Happy New Year
-ESC 15 Effective Instructional Practices - Q3

CANCELLED: January 23rd, 2024 Accountability Session with Lead4Ward
The January 23 session with Lead4Ward will be post-phoned until further notice. ESC 15 will look to host an accountability session when more clarity is providing with state and federal accountability information. Please reach out to Michael Bohensky or Randy Gartman if you have any questions.
Effective School Framework Grant Participants
ESC 15 wants to recognize the five districts and nineteen campuses that proactively applied to participate in Effective School Framework practices throughout the 2023-2025 school years. The ESF focused support grant helped provide training and coaching to selected campuses. Ten of the campuses have already completed the Effective School Framework Diagnostic with the Academic Review. Work will continue throughout the spring of 2024 and the 2024-2025 school year.
Below is a link the grant recipients for the 2023-2025 timeframe:
2023-2025 ESF Focused Support Grant Campuses
ESF Focus Support Grant Opportunities will be available January 16, 2024 for campuses meeting eligibility:
Accountability Information
Texas Academic Performance Report - TAPR
The 2022-23 TAPR is available in two reports: One, for your district as a whole, can be found in TEAL Accountability under Performance Reporting. You will also find the TAPR Guidelines and TAPR Glossary in this same location in TEAL. The data in the District TAPR report has been masked so you may release the PDF found in TEAL to the public. Two, all Campus TAPR Reports became available the week of December 18, 2023 and can be found on TEA's website under the 2023 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) page. Both District and Campus TAPR Reports can be found at the link above.
Texas Performance Reporting System (TPRS)
The Texas Performance Reporting System (TPRS) integrates state and federal reporting requirements into a single reporting system that can be viewed at the campus, district, region, and state level. As the most comprehensive reporting system published by TEA, TPRS provides additional performance reports, results, and indicators for student groups not previously reported on state accountability data tables, the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), or the School Report Card.
The TPRS Glossary provides definitions, describes methodologies, and lists sources for each tab in the TPRS system.
What We Know About 2023 Accountability as of September 5th, 2023
Latest NEWS from TEA
Keeping up with School Improvement Interventions
Information from the TAA released on November 16, 2023
- Under federal accountability laws, campuses that meet certain criteria must be identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), or Additional Targeted Support (ATS). The methodology for these identifications is explained in the 2023 Accountability Manual. The School Improvement (SI) federal identification list is available to the public on the 2023 Accountability System webpage in order to comply with federal mandates.
Grant Opportunities for Campuses with Federal Identifications
- LEAs with Title I-served Comprehensive campuses that are in their second year of identification (Comprehensive Reidentified or Comprehensive Progress) are entitled to second-year formula funds from the Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant. That grant will open in the first week of December. Eligible LEAs will receive direct correspondence inviting them to apply to that grant when it opens.
- Additionally, all LEAs with Title I-served campuses that are identified for interventions under federal accountability (CSI, TSI, or ATS) are eligible to apply for 2024-2026 ESF Focused Support Grant available in early 2024. This grant program provides funding to LEAs to engage with Effective Schools Framework Vetted Improvement Programs. The agency will release information about this grant application in future correspondence.
Comprehensive Support Campuses
Comprehensive (CSI) campuses are required to participate in interventions. These include:
- Identifying a District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) and entering the DCSI’s contact information into the ISAM application in TEAL (Texas Education Agency Login) no later than December 15, 2023;
- Attending ESF 3.0 Overview training at a regional education service center (ESC) (only required for DCSIs that have not yet attended this training);
- Developing and implementing an improvement plan; and
- Submitting the improvement plan to TEA no later than June 7, 2024.
Additional details on interventions for CSI campuses can be found on the Division of School Improvement webpage.
Targeted and Additional Targeted Support Campuses
- Campuses identified for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support (ATS) that do not apply for and receive the ESF-Focused Support Grant are encouraged to develop and maintain an improvement plan and retain this plan locally.
Accountability and Assessment –
2023 Underlying Data Released with Federal Ratings on November 11, 2023
Texas Academic Performance Reports Planned to be Released in December – 90 Days to Present Information
Administration and Leadership –
Review TEA Superintendent Resources & Guidelines
Evaluate State Compensatory Education (TEC§29.081(B-3))
UIL dues Deadline January 1st Annually to State UIL Office (CCR D10)
Review DFBB (LEGAL & LOCAL) for non-renewals
Implement Winter Break Maintenance and Security Protocols, including IT
Superintendent completes Independent UT 3rd Party Survey
*Hire staff in accordance with district policy & procedure (as needed)
Update AskTED
Charter Specific –
Charter holder must file audit report disclosing all management company loans
Governance Report due to TEA December 1st
Expansion Amendments open January 1st
Utilize the All-In-One-Form to update AskTED
Federal and State Programs –
Fourth Annual USDE ESSER Report is now open in Smartsheet
-Reporting period includes funds with a “request date” between 9/1/22-8/31/23.
-Report closes February 16, 2024.
ESSA Programmatic Monitoring Phase 2 Random Validations
-Notification date: November 28
-Due date: December 12
-If you are chosen, someone from the federal programs team will reach out to you to offer technical assistance and work with you to get your documents submitted!
SC9000 Annual Survey of children in Neglected/Delinquent Residential Facilities
-Due 12/1 (Paint Rock, Cherokee, San Angelo, San Felipe Del Rio are required to complete this form.)
-The form is in eGrants under Special Collections
Finance -
*Approve Independent Audit Report, September 1st FY
Review, update and submit Attendance Projections in TEAL
Publish Schedule C-3 from independent audit
Develop Budget Adoption Timeline
For Chapter 49 districts - The Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit contract, if not netting, verify date. Specific board meeting minutes language required. Submit online in the TEAL - FSP System. CAD Cost, District Partner Data, Tuition & Payment Options must be submitted check date in the TEAL - FSP system online. https://tea.texas.gov/Finance_and_Grants/State_Funding/Excess_Local_Revenue/ Download and review the Options and Procedures for Local Revenue in Excess of Entitlement (manual)
School Board –
Board Self-Evaluation (recommended)
*Approve waivers as needed
School Health –
Report to Department of State Health Services the immunization status of the kindergarten and 7th graders deadline December 8th
Special Education –
• Results Driven Accountability (RDA) and 98 Indicator Reports released. RDA Intervention Calendar
Designation Levels will be released mid-January
Strategic Support Plan, if required, will be due Friday, 02.23.2024.
See 2023 Accountability Manual – Chapter 12 & APPENDIX K for RDA information posted online .
• 2023-2024 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal): Review Final Entitlements & Carryover (if applicable) & adjust local records Determine if amendment to grant application is needed
• 2022-2023 Special Education Consolidated Grant Federal (IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B Preschool, IDEA-B Discretionary Deaf, IDEA-B ARP Formula, IDEA-B ARP Preschool) Final and Revised Final Expenditures report due 01.02.2024.
• Dyslexia Changes – HB3928 and the TEA’s FAQ Guidance Document effective immediately
• New STAAR Alternate 2 Participation requirements:
• Continue to monitor IDEA-B MOE spending.
• 2022-2023 SY IDEA-B MOE Calculation Tool to review last school year’s spending in preparation for MOE Reports (released March 2024.) https://tea.texas.gov/finance-and-grants/grants/federal-fiscal-compliance-and-reporting/idea-fiscal-compliance/2022-2023-idea-b-lea-moe-calculation-tool-isd.xlsx
Texas Student Data System/PEIMS –
Request to retire Unique IDs due at TEA for PEIMS Fall first submission on December 1st
PEIMS Fall first submission due date for LEAs and ESCs on December 7th
All RF Tracker data up to this point must be promoted, validated, and fatal free on December 8th
*Requires Board action/approval
4.1 Academic Review Information
If your campus is required to submit a Targeted Improvement Plan, please see the Timeline below.
ESC 15 is considering hosting a Regional Spanish Spelling Bee for 4-8 grade students. If your campus would be interested in sending one or more students, please contact Michael Bohensky.
ECS 19 is hosting the National Spanish Spelling Bee in June 26-27.
The Spanish Spelling Bee is a lot of hard work. But the benefits are immeasurable. The benefits to the participants go far beyond helping them become better spellers.
- Provides Children with a positive goal to work towards.
- Provides a performance-forum to display the fruits of their hard work.
- Aids children in learning concepts, improving comprehension and developing study skills.
- Helps develop self-confidence, communication and public speaking skills, and the ability to thrive under pressure.
Texas Instructional Leadership
Texas Instructional Leadership
The TIL Approach
Texas Instructional Leadership is a program through which we provide training and support to campus and district leaders on their ability to build the capacity of educators that they manage. It consists of a suite of trainings intended to foster continuous improvement by helping campus and district administrators grow concrete instructional leadership skills in the areas of observation and feedback, schoolwide culture routines, and data driven instruction.
TIL trainings are aligned with many of the best practices described in the Effective Schools Framework, and ESCs that offer TIL trainings are among the approved vendors for schools seeking a technical assistance provider or capacity builder to support in the execution of a campus improvement plan.
Texas Instructional Leadership Model
Face-to-Face Professional Development
Education Service Centers across the state of Texas will be offering Observation & Feedback, Data Driven Instruction, Schoolwide Culture Routine, Lesson Alignment, and Formative Assessment trainings for campuses and districts looking to increase student achievement overall, and close gaps between student sub-groups. As with many other trainings offered at ESCs, Texas Instructional Leadership trainings have a face to face professional development component. Campuses and districts that choose to participate in a training will be part of a cohort of campuses that will meet together learn instructional leadership best practices, and have an opportunity to practice their new skills together in a low stakes environment.
Observation/Feedback is intended to provide campus and district leaders opportunities to develop proficiency in establishing and coaching toward effective instructional practices in every classroom. Toward that end, it blends the practices and principles in Paul Bambrick-Santoyo’s Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers with the T-TESS appraisal framework.
It introduces a paradigm shift in the way we view teacher observation, and suggests that the primary purpose of observation and feedback is not to evaluate a teacher but to develop them. In Observation/Feedback, you grow educators by letting them See It, Name It, and Do It – see a model of success, name the bite-sized, yet highest leverage steps that led to growth, and practice doing those steps to develop skill.
Data Driven Instruction is a highly effective, research-based training that guides teachers and administrators to spend less time teaching their students what they already know and more time on what their students need.
Data driven instruction is a highly effective, research-based training that guides teachers and administrators to spend less time teaching their students what they already know and more time on what their students need. It also answers the questions, “How do I know if my students are learning? And if they aren’t, what do I do? Based on the protocol developed by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo and described in his books Driven by Data 2.0 and Leverage Leadership 2.0, TIL DDI advocates for a deeper analysis of student work.
Culture is not formed by motivational speeches or statements of values. It is formed by the repeated practice of good habits.
Schoolwide culture is not formed by motivational speeches or statements of values on the wall. It is formed by the repeated practice of good habits, beginning with a vision of what a positive, inclusive culture looks like minute-by-minute. Leaders of schools with strong student culture don’t achieve it through sheer force of personality. They develop a vision for each part of the school day, and then bring their vision to life by building systems that enable teachers, students, and anyone else on their campus to know what they should be doing and when at all parts of the day with a high level of detail. They lead with their consistency and by modeling for staff how to maintain emotional constancy and reset expectations when procedures break down.
Lesson Alignment is a training designed to support campus and district leaders as they lead teachers to practice high leverage instructional planning strategies. Leaders are trained to guide teachers in planning for and assessing student learning by answering the questions: What are students supposed to be learning and how do I know they are learning it? The training is rooted in the practices and principles of Paul Bambrick-Santoyo’s Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools as well as the work of Dylan Wiliam’s Formative Assessment, John Hattie’s Visible Learning for Teachers, and Mike Schmoker’s Focus.
Formative Assessment builds off of the work of Lesson Alignment and is designed to support campus and district leaders as they lead teachers to practice high leverage instructional monitoring strategies. Leaders are trained to guide teachers in assessing student learning by answering the questions: What are students supposed to be learning and how do I know they are learning it? The training is rooted in the practices and principles of Paul Bambrick-Santoyo’s Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools as well as the work of Dylan Wiliam’s Formative Assessment, John Hattie’s Visible Learning for Teachers, and Mike Schmoker’s Focus.