Oregon ACTE
Winter Newsletter
It was great to see many of you at ACTE Visions in Phoenix!
Presenters wanted, registration open for our Spring Conference!
ACTE Awards
ACTE recognizes CTE professionals for their great work. Nominations start at the state level, and winners are recognized at the Oregon ACTE conference in April. We are looking for nominees in the following areas:
- ACTE Teacher of the Year
- ACTE Administrator of the Year
- ACTE Postsecondary Professional of the Year
- ACTE Counseling & Career Development Professional Award
- ACTE New Teacher of the Year
Learn more about award eligibility and guidelines here: https://acte.secure-platform.com/a/page/awards/national/excellence_awards
New teacher? Check out the online series below!
Student Scholarship available!
In the News
Roseburg Robotics
Pendleton Culinary
Baker City FFA
Hermiston Robitics
Columbia Gorge STEM Hub Rube Contest
McNary Culinary
Oregon FBLA student selected for ACTE Award
Ashlyn Dalton of Baker High School was selected for the 2023 ACTE Business Education Division Outstanding Student Award for the Secondary Level in Region 5. She was awarded a plaque at the 2023 Vision conference in Phoenix, AZ after being nominated by her teacher, Toni Zikmund, back in October.
"When I learned of the award back in early September," says Zikmund, "Ashlyn immediately came to mind. She is so impressive in so many ways and at such a young age. Her academics are outstanding but she is also incredibly humble, kind, and hardworking. I was glad to see the award committee saw the same on paper as I do in person."
Ashlyn is a Junior at BHS who serves as the President of her local chapter of FBLA and enrolls in business and leadership classes in addition to her honors coursework. By the end of her sophomore year she had already earned dual credit in nine college courses, including Calculus and Biology. She is also an accomplished public speaker at a young age, being selected as the state champion in the Intro to Public Speaking competitive event for her Freshman year and also in the Public Speaking event for her sophomore year at the FBLA State Business Leadership Conference. Ashlyn has also served as her class president twice, gives back to her community, is a three sport athlete, and is active in Mock Trial, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.
To nominate a student for the 2024 award, go to
Computer Science Education Statewide Implementation Plan
From ODE:
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) are pleased to announce the release of Oregon's Computer Science Education Statewide Implementation Plan.
Detailed in the plan are strategies, measures for monitoring progress, considerations that provide context and details, a potential timeline, and a discussion of funding. The purpose of the Computer Science Education Statewide Implementation Plan is to provide direction and a reference for educators, policymakers, industry professionals, and community members moving forward.
ODE and the HECC will be hosting a series of office hours to share highlights from the plan and to answer questions. The registration links are below. Please share these widely with your communities.
- Session 1: Thursday - December 7, 2023 at 4:00pm
- Session 2: Tuesday - December 12, 2023 at 4:00pm
- Session 3: Wednesday - December 20, 2023 at 4:00pm
About the Computer Science Education Statewide Implementation Plan:
As technology continues to impact every aspect of society, a basic understanding of computer science is vital for all Oregon students. However, historical data show that disparities exist in access to and participation in K-12 computer science education statewide and across the nation.
In response to these inequities, ODE and the HECC were directed by former Governor Kate Brown to develop a statewide, long-term implementation plan for computer science education that will broaden participation for all students by the 2027-2028 school year. The directive specified that the implementation plan achieve the following goals:
- That computer science education is made available to public school students on an equitable basis.
- That computer science education is based on a framework that guides students from computer users to computer literate creators who are proficient in the concepts and practices of computer science, as informed by national frameworks and standards.
The overarching goal of the Computer Science Education Statewide Implementation Plan is to broaden access, participation, and engagement in computer science education. Achieving this long-term goal will require thoughtful and systemic change. ODE and the HECC engaged with more than 700 Oregonians and collected more than 1,800 comments and feedback through extensive listening sessions with teachers, students, community members, administrators, higher-education representatives, and industry professionals. Through these engagements and the support of a 45 member Consult Group, the following seven outcomes for computer science education in Oregon were identified:
- Outcome #1: Every Public School Offers Opportunities to Learn Computer Science
- Outcome #2: Systems are Established to Recruit, Prepare, Support and Retain Computer Science Teachers
- Outcome #3: Computer Science Education has Stable, Long-Term Funding
- Outcome #4: Computer Science is Recognized as a Content Area in Rule and Statute
- Outcome #5: High School Computer Science Education Aligns with Postsecondary Requirements
- Outcome #6: Computer Science Learning is Current, Relevant and Connected to Career Opportunities
- Outcome #7: Progress on Expanding Participation in and Access to Computer Science Education is Monitored and Reported
ACTE Best Practices coming to Portland: For CTE administrators
The Value of CTE for Families (resource also linked)
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We've starting building out an Oregon ACTE Linkedin page, connect and follow us for updates.