Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Fort Worth Zoo Field Trip
Parent Volunteers
Please email me if you would like to join us on this fun day!
Our Week In Review
Week of April 17-21
We are reading...
*My School's A Zoo
*If I Ran the Zoo
*If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo
*Wild About Books
*Animal Strike at the Zoo
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - I can recognize that a consonant R after a vowel changes the sound of the vowel. I can use flexibility when solving words with r controlled sounds.
*Readers Workshop - I can track the events of a story. I can make predictions.
*Writer's Workshop - I can research and plan drafts with adult assistance.
*Grammar - I can identify adverbs within a sentence.
* I can measure the length of an object using non-standard tools
such as cubes or paper clips. I can say the length of an object I have measured using the number and unit (such as 7 paper clips long).
*I can Gather evidence of interdependence among living organisms such as energy transfer.
Important Information
April Counselor Corner
Good Afternoon Austin Families,
My April Counselor's Newsletter is published and ready for reading. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Joanna McFarling
Message From Our Counselor
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Talking about child abuse with your kids is hard, but research shows that having these tough conversations early and often is key to protecting them. Watch this video from Committee For Children for information about talking points and what to do if a child ever reports abuse to you, or check out this PDF with similar information.
Along with these discussions at home, Texas Senate Bill 9 and House Bill 1525 require schools to educate learners on various health and safety issues, like growth and development, child abuse, human trafficking, and dating violence. Before Spring Break, parents were sent information about upcoming lessons that would meet state requirements for these health and safety TEKS. A reminder email was also sent this past week. These lessons will take place at Austin over the weeks of May 1-12, covering specifically the topic of child abuse prevention (the lessons listed on page 1 of the Parent Preview Links). If you have not completed this Google form from the district, please do so. Unless you have responded "yes" on the form, your child will be excluded from these important lessons. If you still have questions, please contact our counselor, Joanna McFarling, at jmcfarling@coppellisd.com.
May 6 Bond Election Information
Coppell ISD residents, who are registered to vote may cast a ballot in the May 6 Bond Election. Voters will be asked to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the $321.5 million bond measure on May 6. In accordance with state law, the bond referendum will be presented as four separate propositions.
Campus-specific Bond project information detailing the projects each campus will receive is available here.
Bond Informational Video: May 2023 Bond.
Learn more at www.coppellisd.com/bond.
2022-2023 Yearbook Sales
NEW Spirit Wear Design!
Available for pre-order now for current and FUTURE Mustangs until April 21st!
The only way to guarantee you'll get a shirt is to pre-order. Some may be available for sales later, but on a first-come, first-served basis after pre-orders are passed out.
Available in the Web Store on AustinPTO.com!
(Reminder you must be logged in to access the store).
Upcoming Events
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library books are due on Tuesdays.
iPads need to be charged each day.
Please provide headphones for your learner.
Upcoming Dates:
*April 27 - Field Trip to the Fort Worth Zoo
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C