Family Update
May 3rd 2024
Message from the district
The Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Central Office and Maintenance buildings will be moved to new locations this summer to create more parking space on the high school site.
Our Central Office will be in a portion of the second floor of the office building at 630 Morrison Road as a result of a three-year lease that the District has entered into. You can learn more about the move and what it means for the current site on our website.
Important Dates:
May 28 Last Day for Central Office at Current Location
May 29-30 Central Office Closed for Move to New Location
May 31 Central Office Opens at New Location
Student Council Spirit Week- May 6-10
6th graders will be celebrating their first year of middle school by walking to Woodside Green Park in the morning and some fun activities back at school in the afternoon on the last day of school.
Here is the information you need to know:
When: Friday, May 24th
What: End of 6th grade celebration walk to Woodside Green Park in the morning, then lunch and activities back at West in the afternoon.
What is needed:
Signed and returned permission form. Thank you to those who have already signed this and sent it in with your child.
Personal sports equipment wanted at the park must be secured in a sturdy bag and be able to be carried by the student.
Money for Kona Ice: $4/small - $5/medium - $6/permanent cup - $3/refill (optional)
Shoes and clothing appropriate for walking to and from the park - it’s about a 30 minute walk.
Sack lunch from home (optional)
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Clay ( or Ms Ragins (
8th Grade Experience Week
- For students who are not traveling to Washington DC they will participate in Experience Week. Students will have different experiences each day. All of these events are free, but will require a permission slip that was sent home on Wednesday, in addition to having their emergency medical form filled out through Infinite Campus.
Heart and Pride
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
May 14th and May 16th 7th Grade Hero Speeches
May 14th-17th Experience Week
May 21st 6th Grade Comic Con
May 24th - Last Day of School
350 N. Stygler Rd
Gahanna, Oh 43230