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The Pulse - March 2024 Newsletter
Virgil R. Miller, ’92, is the president of Aflac U.S. He jumped on that prestigious path as an accounting major and mathematics minor at Georgia College & State University.
Outfitted in an Aflac-blue blazer lined with both Aflac and Georgia College logos, Miller recently presented a $100,000 Aflac CareGrant to the university’s College of Health Sciences—the first of its kind in the state of Georgia. The money will support implementation of COHS’ newest initiative: a mobile health clinic.
“Anytime we see an organization trying to improve healthcare outcomes for individuals, especially those in underserved communities, we want to help,” Miller said. “We established this CareGrant program and have donated over $2 million to organizations just like right here at Georgia College."
Faculty News
Dr. Kelly Massey was elected Member-at-Large to the Southeast Regional Chapter American College of Sports Medicine (SEACSM)
for a two-year term. Congratulations, Dr. Massey!
Student Highlight
Youth AIDS Ambassador for the Advocates for Youth
Honors student Raven Glover has recently been accepted to serve as the Youth AIDS Ambassador for the Advocates for Youth organization. Raven is a chemistry major on the pre-pharmacy rack with a minor in public health.
Here are a few words from Raven's mentor, Dr. Scott Butler: "The Youth Ambassador program is part of a HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention program sponsored by Advocates for Youth. This organization is one of the largest advocacy groups for sexual health in the US. As part of the program Raven will gain valuable skills in advocacy and co-host events on campus related to HIV awareness and prevention. We plan to host discussions, attend fund raisers, present in classes, and promote awareness through social media. You can learn more about Advocates for Youth online.
Faculty News
Georgia Association For Nursing Education (GANE) Conference
Congratulations to Krystal Canady, Catherine Fowler, Shantee Henry, Joyce Norris-Taylor, and Angela Queen, who presented at the state wide Conference in February. Congratulations to Jennifer Goldsberry and Talecia Warren who were a part of the study but unable to attend. Way to go ladies!
Georgia Association of Nurse Education (GANE) Podium Presentations:
Taylor, J. N., Queen, A., Goldsberry, J., & Fowler, C. (2024, March). Resilience, Anxiety, and Stress in Baccalaureate Nursing Students: The REASON Study. Presented at the Georgia Association of Nurse Educator (GANE) Conference, Buford, GA.
Canady, K. E., Henry, S., & Warren, T. (2024, March). Improving BSN Student Success in Simulated Clinical Experiences. Presented at the Georgia Association of Nurse Educator Conference, Buford, Georgia.
Accepted for Publication:
Fowler, C., Queen, A., Goldsberry, R., & Taylor, J. (2024, February). The REASON Study: Resilience, Anxiety, and Stress in Nursing Students. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Science.
While at GANE, Catherine Fowler was presented with the GANE Award for her Innovation in Teaching. Congratulations, Dr. Fowler!
The REASON Study Presenters
Pictured: Joyce Norris-Taylor, Catherine Fowler and Angela Queen
Jennifer Goldsberry was unable to attend.
Improving BSN Student Success in Simulated Clinical Experiences Presenters
Pictured: Shantee Henry and Krystal Canady.
Talecia Warren was unable to attend.
Innovation in Teaching Award
Other SON News
- Catherine Fowler named an Academic Partner with the Georgia College & State University Leadership Programs
- Bruce Conn LMFT, Macon, Georgia, with 30 years experience, spoke to the entire nursing body in February on "Finding You Way". His lecture stressed the importance of identifying helpers and advocates along your life's journey. The lecture was part of GCSU's nursing program leadership certification designation.
SON Highlights
Graduate Nursing Programs Now Allow Simultaneous Doctorate
At Georgia College & State University, those with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing can now receive training as an Advanced Practice Nurse while simultaneously obtaining their Doctor of Nursing Practice.
“As the state’s designated liberal arts university, this program of study provides a unique blend of essential clinical principles and prepares students to meet the unique challenges of healthcare in underserved communities,” said Dr. Josie Doss, director of the School of Nursing. “This program option further demonstrates our commitment to cultivating the next generation of nurse-leaders, who are positioned to promote positive change in the dynamic and ever-changing healthcare environment.”
Applications Open For Nursing Scolars Programs
The Georgia College & State University Lettie Pate Whitehead Nursing Scholars Program has 12 spots in their fall 2024 cohort. Applications are open until May 1.
The cohort-based nursing scholarship provides four-year funding for the cost of tuition and fees, housing, meals, textbooks, nursing program fees and one funded, healthcare-related study abroad.
“The Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship is a beacon of opportunity, empowering women in Central Georgia to obtain a nursing education without financial constraints,” said Dr. Josie Doss, director of the School of Nursing. “This scholarship embodies a commitment to addressing the nursing shortage in Georgia, fostering academic success and nurturing the next generation of compassionate and skilled nursing professionals.”
Applications can be completed online, and applicants must be a resident of Georgia, and specifically from one of these counties: Baldwin, Bibb, Hancock, Houston, Jasper, Jones, Monroe, Putnam, Twiggs, Washington and Wilkinson.
The Georgia College Association of Nursing Students (GCANS) hosted a Valentine-themed fundraiser in February with all proceeds going to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!
Our members also volunteered at our local assisted living facility, The Cottages Nursing Home, for their carnival party to celebrate their residents who had a birthday in February! They played various carnival-themed games with the residents and helped the staff hand out food and drinks.
During Spring Fesst we introduced the incoming class to our organization and talked about what to expect as a nursing major.
Our next meeting will be March 26th, at 6 p.m. in the Peabody Auditorium. We will continue to hand out apparel, stoles, and cords at each meeting.
More information on point opportunities, upcoming events, and how to join can be found on our Instagram @gcsu_gcans or visit our Facebook page. For any questions, please email the GCANS President eliza.berry@bobcats.gcsu.
(478) 445-4092
131 Parks Memorial Building
Campus Box 64
210 W. Montgomery St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061-0490