Bobcat Bulletin
September 27, 2024
Dear Schnell Families,
I hope your week has gone smoothly. It’s amazing how quickly time seems to pass — fall has arrived, and the orchards at Apple Hill are bustling with activity. The cool, crisp air and changing leaves are a reminder that the year is swiftly coming to a close. Can you believe we are just a week away from October? In only three months, we’ll be welcoming the new year, 2025. It’s remarkable how quickly life moves!
As we settle into this new season, I’d like to remind everyone of the importance of consistent and punctual school attendance. Ensuring that your child arrives at school on time each day is vital to their academic progress. Regular attendance not only helps students keep up with their lessons, but also builds habits of responsibility and dedication that will serve them throughout their lives. If your child is absent frequently or arrives late, it can create challenges for their learning and can disrupt the class’s progress as a whole. Please help us by making every effort to get your child to school on time and ready to learn each day.
Looking ahead, we are excited to share that plans are already underway for our much-anticipated "Trunk or Treat" event! This is always a highlight of the year for both students and families, providing a safe and fun environment for our school community to celebrate the fall season. In the coming weeks, we will be sending out more detailed information about the event, including how you can get involved and help make it a success. Whether you’d like to decorate a trunk, donate treats, or volunteer in other ways, we welcome and appreciate all the support from our wonderful families. Stay tuned for more details soon!
Thank you for your ongoing support and for being an essential part of our Schnell community. We look forward to working together to ensure the rest of the school year is filled with growth, learning, and memorable moments.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and fulfilling weekend!
John A. Baker, MS. Ed.
Forgot to Turn in a Cookie Dough Order?
Cookie dough orders were due today. If you sent in a paper copy for cookie dough orders, check your child's backpack to make sure they turned it in. Staff has been checking backpacks, but we want to make sure we didn't miss anything. If you or your child forgot to turn in a Cookie Dough order, don't panic. There is one more chance to turn in late orders on Monday, September 30.
Parent Teacher Club Meeting - October 17
Our PTC will meet at 3:30 PM in the library, October 17. Children are welcome at attend! We'll be discussing plans for Truck or Treat so watch for updates through Parent Square to find out how you can help. Without parent support, we can not host after school events like these.
Cross Country Meet - October 2
Our next Cross Country meet is at Sierra Ridge on Wednesday, October 2; 2700 Amber Trail, Pollock Pines at 4 PM. Good luck Bobcats!
Chipotle Dine Out Night - October 2
MOMMY AND ME Art Classes at Exhilaration Station - for children who are not yet attending school but want to explore the world of art! See flyer below.
AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT CLASSES - Classes start this next week!
ARE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IN A TEMPORARY LIVING ARRANGEMENT? – If you had to move out of your home and move in with others, a hotel or other temporary residence due to something urgent (such as not being able to pay rent), please contact me to see if your child qualifies for my program. I am here to help. I also provide resources for all families.
Kim Kahn
Family Resource Center/After School Enrichment Director
530-622-6244 ext. 6614
Family Resource page: www.pusdk8.us/page/family-resource-center
Proudly Supporting TK-5th Grade Students
Email: jbaker@pusdk8.us
Website: https://www.pusdk8.us/o/lses
Location: 2781 Schnell School Road, Placerville, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 622-6244
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlacervilleSchnellSchool