Morton Ranch Elementary

Dear Families,
I hope this message finds you well! I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your enthusiasm and support during our BIG KAHUNA fundraising campaign. Your efforts are truly making a difference for our school community!
As we continue our cookie sales, I encourage everyone to keep the momentum going. Remember, every cookie sold helps us enhance our programs and provide even more enriching experiences for our students.
Let’s work together to reach our goals! Share the joy of these delicious cookies with friends and family, and don’t forget to showcase your creativity in your sales efforts.
Thank you for your continued support! Let’s make this fundraising campaign a sweet success!
Warm regards,
Lori Maurer
Big Kahuna Fundraiser...Help Our School!
We have such a cool opportunity to help our school AND win awesome prizes! When we all work together, we can accomplish amazing things! By participating in the fundraiser, you can help your teacher win some awesome prizes too!
If your child sells 2 selling kits, they will be invited to join us at our GAME TRUCK Party here at school.
This is going to be so much fun, you don’t want to miss it. Inside the boxes, you will receive our special PIGTASTIC collectibles. Start collecting your PIGS today!
Reminders About Dismissal
MRE follows the TIER A Bell Schedule. Dismissal is at 3:20 p.m.
Please remember that the front office is not designated for daily student pickups by car. We’ve noticed an increase in parents not using the car pickup line. When you arrive late, it not only affects your child but also requires our staff to stay after hours. We want to ensure that everyone has a smooth and timely dismissal, so please try to arrive on time. To ensure a smooth dismissal process for everyone, please utilize the designated car line routes near the staff parking lot.
We appreciate your cooperation in picking up your children promptly at dismissal time. Please remember that our teachers and staff are off contract at 3:45 PM, and we want to respect their time as well. Timely pickups help ensure that everyone can leave on schedule.
Thank you for your understanding!
All children are welcome to wait in the cafeteria beginning at 7:30!
September 25th
September 26th & 27th
Book Fair Preview for Students
September 30th
Pre-Sale Ends for "Build-A-Maverick" Experience PTA Sponsored
October 1st
W.A.T.C.H DOGS (Dads of Great Students)
Kickoff Event (MRE GYM) from 6:00-7:00
October 4th
Fall Book Fair ends
Final purchases in A.M.
October 7th
Lunch Visitors May Begin for Pre-K and Kindergarten
October 10th
Houston Fire Department Visits the Ranch
Sponsored by the MRE Parent Teacher Association
October 11th
Volunteer Work Day in LGI 9:00-2:00
October 14th
October 16th
- Unity Day (Wear Orange)
- Coffee with the Counselors
- Legacy Parent Academy "Campus Safety" Webinar 7-8 pm
October 17th
Spirit Night at La Machaka Tex-Mex
Hosted by PTA
October 18th
Kinder-Third Walk to MRHS for
October 22nd
Class Picture Day
Retakes (for Individual Pictures from Sept.17th)
October 25th
- 50th Day of School
- GT Parent Checklist Due for Grades 1-4
- Evening : Trunk Or Treat (Sponsored by PTA)
October 31st
During School Hours: Book Character Parade (INDOORS)
Students & Staff Only
(Students may dress up + bring book to match costume)
November 1st
Campus Professional Learning Day
No School for Students
November 4th
60th Day of School
November 7th
MATH Title I Night for Students & Families
Build-A-Mav Experience during Title I Night
November 15th
Volunteer Work Day in LGI
What do I do when my child is absent?
Your child is absent: On the day of absence, contact (email, phone, complete the online absence reporting) the school attendance office to notify the school of the absence. If no contact has been made on the day of absence, the student must bring a signed parent note on the day of return notating the student's name, reason for absence, and dates of absence.
Students who are absent due to a health care provider appointment must provide a signed health care provider note to the attendance office within five (5) days of the absence.
Please report absences online when your child is absent on our Morton Ranch Elementary website under the Absence Reporting link. You may also call our front office on (281) 234-0300. Teachers are busy teaching our Mavericks and therefore not able to relay your phone or email message to the attendance clerk.
We understand emailing the teacher is the easiest form of communication. However, it is not acceptable for changes in transportation, reported absences, or early checkouts. You can always email the teacher a “heads up”, but please know that the teacher doesn’t always have time to check email/Dojo/voice messages before or during class.
NEW!!!! House Shirts Available Through Pay N Go!
Students are encouraged, but not required to purchase a shirt!
- We will take orders through October 4th!
- Your student will be able to represent their "house" when we rally together!
- Orders will take approximately two weeks and will be delivered to your child's classroom.
Build-A-Mav Experience
Morton Ranch Elementary's Parent Teacher Association will host a "Build-A-Mav Experience" on November 7th. Although the event isn't until November, pre-order sales begin Wednesday. These 16 inch mascots were a huge HIT last year. You won't want to miss your chance to get your hands on one this year!
- Information will be sent home in your child's folder on Tuesday.
- Pre-Sale for the mascot begin Wednesday, September 18th and end on September 30th.
- All orders must be reserved in advance (no sales on the night of the event, November 7th)
- Students who have pre-ordered will be able to "build" their mascot during Title I Math Night on November 7th. For more information click here.
Our Engaging Fathers Chair, Randy Nelson, has been working hard to update our Watch D.O.G.S program at MRE and will be kicking it off on Tuesday, October 1st from 6-7pm in the gym.
We invite all Mav dads and positive male role models to come learn about this unique and rewarding volunteer opportunity.
Pizza will be served and kids are welcome!
Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Interested? Please make sure to complete the following three links provided below.
Kick-Off RSVP via Sign Up Genius:
Apply to volunteer within Katy ISD:
Same day changes must be submitted before or by 2:00 pm.
You may choose to notify the teacher of changes of transportation.
However, you MUST notify the front office following the directions on the flyer below.
This option is to facilitate changes in case of last minute needs.
Children thrive on routines and systems put into place for them to follow daily.
Creating too many changes can be confusing for any child.
Please consider this when making changes of transportation.
**REMINDER** Morton Ranch Elementary does not have an alternate weather dismissal plan. It is the parent's responsibility to watch the weather forecast, decide if a change of transportation is necessary, and submit a change in a timely manner by or before 2:00 p.m.
We will host a workshop for parents as we recognize Bullying Prevention Month!
Save the Date for "Coffee with the Counselors" on October 16th!
Love and Logic Parenting Classes will be offered at multiple campuses during the Fall semester of 2024. Professional Learning website.
Parent Opt-In Window Closes Soon! September 2nd – September 30th
In accordance with Texas Education Code 28.004 and Senate Bill 9, elementary students in 5th
Under Texas statute, parents must choose to “opt-in” their child to participate in the lessons that
address abuse and violence prevention.
Beginning September 2nd through September 30th , parents may elect to opt-in their child to participate in the lessons by logging in to MyKaty and selecting the KISD Option Portal icon.
Below is the opt-in window as well as the time frame when lessons will be taught:
Parent Opt-In Window: September 2nd – September 30th
Log in to MyKaty and select the icon KISD Option Portal
Instruction Window: November 2nd – December 20th
All lessons are aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and meet the
requirements that are mandated by the state. Click here to review the elementary guidance lessons.
This content is intended to initiate conversations between you and your child about the physical,
emotional, and social changes that occur during adolescence.
In addition, awareness and education on abuse and violence are key to prevention and intervention. It is a priority for Katy ISD to partner with our families and community to create a safety net for our students.
The Counselor's Role
Important websites are linked below!
Morton Ranch Elementary
Website: https://www.katyisd.org/campus/MRE/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 2502 North Mason Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-234-0330
Twitter (X): @MREMavs