Mustang Round-Up
Calm, Clarity, Compassion, Courage
Principal's Message
December 2024
Season's Greetings, TES Community!
It is with the warmest of hearts that I write today. As we enter the last calendar week of the year here at school, I am reflecting on our time together. The fall and early winter have been nothing short of fantastic here at TES. Students have settled in and are showing incredible growth both academically and socially. Our staff continue to demonstrate unmatched dedication to service. And our families (that's YOU!) continue to show up and support our mission in unimaginable ways. It is truly a humbling experience to be your leader when I am surrounded by such superstars. Thank you for making my holiday wishes come true.
We have a lot to look forward to as we round out the year and start 2025. This week we have our fabulous Winter Concert to look forward to on Tuesday at Talent Middle School. The ski program with Mount Ashland starts after the New Year. And, when we return from break, we prepare for mid-year assessments and host auditions for our annual Talent Show. (See details below.) Things sure are moving and shaking around here! Families, be sure to check the lost and found, there are so many winter coats hanging up on the racks, and I'm sure your kiddos will need them over the winter break.
Whatever your plans for the long winter break, I hope you find peace, joy, and some extra rest during this busy time of year. For most of us, I think the holiday season brings a very heighted sense of stress. (Or is it just me?!) My wish for all of us is that we are able to keep ourselves grounded in what matters...our children, our families, our friends, and our community. I know for me, the people that I love are what are most important. And, this especially includes you all. 💚
💫 Ms. Lowe
Proud Principal, TES
Winter Music Concert
Tuesday, December 17th 6pm
Mrs. Savage and all our students are excited to sing and play their instruments for you. They have been learning some beautiful songs we can't wait to share the music with you.
We'll hold the concert at Talent Middle School's large gym. Please be seated by 5:55, students will sit with their families.
Show Off Your Talent!
Calling all our TALENTed students...start thinking what awesome talent you want to showcase at our Talent Show next February. The audition schedule is as follows...
Grades K-2 - January 22nd 5-6:30pm
Grades 3-5 - January 23rd 5-6:30pm
After School Ski Program
Open to PTS Students Grades 4th-8th
Please see the below fliers for information, registration closes December 20th.
When Should I Keep My Student Home?
Phoenix-Talent School District follows guidelines from the Oregon Department of Education regarding an ill student. Please see the below PDF's for a easy to follow instructions (not medical advice) on when to keep your student home. As always, reach out to the school if you have any questions.
Become A PTA Member
Participating in our PTA requires very minimal volunteer time, but the pay-off of shaping activities at your student's school is huge.
Scan this QR code and easily complete the membership form, to become a TES PTA member. A family membership is only $10.00 per school year. Help support our school!
Remember, being a member does not mean to have to attend every meeting or function, it means you support our school and could be available to help occasionally.
Upcoming Events✔️
- Tuesday, December 17th 6pm ~ Winter Concert held at TMS
- Friday, December 20th ~ Pajama Day & 5280 Run
- December 23rd-January 3rd ~ Winter Break
- Monday, January 6th ~ School Resumes
- Monday, January 6th ~ PTA Meeting ~ Joining via ZOOM is an option
- Wednesday, January 22nd 5pm Talent Show Auditions Grades. K-2
- Thursday, January 23rd 5pm Talent Show Auditions Grades. 3-5
Talent Elementary School ~ Home of the Mustangs
Location: 307 Wagner Creek Road, Talent, OR, USA
Mailing Address: PO Box 296 Talent OR 97540
Phone: 541.535.1531