Mustang Express
November 16th, 2023
Important Message from Mrs. VanWagnen
We are grateful to live in a community where support is provided to families in need, especially around the holidays. We have much to be thankful for, and the partnership we share with our families and the community organizations is one to celebrate. LAYA’s fillable "Shop with a Cop" applications are available online at and are also attached below. The deadline to apply for the Adopt-a-Child program is today, Friday, November 17th, 2023 . We are encouraging all those in need to apply.
In Partnership,
Jennifer VanWagnen, Principal
Important Dates
Nov. 16-19: WL Western presents: "The Wizard of Oz" - Tickets available at
11/21: Happiest of Birthdays to Sarah Reese!
11/23-11/24: Thanksgiving Break, No School
11/23: Happiest of Birthdays to Laura Lytkowski!
11/23: Happiest of Birthdays to Amanda Kelty!
11/30: Book Fair Preview Day
12/1: Breakfast with a Buddy, Book Fair Preview
12/4-12/8: Book Fair
12/4: Happiest of Birthdays to Jennifer Schloegl!
12/6: PTA Meeting @ 6 PM in the Learning Commons
12/8: Student Council Meeting
12/12: Happiest of Birthdays to Carrie Stauss!
12/13: Happiest of Birthdays to Kelly Thompson!
12/14: Half Day of School for Students, Dismissal @ 11:25 AM
12/14: Elementary Conferences from 12- 8 PM
12/22-1/2: Winter Break, No School
Important Information: School Procedures
Student Safety
Since the 2019-2020 school year, we have shared information about district-wide efforts to improve our emergency responses. At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, our district adopted ALICE, a research-based training program to ensure schools are prepared to respond to potential intruder events. ALICE is about empowering individuals and providing options or strategies beyond the traditional lockdown methods.
All K-5 classrooms have read the book, “I’m not scared, I’m prepared,” by Julia Cook, as we have done in previous years. In the book by Julia Cook, comparisons to stranger danger, and additional resources linked below may be helpful for families that discuss the drills at home with their children.
In November, students at Meadowbrook Elementary will learn about ALICE principles in relation to our school building. In these lessons, all classrooms will review ALICE principles in an age appropriate manner. Teachers will use similar language and will utilize the same materials to ensure consistent implementation. See below for our plan for the week of November 27th:
The entire school will participate in a drill, on the same date, in which each class will choose an option based on their location in the building. The scenario presented will NOT include a specific threat, but rather read, “if there was something dangerous happening in the (a specific location in the school.)”
Although possible in a real emergency, at no time during the drill will any student(s) evacuate through a window, nor will they travel off of school property
We will NOT simulate gunfire or other violent situations. We will engage in age-appropriate discussions and practice to prepare students. Lesson teaching points that may assist families with at-home discussions include:
We practice so we know what to do in an emergency. We’re not scared, we’re prepared!
Our job is to keep you safe. Your job is to listen and follow the adults’ directions.
Evacuation means to leave the building. Your teacher or a trusted adult may tell you to leave the building and go to a safe place.
If an adult tells you to leave the building. Listen, quickly go to a safe place, and then wait for helpers (police officers, firefighters, trusted adults, etc.)
Student safety continues to be our first priority. Additional safety drills will take place later in the school year. We will continue to collaborate with local law enforcement and families to ensure a safe learning environment for our children.
In Partnership,
Jennifer VanWagnen
Helpful Links:
Talking to your Child about Safety - K-2
Talking to your Child about Safety - 3-5
Talking to Children about Violence - Tips for Parents and Teachers
Extremely Important Procedures for Saddle-Up Drop Off and Pick Up
Children must exit their car on the driver's side unassisted. They must be able to unbuckle their seat belt/car booster and open and close the passenger door independently. This may mean that you need to disable child safety locks and/or practice learning these skills at home.
Staff will monitor the drop-off line each morning and there will be staff to help your child (both outside the building and in the halls as they find their classroom).
Your Saddle Up Pick-Up name sign must be clearly visible in the driver's side window to the staff member on duty. The staff member will alert the classroom that you have arrived for pick-up at the end of the day.
Your student will then be dismissed and will exit the doors through the gymnasium. Under the direction of a staff member, your child will be permitted to enter your vehicle on the driver's side. Please do not get out of your vehicle to assist. We will have staff members on site who are able to assist if needed.
Please arrive promptly to pick up your child. Students that are not picked up at dismissal (by 4:05 p.m.) will go to Prime Time Care and you will be billed accordingly
In an effort to keep the students safe and keep traffic moving, we ask that if you are driving your child to school, you utilize the drop-off loop rather than walking your child to the front door.
Failure to follow the established guidelines may warrant a special meeting with Principal VanWagnen.
Attendance Update
As parents, you play an important role in ensuring strong attendance in school. Research has shown that excessive absences, tardies and early dismissals can negatively impact academic and social progress in school. As a reminder, the district attendance policy is as follows:
5 or more absences: 1st parent contact
7-10 absences: 2nd parent contact including meeting with principal
11-24 absences: Legal “Notice to Parents or Guardians with Non-Attendance of Children in School” sent to parent/guardian and referral to local agency
25 or more absences: School district takes legal action through the Juvenile Court system to return child to school
Our Building Secretary, Jennifer Schloegl, will begun reaching out to families with 7-10 or more absences or excessive tardies/early dismissals to schedule a meeting with Principal VanWagnen. The purpose of this meeting is to support families, provide support services as needed, and ensure consistent attendance in school. We sincerely appreciate your support and partnership in this matter.
Important Reminders
Please Review the Meadowbrook Handbook
Support the PTA
The Meadowbrook Elementary PTA is sponsoring Breakfast with a Buddy and a Book Fair!
Thank you so much for supporting our school and the PTA.
District Information
WLCSD Staff Nomination Form
A sample of what these shout outs will look like on social media and in our District newsletters can be found below.
Holiday Mini Photo Sessions at WLN on Nov. 4th
Good morning! The WLN Forensics Team is having a fundraiser at Walled Lake Northern High School on November 4th. We are inviting the community to sign up for a holiday photoshoot with their family.
Santa will be available upon request. The following is the link to the flyer:
District announces Annual MLK Celebration - Jan. 15, 2024
The entire Walled Lake Consolidated Schools community is invited to attend the District's 25th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration on Monday, January 15, 2024. This year's celebration will at Walled Lake Northern High School with a tour of student exhibits starting at 5 p.m. and a formal program starting at 6:15 p.m.
This year’s theme is “You Belong” with the focus on inclusivity. Our keynote speaker is Kevin Szawala, aka “Mr. Peace”. Kevin is a National Youth Speaker and Michigan native who travels the county speaking to students and schools on the topics of bullying prevention, diversity and inclusion, teen mental health, and suicide awareness.
Students encouraged to participate in Annual Express Yourself Contest
Students of WLCSD are welcomed to submit an Express Yourself project. The theme for this year’s project is “You Belong”. Students should create a project that expresses what this theme means to them. Projects can be a speech, an essay, a picture, a poem, a drawing, a video, a musical piece or any other format to express “You Belong".
The winner(s) of this contest will share their projects, on stage, at the 25th annual WLCSD MLK Day Celebration. This is a great opportunity to recognize students and their creativity. It is by far the crowd’s favorite part of the MLK Celebration. Check out the project details and entry form.
All entries must be submitted to a school office by Wednesday, December 13.
Nominations now being accepted for Annual Friend of Diversity Award
Walled Lake Consolidated Schools is seeking nominations for the 2024 Alec Bender Friend of Diversity Award. This award honors individuals who are true friends of multicultural diversity in our school district and community. This honor will be bestowed on the recipient(s) WLCSD 25th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration on January 15, 2024.
Any student, staff, community member, local business, or local organization is eligible to be nominated. Any member of the Walled Lake Schools community may submit a nomination.
Nominations must be submitted through the nomination form by Friday, December 8.
Set Up Your Communication Preferences in Skyward
Not receiving district and/or building communications?
If you are not receiving emails from Mrs. VanWagnen, including the Mustang Express, District Weekly Updates, please use the link below to double-check your preferences are correct.
Signing Up for SMS Messages via Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Please find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Connect With Us
Kellan Watkins
Principal's Secretary:
Jennifer Schloegl
Building Secretary:
Important Phone Numbers:
Main Line: 248-956-2700
Attendance: 248-956-2790