Four Big Houses One Little Way
August 26, 2024
Thank You
Thank you to the Liturgical Choir for singing at Mass on Sunday. They were FANTASTIC!
Good morning!
Our K-8 students have all been sorted into their houses. Several students, parents, and staff have asked where to purchase extra t-shirts or other house items. So, due to popular demand, we are having our first-ever House Swag Sale! Flyers/order forms are coming home today. All orders are due by Monday, September 9th by 10 am. Cash or check only. Please make the check out to Little Flower Catholic School. A digital copy of the flyer and order form is attached. All items can be purchased for any house not just the house shown on the flyer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (
Mrs. Echegaray, Assistant Principal
House Swag Sale Order Form.pdf
Reminder there is NO car pick up for students after school on Bosart or Nowland. Gates will be locked.
Lunch menu
Reminder, parents do NOT need to complete Free and Reduced lunch forms this year. All students will receive free lunch.
The Little Flower Fr. Robert Borchertmeyer Golf Outing will be held on Friday, September 6. There will be no school that day. Registration information is attached.
Golf Outing registration is open!
Sign up to play, donate, or sponsor!
"Volunteers needed on weekday mornings from 7:15am to approximately 7:45am to stand at the north end gates of the school parking lot to help guide and remind cars to enter for drop off on 13th Street and to also kindly remind those to slow down when exiting the lot. Please contact Kristin Burks via text at 317-441-2349 or email with your availability!"
First Eucharist and Reconciliation
Sacramental preparation for First Eucharist and Reconciliation will begin in the fall for children entering 2nd grade. If you have a child that attends Little Flower school, enrollment forms have been sent home and are due back by Wednesday, August 28.
If you have a child in 3rd grade or above who has not made their First Eucharist, please contact Lisa at 317-357-8352, ext 105 or as soon as possible.
A requirement for First Eucharist is to be a baptized Catholic and a member of our parish. If your son or daughter has not been baptized in the Catholic Faith, please contact the parish center for more information.
Please see attached flyer about the OCIA program for adults who wish to join the Catholic church or just learn more about the faith.
Please call the school office in the morning before 8:30 if your child will be absent from school. If your child is ill, please wait until they are fever free, without medicine, for 24 hours, before returning to school.
Per the Archdiocese, any student who arrives at school after 8:30 AM will be marked as half-day absent.
Students are considered chronically absent when they miss 10% of a school year.
Poor school attendance means children miss out on these experiences and opportunities, which in turn impacts negatively on their achievement, wellbeing and wider development. This is why it's so important that children are in the classroom as many days as possible.
Tuesday, August 20
House Meeting Day
Wear your house shirt!!!
Wednesday, August 21
PPS Skating Party
6:30 @ Roller Cave
Friday, August 23
All School Mass 9:30 AM All Are Welcome!
Sunday, August 25
Parish Picnic following 9:30 AM Mass
Friday, August 30
All School Mass 9:30 AM All Are Welcome!
Monday, September 2
Friday, September 6
The Little Way
Each month we discuss the Little Way. We take time to discuss one trait of the Little Way and how we can apply it to our lives at LF and beyond. This month we will be discussing
WELCOME EVERYONE. We will read "The Day You Begin"
and we will discuss how we all have our story to tell and we are all better and stronger when we listen and respond to the stories and needs of others.
Ten Things You Can Say to Make Someone's Day
Little Flower
Phone: (317) 353-2282