
Wednesday, February 19- PTA Association Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
Friday, February 28- Family Glow Dance at Valley View (see below)
BE the "I" in KIND Mural for the Great Kindness Challenge!
Last week students wrote messages of KINDNESS for our whole school mural. Classes visited the MPR to read the messages and take pictures. Come by the MPR this month to see this amazing mural. A BIG thank you to Jordana Ross, who helped create this beautiful piece of artwork!
The 100th Day of School is Almost Here!
Monday, February 3rd is our 100th Day of School. At White Oak, we hope all students and staff will come to school dressed like they are 100 years old! Get creative with glasses, hair, and outfits. It's lots of fun! Start planning now. We can't wait to see you on Monday, February 3rd!
***A flyer with more information was sent home last week. Start getting your ideas ready on how you will dress up like you are 100 years old!
Student Council Valentine's Day Grams- THIS WEEK!
Thank You, Mrs. Bills! We are SO LUCKY to have you at WO!
Our FEBRUARY Character Trait is Integrity!
Throughout February, we will be teaching and modeling integrity as our character trait of the month. Integrity means always trying to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. It's about being honest, keeping promises, and making choices that match your values. Imagine integrity as your inner compass that guides you to make good decisions and be a trustworthy and reliable person.
Why Integrity Matters for Students
Academic Success: Students with integrity are more likely to engage in their studies with diligence and honesty. They complete assignments, projects, and exams with authenticity, contributing to a genuine and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
Social Relationships: Integrity plays a pivotal role in building positive relationships. Children who consistently demonstrate honesty and responsibility are more likely to earn the trust and respect of their peers, fostering a healthy and supportive social environment.
Emotional Well-being: Acting with integrity contributes to a sense of self-worth and accomplishment. When students consistently make choices aligned with their values, they experience a boost in confidence and resilience, which are vital components of emotional well-being.
Ways Parents Can Help Build and Model Integrity
Open Communication: Establishing open lines of communication is fundamental to teaching integrity. Encourage your children to share their thoughts and experiences, and actively listen without judgment. Discuss the importance of honesty, responsibility, and accountability in different aspects of life.
Set Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations regarding behavior and values. Make it known that you value honesty and integrity and expect your children to uphold these principles in their actions.
Be a Role Model: Children often learn by observing their parents. Model integrity in your own actions, and be transparent about your values and decision-making processes. When faced with difficult situations, demonstrate how to make ethical choices and take responsibility for your actions.
Teach Consequences: Help your children understand the consequences of their actions, both positive and negative. By linking integrity to real-life outcomes, they will be more inclined to make choices aligned with their values.
Encourage Problem-solving: Guide your children in resolving conflicts and making decisions in line with their values. Teach them the importance of seeking solutions that are fair, just, and respectful of others.
Throughout the month, White Oak students will be a part of various activities and discussions centered around integrity. Thank you for your continued support in making White Oak a thriving community of learners!
Make Sure Your Child Has HEADPHONES at School!
Chick-fil-A Fundraiser is NEXT Wednesday (February 12)!
Save the Date for FAMILY GLOW DANCE on February 28!
Our White Oak Family GLOW DANCE will be on the evening of Friday, February 28, 2025 at Valley View Middle School! To make this event run smoothly, the PTA is looking for help to set-up/clean-up and assist at the booths during the dance. If you can help in any way, any amount of time, that would be much appreciated! Sign up here to help: Volunteer Sign Up Link. We especially hope our 2nd grade parents will help volunteer at this event!
PTA Corner- Looking Forward to Next School Year (2025-2026)
PTA elections are coming up in March, and we are looking for parents who are interested in serving on the board. To continue to have all of our programs and events at White Oak, please do consider becoming part of the PTA board and/or a chairperson! Below are the Executive Board Positions we seek to fill each year.
Board Positions
President, Executive VP, 1st VP Programs, 2nd VP Ways and Means, 3rd VP Membership, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Reviewer, Historian, Parliamentarian (Job Descriptions)
Chair Positions
Reflections Art Chair, Jr. Olympics Chair, Social Media, Restaurant Night, Teacher Appreciation
If you’re interested please do not hesitate to reach out as we want to ensure that our students have a fun and positive school experience, and we can always use the help for all of our events!
Also, please join us on February 19, 2025 for our Association meeting (flyer to come).
Mark Your Calendars NOW for Future Restaurant Nights!
Junior Olympics Practices (2:30-3:30 p.m. for 4th/5th)
Attendance Matters! Arrive On Time!
Please call the school office at (805) 520-6617 to report your child's absence each and every day they are absent.
- Remember, you have 5 days to clear your student's absence by calling the school or emailing the office.
- Taking trips and vacations during school days is considered unexcused absences.
- Under state law, a student who, without a valid excuse, is absent from school for three full days in one school year, or is tardy or absent for more than 30 minutes during the school day on three occasions in one school year, is considered truant.
Parking Lot Safety Reminders for ALL Parents
We need your help to keep drop off and pick up safe and smooth! All adult behaviors, including driving behaviors, serve as role models for our students. Respectful speaking and responsible actions are safety requirements for everyone using the parking lot.
Cars are to proceed in a single file to the drop off/pick up area (almost at the exit of the parking lot near Alscot). Parents should remain in their car and not get out to open the trunk or car doors. Children should enter and exit from the right side passenger doors once the car has come to a complete stop. They should be carrying their own backpack and other supplies. If your child needs extra assistance with their belongings, please plan on parking on the street and not entering the parking lot.
WHEN DROPPING OFF YOUR CHILD IN THE MORNING, PULL UP TO THE ORANGE CONE (almost at the exit of the parking lot). Your child should stay in the car until you get to the orange cone. Please be patient. Having your child get out of the car before the orange cone causes back ups. Thank you for helping make drop off smooth and safe!
THERE IS NO PARENT PARKING IN THE MAIN PARKING LOT. Parents entering the school with their child MUST park on the street and walk in. Thank you for your support.
Toys and Games
Apple Watch Reminders
All students that wear Apple Watches to school must have phone capabilities and other notifications turned off during school hours (8:15-2:24 p.m.). This is the same rule for cell phones. Thank you for reminding your student(s).
Safety First!
Cafeteria Menus for FEBRUARY
- White Oak Voluntary 2024-2025 Supply List
- White Oak School Calendar 2024-2025
- Aeries Parent Portal Data Confirmation Directions
- School Device Coverage Insurance Form (grades 4-12)
White Oak Elementary School
Email: jennifer.culbertson@simivalleyusd.org
Website: https://whiteoak.simivalleyusd.org/
Location: 2201 Alscot Avenue, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 520-6617