NMS Family Update
October 2024

School's in Full Swing this October
Dear Northwood Middle School Families,
As we move into the heart of the school year, we are incredibly proud of the way our students are demonstrating our core values of Respect, Responsibility, and Readiness to Learn. These values are key to fostering a positive and supportive school environment, and we are excited to see our students embracing them both inside and outside the classroom.
We know that success comes from a strong partnership between home and school, and we value your continued support in reinforcing these values with your children. As we strive to teach our students to navigate middle school responsibly, we ask that you take time to talk with your child about the importance of deescalating conflicts and avoiding the use of threatening language. Safety in the hallways and treating others with kindness are essential to maintaining a respectful environment where all students feel safe and supported.
Academically, we are also focused on helping our students achieve their best. Please remind your child that the end of the grading period is fast approaching on October 17th. This is a great time to check in on their progress and make sure all assignments are completed and turned in. Together, we can ensure that they stay on track and continue to grow in their learning.
Thank you for being such an important part of our school community, and for working with us to make this school year a success!
Jean Capacetti, Michael Basinski, Elizabeth Andrachik
Northwood Middle School Admin Team
NWMS Behavior Expectations
Please click on the image below to see our Student Expectations Assembly Presentation for a rundown of our behavior expectations. We encourage you to speak with your student about strategies to help them meet these expectations.
The Anxious Generation - November 25th
The admin team at NWMS will be hosting an evening event for parents and students to hear a presentation on the book "The Anxious Generation". In the first part of this presentation we will use a discussion format to share information and data that has been collected by the author Jonathan Heidt. In the second part of the presentation, the admin team at NWMS will facilitate a discussion with parents on how we can address the challenges that we face as educators and parents with regard to phone use amongst young teens.
More information will be provided in next month's newsletter. But mark your calendars for NOVEMBER 25th.
House Bill 123
On March 24, 2021, Ohio's General Assembly enacted House Bill 123, the "Safety and Violence Education Students (SAVE Students) Act". The SAVE Students Act supports Ohio’s strategic plan for education with respect to school security and youth suicide awareness education and training. The SAVE Students Act was passed knowing that student success is dependent on whether students feel safe and supported in school.
Northwood Middle School participates in SOS - Signs of Suicide program, which teaches warning signs for suicide and how to ACT to get help.
Mrs. Marzec, our School Counselor, Ms. Jackson, our School Social Worker and Ms. Smith, our Applewood Counselor will be doing classroom presentations in the coming weeks.
If you do not want your student to participate in this program, please call Northwood Middle School at (440) 284-8016 to opt out.
Please review our SOS letter HERE
W.O.W. (While Out Walking) Moments at NWMS
Fist Bump Friday!
This student exemplifies Academic, Arts, Athletics
Mrs. A wasn't ready for the competition!
Food Service Newsletter
CLICK on the pictures below for more information.
October Family Focus
Powerschool - Parent Portal
Northwood Middle School
Email: northwoodmiddleoffice@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/domain/88
Location: 570 Abbe Road North, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: 4402848016
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nwmselyria