Friday Focus Newsletter
315th Issue - January 17, 2025
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Mrs. Debra Cunico
Welcome back! We are two weeks into the second semester and it has been so great to see all of our students’ smiling faces…refreshed from Christmas break!
I think we can safely say that the winter weather is certainly knocking on our doors! That causes us to think about the “what-ifs,” as it is certainly possible that there might be a “cold” or “snow” day called sometime during the winter! For those who are newer to Marian… and even those who need a reminder, if and when the school determines that the weather is too dangerous to be out in and/or drive in, administration will do everything in their power to let you know as early as possible. Typically, we prefer to call an asynchronous day rather than losing a day of instruction that would then need to be made up at the end of the school calendar.
So, what happens on an asynchronous day? This is a day in which we still require the students to engage in schoolwork… but instead, doing independent work at home. On these days, the students would be required to log into each of their teachers’ Learning Management System (Google Classroom, Teams, etc.) by 9:00 am to see what work their teachers require of them for the day. It is imperative that they follow the teacher’s directions regarding submission of work in order for the student to be marked “present” for that school day. Additionally, any work not done and submitted by 9:00 pm will be marked late. Please know that we will always put reminders of all these expectations in our communications to you when having an asynchronous day. Thank you for supporting Marian’s teachers in continuing to move the curriculum forward, even on days of inclement weather!
As we continue trekking through this third quarter, I am also asking our families for your support… the winter months are especially hard for many of our students. It is still darker while driving to school, it is cold outside, and sometimes ALL of us just want to hibernate until spring comes! This apathy bleeds into the desire to get work done. (Don’t we all feel that way sometimes?) Because we know it is hard for our students to find motivation at this time of year, here are a few tips that we can all encourage our students to follow….
- Use your planner! It is easier to organize the things that you need to do if you have a list. Checking things off when they are done is truly satisfying!
- Prioritize things! Determining the level of urgency will help keep you on track!
- Take care of yourself! Eating well, staying active, and getting enough sleep are all important!
- Stay connected! (No, I don’t necessarily mean on social media) Go to a school sporting event or get active in a club! It’s never too late.
- Speaking of social media… disconnect! Consider reducing your time spent on technology. It hurts your eyes, makes you tired, and disconnects you from more important things, like time with your family and friends!
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it’s a start. And the most important thing to remind your students… Spring is coming soon! Hang in there!
Happy January!
Mrs. Cunico
Winter Dance - Save the Date
This year's Winter Dance will be held on Saturday, February 8th at Marian Central. All grade levels are invited to attend. Ticket information is coming soon.
Honor Roll - Semester 1
Please join us as we recognize our students who earned honor roll status during the first semester of the 2024-25 school year.
Free ACT Practice Test
Attention Families of Juniors:
Huntington Learning Center in Lake in the Hills is offering a FREE ACT practice test opportunity on February 14, 2025 at 1:00 PM. Please see the flyer below for sign up information. Sign up will be on a first come first serve basis.
Tutoring Available to All Students
We know that many students are switching into some new classes this semester whether it be health, first aid, government, economics, etc. NHS wants to remind everyone that tutoring is still available for anyone.
This could be especially helpful if you are struggling in any of your classes, but it can also help to prepare you for new classes or material coming up that you are unfamiliar with. Scan or click on the QR code to access the sign-up sheet for tutoring. We would all like to help our classmates have a strong start for the New Year and the Second Semester. We look forward to a great Semester! Thank you!
New Cafeteria Items - Gluten Free/Grilled Chicken
Chef Dan is now offering Gluten Free options for students and staff who are gluten sensitive.Gluten Free Buns (for burgers and grilled chicken sandwiches), Grilled Chicken Sandwiches, Gluten Free Muffins and Grilled Chicken Salads can now be ordered.
If a student wants/needs a gluten free option for lunch, please see Chef Dan in the cafeteria BEFORE school that day so he can prepare your lunch.
Volunteers Needed - Home Events
Please consider volunteering at upcoming home athletic events. Volunteers are needed for the ticket booth and concessions to be able to host athletic events here at Marian Central. Click the link below to view the dates and sign up. We appreciate your consideration and whatever amount of your time you can offer.
Dental Forms - Current Freshmen
This is a friendly reminder that all Freshmen dental forms are due to the office by May 15, 2025. We all know how fast the year has gone so far, and dentist offices are not easy to get into, so if you have not submitted that form and do not have an upcoming appointment scheduled, please call for your appointment right away! We are required by the State of Illinois to have this form no later than May 15, 2025.
If you have any questions, or are not sure if you’ve turned your form in, please contact kjohnson@marian.com.
Exam Exemptions
Seniors who would like to be exempt from Semester 2 exams, the process starts now. Please review the form below to make sure you understand what you will need to accomplish regarding academics, discipline and attendance over the next 2 quarters in order to be exempt from your second semester exams. Senior Exam Exemption Form 2024-25
AP Classes
All students (grades 9-12) who are enrolled in, paid the fee for, and eventually take the College Board test for any AP class have the option to be exempt from taking their end of semester 2 final exam for that class. Students qualify by earning at least an 87% in the class by May 17 AND have taken the AP College Board test. Please use the form below to submit your request to the main office no later than end of day Monday, May 16. AP Exam Exemption Form 2024-25
Registration Fee 2025-26
It’s time to make your 2025-2026 Registration Fee payment.
The non-refundable registration fee is $325. However, if you submit payment before February 14, 2025, you receive a $75 discount making the amount due $250. Payment can be made by clicking here (a 4% fee will be applied) or by sending to the office. All returning students will register for courses online.
Incoming Freshmen will be receiving a registration packet in the mail. If you have any questions, please contact our Business Office.
ARK Testing January 21
As part of each student's academic journey, high school students in the Diocese of Rockford take the ARK assessments three times each year. Marian Central students will be participating in the second round of this year's ARK testing on the date listed below. This test will take place during the student’s regularly scheduled Theology class time.
*Please remember to charge your laptop and bring it to school.
Tuesday, January 21st – Math
Please click below for information on preparing for the assessments. Thank you for your continued support of this process.
Learning Sign Language at Marian
Students - Are you interested in learning Sign Language? Would you be interested in learning with your peers through a club at Marian? Participants in this new club will have the opportunity to learn about Deaf Culture, sign language vocabulary, how to send and receive signs, and how to finger spell.
Students who are interested should stop in the office and let us know or email Mrs. DiSilvio at ldisilvio@marian.com. Participants are required to purchase a book for the lessons.
The group will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays, beginning Monday, January 27th, in Room 135.
Key Club Bake Sale
Key Club will be hosting BAKE SALES during the home basketball games listed below. Please support your Canes by cheering the teams on and visiting the Key Club Bake Sale, too. Thank you!
Tuesday, January 21st - Boys Basketball
Wednesday, January 22nd - Boys and Girls Basketball
ACT Results - Juniors
Mr. Fearn presented ACT results to the juniors on Wednesday, December 11 and Friday, December 13. These are the results from the official ACT test that all juniors took here at Marian back in October. Each student received their official score report. We encourage you to ask them to share and discuss the results with you.
Marian Central is an official site for the national ACT test on Saturday, April 5, 2025. Our Guidance department strongly encourages all juniors to register to retake the ACT on that date at Marian as soon as possible. The deadline to register for the April ACT is Friday, February 28. ACT reports that over half (56%) of the students who retest improve their composite score. We want all of our students to achieve the best score they can in order to maximize both college admission opportunities as well as earn the highest merit scholarships possible.
Marian Central English and Math teachers will be doing some work with the juniors to help them prepare for the spring ACT. If your student could benefit from 1:1 support preparing for the test or just needs some additional resources, please check out the ACT website and the Guidance website for a variety of ACT test preparation options.
Class Baskets - Gala
We are asking each class to donate two themed baskets for Marian Central's Gala, which is our largest fundraising event for the school and is on April 5 at the Grand Geneva. Each grade's themed baskets, needs, and sign up are listed below. Thank you for your generous support of Marian Central Catholic!
Rockin' Like a Hurricane Concert Tickets on Sale!
The Athletic Booster Club is excited to rock the night away with your headliner, Mike & Joe! Mike & Joe is a modern rock cover band widely regarded by its audiences, and peers as one of the best sounding cover bands in the nation.
With opener, Justin Wallace, a talented Johnsburg native, who is now sharing the stage with renowned artists like David Cook, winner of American Idol, and AGT’s very own Mitch Rossell, this concert is sure to be a good time.
Join us on Saturday, February 15 at The Vixen in McHenry at 7:00pm as we enjoy a night filled with music, food, energy, and good vibes – all to support a great cause. All proceeds go to the Athletic Booster Club, which helps support the needs of our athletic teams and student-athletes. Both general admission and VIP tickets are available!