Memorial Messenger- November
November 1st, 2024
November Newsletter
Hello Memorial Families!
As October wraps up, we look forward to November. The trees are shedding their leaves, and with the colder weather arriving, please ensure your student(s) are dressed appropriately. We will continue outdoor recess as long as the "feels like" temperature is above 20°F.
This month, we enjoyed a fantastic turnout for our Trunk or Treat, held our Fall conferences, and hosted our first book fair.
I wanted to say thank you to our PTC for all their hard work in making the start of the year a success! Your efforts with the Dine for Dollars events and the Trunk or Treat have been fantastic, bringing our community together and creating wonderful experiences for everyone involved. We truly appreciate your dedication and support!
I also wanted to thank Mayor Swift and the Kiwanis Club for their generous donation of dictionaries to all our 3rd grade students! We truly appreciate your commitment to our community and the impact you’re making in our students' lives.
Looking ahead, please note that there will be no school on Election Day, November 5th. We’ll have an Early Release on November 26th to mark the end of the first trimester, and school will be closed for Thanksgiving break from November 27th to 29th.
Arrival Bell Time:
K - 8:40 a.m.
Grades 1-5 - 8:45 a.m.
(Official Start Time is 8:50)
Dismissal Bell Time:
K - 3:25 p.m.
Grades 1-5 - 3:30 p.m.
**Grade Level Doors are suggested doors for students to use - if you need to adjust your drop-off or pick-up set of doors, please be sure to communicate with classroom teacher. Often this occurs when there are siblings. The best practice has been found for older students to wait at the doors with our younger students.
As always, thank you for your support from home and please be sure to reach out with any questions or needs that you have. We are all part of this Memorial Team!
In Appreciation,
Mr. Browe
Please view the following Wayne RESA and Riverview Millage Proposals below
Non Homestead Millage Renewal
Wayne RESA Regional Enhancement Millage Renewal
Parking Lot/Arrival/Dismissal Safety Reminders
- Be kind and patient! Let's set a good example for our students!
- It is illegal to leave your car unattended if it is not parked in a designated parking spot - this includes on Colvin, the drop-off lines, and unmarked spaces in the two parking lots
- It is considered trespassing to park in other business lots - this includes the law office, Hair Forum on Fort Street, and residential drives and spots.
- Students are only supposed to cross at Colvin and Longsdorf where the crossing guards are located. There are spacious sidewalks for students to walk down so that they are crossing with the help of a crossing guard.
- Drivers need to drive slowly and cautiously around school grounds before and after school
- In the east parking lot, respect the cones that are put up for 10 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon, to ensure that those walking by our safe from parking lot traffic.
- Safeties will be at each set of doors and working out of the east parking lot with cones. Please remember these are students who are beginning their first opportunity as leaders within this role. They are nervous and can be easily intimidated. If you see a problem that needs to be addressed, please contact the office and allow for me to handle it. Please do not attempt to correct it yourself. Thank you!
Also our city's emergency vehicles (police, fire, and ambulance) need the driveway kept cleared at all times in case they need to access our building. There is never an appropriate time to stop and hold up the line coming in from Longsdorf to the west parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation and support it making our parking lot safe.
If you are arriving to school to pick-up older students, please do not pull into the pick-up line until after 3:30 which would allow for kindergarten families to pick-up safely and exit the parking lot. Many families have reported that they wait on a nearby side street until after 3:30 before entering the west parking lot and find that this works best for all.
Memorial PTC Upcoming Announcements
10/28: PTC Meeting @ 6:30 PM
11/4: Picture Retake
11/4: Family Fun Night @ Rev'd Up Fun
11/5: NO school for students
11/8 Little Caesars Fundraiser (11/8-12/8)
11/14: Dine for $ @ Panera
11/25: PTC Meeting @ 6:30 PM
11/26: Early Release day and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
11/27-11/29: NO School
Parent Letter - ELA Portfolio and Standard Based Grading
RCSD Elementary Student Code of Conduct/Parent Handbook 2024
Early Release Dates this Year - Mark Your Calendar Please!
This is something new this year, so please mark your calendars. Students will be released at 12:50 on the following dates. Lunches will be served to all students before they are dismissed from school on these dates.
- October 24th, 2024
- November 26th, 2024
- February 13th, 2025
- March 7th, 2025
- June 6th, 2025 (Last day of school)
Dismissal is 12:50 on these dates - Lunches will be provided to all students
Important Dates for Parents - 2024-2025 Calendar
- October 24th - Early release Fall conferences
- November 27- November 29- Thanksgiving
- December 23- January 3rd- Holiday Break
- February 17- Mid Winter Break
- March 24th - March 28th- Spring Break
- April 18th- Good Friday
- May 26th- Memorial Day
Memorial Elementary Concerts - All Concerts are held in the Memorial Gym
Grade 1 - December 12, 2024 - Holiday Concert - 6:00 p.m.
Grade 3 - February 6, 2025 - Valentines Concert - 6:00 p.m.
Grade 5 - May 1, 2025 - Spring Concert - 6:00 p.m.
Attendance is Important for Success!
Important Times for Memorial Elementary 2024-2025
Important Times
Memorial Elementary 2023-2024
8:25 - 8:46 - Breakfast in the Cafeteria
8:40 -Kindergarten teachers will meet students outside at designated area to bring students to class - K – Teachers – NW Doors (closest to cafeteria/Champions Program)
8:45 - Grades 1-5 students will enter through the following doors
1st Grade Teachers – NE Doors (closet to Board Office)
Grade 2 and Bus Students – North Doors (closest to Flag Pole on Colvin)
Grade 3 – NW Doors (closest to cafeteria/Champions)
Grade 4 – SW Doors (closest to main office)
Grade 5 – Recess Doors (closest to the playground and Longsdorf)
Students riding the bus – North Middle Doors Colvin by the flagpole
3:25 - K Dismissal – Teachers will walk students outside – Please communicate with teacher dismissal plans - kindergarten students will not be dismissed unless someone is there to pick them up.
3:30 - Grades 1-5 Dismissal
Our District Calendar for 2023-2024 can be found on our district website after scrolling to the bottom of the page: District Website - Click Here
Breakfast in the Cafeteria Expectations
If you would like your child to eat breakfast, please drop them off no earlier than 8:25 and no later than 8:35. They will come in the cafeteria doors (A.K.A the Kindergarten Doors) and go directly to the lunchroom. Chartwells staff will be able to supervise and assist your child in getting (and eating at the tables in the cafeteria) breakfast. Students will then report to class when the warning bell rings (8:). Students may NOT report to their classroom, go back outside, or go to their lockers before 8:46!
A couple of important reminders:
- Students must report DIRECTLY to the lunchroom. They may NOT go into their classroom or locker to drop their backpack off prior to the warning bell. If this is a repeat issue, you will receive a call and free breakfast program is no longer an option for your child.
- Children must be well-behaved for Chartwells staff in the lunchroom. If this is an issue, you will be called, and breakfast will no longer be an option for your child(ren).
- You may NOT drop your child off UNLESS they are eating breakfast. Chartwells staff are not able to supervise children that are dropped off and not eating breakfast. If you need childcare for your child(ren), please contact Champions before and after school care (see parent newsletter or call the office for contact information).
- You may not drop your child off to the breakfast program earlier than 8:25 am for any reason.
- When the warning bell rings at 8:45, your child must clean up and head to class. If your child reports to class at 8:50 or after, they will be marked tardy.
- Your child does not need to order breakfast ahead of time, or on certain days. This is a drop-in service that you can utilize up to 5 days per week.
- If a student comes to school a few minutes late, a bagged breakfast can be provided if students need one, until 9:10 a.m.