Donovan Dispatch 2
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!
Dear Donovan Families,
As we continue to have updates regarding the Donovan Situation, we will update and share out here to keep all information in one place. This will be separate from our Donovan Digest to keep both more streamlined with content.
I will continue to send out the new temporary format "Donovan Dispatch" when there is information that pertains to our school only. We are not functioning as a school within a school, but rather an extended family. However, there are certain times the information will just pertain to us, and this will be shared in the dispatch. The Donovan Digest will return in it's original format as soon as we are back in the building.
Joseph J Catena School Back to School Night this week!
5th Grade: Back to School Night September 12th @ 6:30 pm
BTSN Sept 18 - 6:30 pm
Picture Day Oct 17
BTSN Sept 26 - 6:30 pm
Picture Day Oct 2
BTSN Sept 25 - 6:30 pm
Picture Day Sept 19
Picture Day Sept 18
September 19th....our 1st PTO meeting at West Freehold in the Media Center at 7:00 PM. Come one, come all!
Time Sensitive: Arrival/Dismissal Information
Any arrival and dismissal changes must be sent to Mrs. Rusterholz and the classroom teacher prior to 1PM. drusterholz@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us
Early Parent Pickup (Errickson & WFS)
From Mr. Dickstein
Transportation to and from school improved significantly on Friday for a majority of the Donovan bus routes. Administrators and the Transportation Department staff have reviewed all Donovan bus routes throughout the weekend, and some have been revised to maximize efficiency. Please log into the Genesis Parent Portal to review your child's bus information today as it may have changed. We are in the process of reviewing the parent requests for bus stop changes, and parents will receive an email as each request is reviewed. If you continue to experience an issue relative to transportation, please report it on the form.
A reminder that there is an optional parent information session for Donovan parents regarding the mold issue on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 5:30 PM. Those parents planning to attend must register in advance and submit questions when registering.
Please have your child wear his/her bus pass every day for a few weeks. It can also be attached to his/her backpack. Putting it in a protective cover is recommended, If it has been damaged we are unable to make another at this time. Please feel free to replicate the tag and use the same information.
Who should get....
A color coded bus pass?
- Every student who will try the bus at some time while attending the temporary school.
- This bus pass MUST be worn (or attached to a backpack) prior to boarding the bus for the first few weeks of school. It is a safety precaution.