Superintendent's Spotlight
January 26, 2025
Dear HPS Community,
It is hard to believe that we are at the mid-point of the 2024-2025 school year. As we enter the second semester, students, staff and families can take pride in the visible and measurable academic, social and emotional growth by Hingham learners. Here at Central Office, January and February are particularly busy months as we actively plan for the 2025-2026 school year. In this and future newsletters, we will continue to keep the community informed of district initiatives and the budget planning process. We also in this newsletter share evolving guidance from the state and federal level with regard to student safety and privacy, and recommit to our core values of providing supportive learning environments for all students. Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
Kathryn (Katie) Roberts, Superintendent
FY26 Budget Planning
Planning for the 2025-2026 school year is in full swing, and we invite the broader commumity to join us for the public presentations on the FY26 school budget. The following meetings are accessible both in person and via Zoom. All budget presentations and associated documents are also available on the HPS budget webpage.
Student Safety & Privacy
The Hingham Public Schools remain committed to the safety, privacy and well-being of our students. In light of recent changes to federal policies, we would like to reassure the community that our schools remain safe and inclusive for all students. Across the district, we strictly adhere to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy) and district leaders and staff follow the most current state guidance with regard to building security, student records, safety and privacy. If you have any questions about building-specific safety or privacy concerns, please reach out to your child’s principal.
Kindergarten Registration
We were thrilled to welcome many new families at our recent kindergarten information night. If you happened to miss the event, please check out the recording by our partners at Harbor Media. Kindergarten registration is now open, with registration packets due on February 14th.
- SLIDES - Kindergarten Information Night Slides
- K Info Night Recording
- Registration packet (As a reminder, you must download the PDF in order to access the fillable feature.)
- Registration process instructions
Save The Date–Author Lynn Lyons–March 4th
On Tuesday, March 4th, Lynn Lyons, author of The Anxiety Audit, will join us for a community event in support of the district’s wellness initiatives. We hope that parents/caregivers and the broader community will join us for Lynn’s timely and engaging presentation, which will be held in the HMS auditorium at 6:30 PM. Many thanks to the Hingham Health Department and Hingham CARES for collaborating with the HPS Wellness Committee on the event.
Hingham CARES Book Group
Many thanks to community partner, Hingham CARES, for sponsoring a book club on "The Emotional Lives of Teenagers" by Lisa Damour. The book can be checked out at the Hingham Public Library or purchased on Amazon. Please see the attached link to register.
Community Connections
The talented HHS Art Club brought "a bit of summer" to the East stairways as part of their recent community service outreach efforts.
The HHS Jazz Band warmed a winter night for the senior residents of Penniman Hill.
Earlier this month, the HHS Girls Basketball team hit the parquet at the TD Garden to participate in the annual Andrew James Lawson Foundation tournament. Many thanks to the community members who turned out to support!
The South School community engaged in acts of kindness to celebrate Adelia the Wonder Girl.
Hingham Middle School Unified Sports kicked off the winter season with intramural activities ranging from soccer to basketball to floor hockey.
Stop by the Hingham Public Library to view HPS student artwork on display through the month of January!
Portraits of Hingham Learners
HPS alum and meterologist Michael Page returned to Hingham to share his passion for weather with East School students.
HPS alum Nick Capidolupo returns to HHS to sing the national anthem. Nick, who recently graduated as a music major from Ithaca College, has also performed the national anthem at Yankee stadium.