Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know For the Coming Week
July 19, 2024
A Note From Principal Hauser
It was wonderful seeing so many families at our Open House event on Thursday evening! Typically this message would go out on Sunday evening but I wanted to give you time to process all the back to school information. It's going to be a great year at Easley and we are looking forward to seeing everyone bright and early Monday morning!
Please allow a fifteen minute grace period for bus pick-up and drop-off while they workout the schedule. You can track the bus using the edulog app. Should you have any bus transportation questions, please reach out to Mrs. Boggan at Farrah_Boggan@dpsnc.net. You may also call but please know that email will get you the fastest response during the first few weeks of school.
Carline Procedures
Students should arrive between 7:15 - 7:45 a.m. Please CLICK HERE to view the carline procedures. Morning arrival is in the front of the school and afternoon pick-up is in the back of the school. Please be patent these first few days as our new families learn how to navigate our arrival and dismissal procedures.
Lunch is Free This Year
We have great news! Lunch is free for ALL DPS students this year. Please take a moment and complete this very short form to let us know your child's lunch plans. This will allow our cafeteria staff to gauge how much food to prepare until they get a good handle on how many students will be eating school lunch each day. Thank you!
We utilize Bloomz as our school messaging tool. First through fifth grade parents should have received an email from Bloomz with an invitation to join your child's classroom. If you are new to Bloomz, you will need to download the app on your phone or access it from a computer at https://www.bloomz.com/. If you did not get an email, please reach out to your child's teacher. We do know there has been a glitch with pulling in our kindergarten students, so if your child is in kindergarten, just sit tight for the time being while we get that sorted out
A Message From the School Nurse
Please CLICK HERE to view the back to school message from our school nurse, Sarah Bruinsma.
Positivity Project
This year we are implementing the Positivity Project, a character education program.
Introduction to Positivity Project - English
Introducción al Proyecto de Positividad - Español
This week's focus is on Other People Mindset
New to Easley Parent Orientation for 1st -5th Grade
We invite you to meet with Principal Hauser and Assistant Principal Boggan on Thursday, July 25 at 6:00 PM in the school media center to learn about all things Easley. Get to know your principals and hear about communication, school events and how you can get involved.
A Message From Your PTA
We enjoyed meeting you at events this week and are looking forward to another wonderful year in our PTA! The PTA is key to our strong community at Easley and we encourage you to get involved in whatever ways you can. We have designed opportunities so that you can participate, no matter how much (or little) time you may have. Here is a link to a newsletter with all the info you need including how to join the PTA, key dates, and ways to get involved. Haga clic aquí para ver el boletín en español. Our first PTA meeting will be held on August 12th at 6:30 pm in Easley's media center and via Zoom. Spanish interpretation will be provided.
Welcome Back Dinner - August 1, 2024
Please join us on Thursday, August 1 at 6:00 pm at Easley for a welcome back dinner hosted by the Easley PTA. Dinner is free with a PTA membership which can be purchased for $7 each at this link. Without a membership, dinner is $4 per adult and $2 per child. Each meal includes a hot dog, chips, dessert and a drink. You can also pay for dinner plates at the same link Please note this link is the only credit/debit card payment option available. We encourage everyone to pay by noon on July 30, so that we can send tickets home with your child and quickly check everyone in at the event. Payments at the door will need to be in cash or via a check made out to "Easley PTA". Hot dogs are kosher and we will have a vegan option. Please RSVP at this link so we can make sure we have enough food. Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you soon!