MVHS Bands - Summer Edition #1
Important Dates and Upcoming Events/Due Dates
All dates you see below are on the calendar located on our website.
Each event below has a label on which group is participating.
(MB = Marching Band) (SB = Symphonic Band) (CB = Concert Band) (JB1 = Jazz Band 1) (JB2 = Jazz Band 2) (PE = Percussion Ensemble) (PB = Pep Band) (IP = Indoor Percussion) (WG = Winter Guard) (P/G = Parent/Guardians)
(2023-24 SB) Graduation - Saturday, June 1 - 1pm-5:10pm
- Equipment Needed: Instrument, Music, Concert Attire
- Call time at Mountain View: 1pm
- Load Bus: 1:35pm
- Depart on Bus: 1:40pm
- Arrive at Extra Mile Arena (BSU): 2:00pm
- Graduation Start: 3:00pm
- Graduation Finish: 4:30pm
- Load Bus: 4:40pm
- Depart on Bus: 4:50pm
- Arrive at MVHS: 5:10pm
(MB) Open Band Room #1 - Tuesday, June 11 - 3pm-6pm
- Open to marching band students to come and run sectionals/practice/rehearse.
(P/G) Summer Parent/Booster Meeting #1 - Tuesday, June 11 - 6pm - 7:30pm
- Open to all parents/guardians. We would love to have your attendance!
(MB) Car Wash #1 - Monday, June 17 - 3pm-6pm
- Signup Genius link: Click HERE
- Location: Mountain View High School
- We need a minimum of 20 students... the more the better!
- Funds go into our general marching band budget.
(MB) Open Band Room #2 - Tuesday, June 18 - 3pm-6pm
- Open to marching band students to come and run sectionals/practice/rehearse.
(MB) DCI Show - Tuesday, July 9 - ALL DAY
- We will need some volunteers for this for our concessions stand. More details to come.
- Students in our marching program will be given priority for free tickets to attend. Reserve your ticket HERE.
- Non-student tickets can be purchased here: https://www.dci.org/events/2024-northwest-youth-music-games-boise
(MB) Open Band Room #3 - Thursday, July 11 - 3pm-6pm
- Open to marching band students to come and run sectionals/practice/rehearse.
(MB) Car Wash #2 - Saturday, June 13 - 3pm-6pm
- Signup Genius link TBA
- Location TBD
- We need a minimum of 20 students... the more the better!
- Funds go into our general marching band budget.
(P/G) Summer Parent/Booster Meeting #2 - Thursday, July 11 - 6pm - 7:30pm
- Open to all parents/guardians. We would love to have your attendance!
(MB) Open Band Room #4 - Thursday, July 18 - 3pm-6pm
- Open to marching band students to come and run sectionals/practice/rehearse.
2024 Marching Band Fundraiser (May)
- We have just 3 days left and have raised $8,540 so far! This fundraiser is to fund our marching band season. Our goal is to fundraise $16,460 more. This helps pay for local competition bussing, show design, and our amazing staff. Click HERE to access the fundraiser!
- Our band boosters have been working a lot to get money to help fund ALL of our band students. Please consider volunteering for a concession date!
- If you have any questions or are interested in being part of this, please contact our boosters at mtnviewbandboosters@gmail.com
Donate Directly to MVHS Bands - any amount helps!!
- By check made out to MVHS Bands dropped off to Mr. Barro or the front office bookkeeper.
- MySchoolFees -> Show Public Items -> Donation -> MVHS BAND TEAM DONATION
Have a great fundraising opportunity? Contact Mr. Barro at barro.joshua@westada.org!
Fall 2024 Marching Band
Students should be doing the following over the summer:
- Practice their instrument at least 20-30 minutes per day five times out of the week.
- Go outside!
- Drink plenty of water and get used to staying hydrated.
- Exercise or do something active outside for a minimum of 20 minutes. Your body will thank you.
- Get used to stretching... especially your legs and feet.
- Spend quality time with their family!
Fact Sheet v1.5 - Click HERE
Season Deposit Fee - $75 - Overdue
- Pay via MySchoolFees (can be located as a public item or student item)
- Check (made out to MVHS Bands)
- Cash (in a sealed envelope with the student's name on it)
During the summertime, checks or cash can be turned into Nicole DeMarco, our school bookkeeper, during business hours (8am-2pm). If turned in to the bookkeeper, please make sure she knows it is going towards Marching Band and ask for a receipt to bring back to Mr. Barro.
2025 Spring Trip
We have a big trip planned for 2025 going down to California!
Our current dates are set for Wednesday, April 2 through Sunday, April 6, 2025.
This will include University visits (UNLV, Cal State Long Beach, and UCLA) as well as Disneyland/California Adventure, Medieval Times, and potentially an LA Philharmonic Concert featuring John Williams music conducted by Gustavo Dudamel and John Williams himself!
This trip is open only to Symphonic Band, Jazz I, and Percussion Ensemble students that are in the class year-round. Students joining any of the classes at 2nd semester will not be eligible for this trip.
Current Trip Estimate: $850
$50 Trip Deposit Due: Friday, May 31st
This deposit will go towards the trip fee.
Official Trip Commitment Form: