Hark! the Herald
Friday, March 22, 2024
Important Dates and Reminders
Tuesday March 26 - MANDATORY informational meeting at 6:00 PM for grade 7/8 students and parents
Wednesday March 27 – Reconciliation Service @1PM.
Thursday March 28 - EARLY RELEASE @12 noon - Maundy Thursday
*Release at noon, lunch served and extended care available until 3:00 p.m.
Friday March 29 – NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
Sunday March 31 - Easter Sunday REJOICE: He is Risen!
A Look Ahead to April
Monday April 1 - NO SCHOOL - Easter Monday
Tuesday April 2 - All School Meeting: Unfurling Our Alleluia
Sunday April 7 - Monday April 8 - Grade 7/8 Eclipse Trip (late night return Monday evening)
Monday - April 8th: Eclipse Party! All are welcome, details to follow. View the eclipse here at SMS!
Read this Space.com Article about the upcoming eclipse.
NOTE: There will be NO AFTERCARE ON THIS DAY. Please Plan to pick up your child no later than 3:30 pm.
Wednesday April 10 – Faculty Meeting
Thursday April 11 – Grammar School Dress Down Benefiting Grade 2
Thursday April 11 – Parent Information Night at 6pm for rising middle and high school parents and guardians. Prospective families are invited to attend. Information to follow.
Monday April 15 - Friday April 19 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Tuesday April 16 - Senior Patronal Feast Day - St. Drogo Coffee Day
Wednesday April 24 - NO Faculty Meeting
Thursday April 25 - All School Meeting - Grammar School Business Dress Up Day Benefitting Grade 5
Friday April 26 – Third Trimester Progress Reports sent home with students
Friday April 26 - Fundraiser benefiting Grade 7 and 8
Saturday, April 27 - School and Parish Clean up Day from 10-12, details below.
Sunday April 28 - FIRST HOLY COMMUNION. All are welcome to attend 10:30 am Mass
Saturday, May 4, 2024 CONFIRMATION MASS at 1:00 pm. All are welcome to attend
SMS is still enrolling! We have open enrollment so it's never too late. Mrs. O'Neil works with new families considering enrollment throughout the year.
Parents are looking for alternatives in education right now more than ever. It is surprising how often we talk to someone that simply didn't know we were here! We encourage you to talk to your friends and family about your experience at Saint Michael School this year and help us grow.
FACEBOOK: If you haven't already done so, please like and follow our Facebook page so you can see other great photos not posted here in the Hark each week: https://www.facebook.com/SMSVT
Would you like to unsubscribe?
As we begin each new school year, we hope you all will continue to stay connected with Saint Michael School but we understand if you are in a new season of life. If you are no longer interested in receiving our newsletter, please know that there is an "unsubscribe" option at the end of every newsletter. You are also welcome to request for your email to be removed from our mailing list. Contact lindsayoneil@smsvt.info to be removed.
💙 💛We thank you for your support of Saint Michael School over the years.
Looking for a church to call home this Holy Week? We've saved a seat for you!
We invite you to celebrate Holy Week at Saint Michaels.
Sacred Tridium
Holy Thursday
Morning Prayer: 8AM
Rosary: 6:30PM
Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7PM
(Our Blessed Lord will be reserved at the Altar of Repose for Adoration — Visitors Welcomed & Encouraged)
Confessions and Adoration Following
Friday of the Passion of the Lord
Morning Prayer: 8AM
Rosary: 2:30PM
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord: 3PM
(Reading of the Passion from the Gospel,
Universal Prayers of the Faithful,
Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion)
Confessions Following
Stations of the Cross: 7PM
Confessions Following
Holy Saturday
Morning Prayer: 11AM
Rosary: 11:15AM
Confessions: 11AM-Noon
Evening Prayer: 5PM
Easter Vigil Mass: 8PM
Reception following Holy Mass
Easter Sunday
Holy Masses: 8AM & 10:30 AM
Morning Prayer: 9AM
Reception following 10:30AM Mass
Evening Prayer: 5PM
Saint Michael Church 47 Walnut Street Brattleboro, Vermont
Seven Last Words of Christ Wednesday, March 27th at 5:30 pm
In the gospels, Christ speaks seven times from the cross. These seven sayings, or words, provide a rich point of reflection during Lent, in particularly during Holy Week and on Good Friday. Join for a service of the Seven Last Words here at Saint Michael on Wednesday, March 27th at 5:30PM. Meditations on each of the seven words will be preached by Fr. Chalifoux from Our Lady of Fatima in Wilmington, VT. Musical meditations will be sung by the Saint Michael Choir. All are welcome.
All Current SMS Families must read this section in full:
Re-enrollment is underway.
As you may recall, last year we moved towards a "Continuous Enrollment" model for current and new families. We are now in the first cycle of re-enrollment under the new model.
If you wish to opt-out of Saint Michael Catholic School enrollment for the upcoming school year, you must submit the OPT OUT FORM by March 31st, 2024.
What is Continuous Enrollment?
“Continuous Enrollment” is a simple way of re-registering our current families for the new school year. Continuous Enrollment assumes that once a family enrolls at Saint Michael Catholic School they will continue their education with us until graduation from 12th grade. Due in large part to the fact that most of our families remain year after year, this method streamlines the re-enrollment process by reducing time and paperwork for parents and the school staff every year. Continuous Enrollment also provides vital real-time information to our school board for budgetary purposes as well as long-term planning. For current families, Continuous Enrollment ensures a seat in a class for your child(ren) for the next school year. The only time a parent will need to complete paperwork is, if for personal reasons, the students will not be returning to school. For instance, if a family is moving. In this case, we ask families to submit an 'Opt-out Notification Form" so we know your intentions for next fall.
In the event Saint Michael School does not receive an " Opt-Out Notification Form”, the non-refundable annual Registration/Enrollment Fee of $185.00 will be billed by FACTS Tuition Management in April. This gets the proverbial ball rolling for the next school year. The payment plan selected at initial enrollment will renew/rollover into the school year ahead. However, please note that families may contact the school at any time to discuss a change to the payment schedule if needed.
ALL SMS FAMILIES ARE ASKED TO REVIEW OUR WEBSITE for details about Continuous Enrollment, Opting Out, and the 2024/2025 Tuition Rates. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Important note: Families must reapply for financial aid each year.
This week we celebrated the Solemnity of Saint Joseph with Mass and a feast:
Our 2nd graders participating in Mass now in preparation for First Communion 😇
Saint Joseph's Table
A blessing and grace before our meal together
Kindergarteners made paper lilies for Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph's Day Bread, recipe from Alimena, Sicily
Preschoolers made their own bread to celebrate Saint Joseph.
If you'd like to try this at home with your family, here is the recipe:
Saint Joseph’s Day Bread Recipe From Alimena, Sicily
1 Kilogram of Semolina Flour
100 G of Sugar
1 Cup of Sunflower Oil
25G of Beer Yeast
1 Teaspoon Salt
To make dough, use tepid water, around 1/3 to 1/2 of a liter, and add little by little until the dough comes together. Kneed well until smooth.
Let it rise for 2 hours
Preparations are underway statewide for the Total Eclipse... don't be left in the DARK
The date for the Great American Eclipse is approaching quickly!
We have several important announcements regarding the Total Solar Eclipse occurring on Monday, April 8, 2024. Please read on to make plans as a family for this exciting day:
If your child is in 7th or 8th grade:
Your student has an opportunity to travel to northern Vermont to experience the eclipse in its totality. We have made arrangements for our students to travel to Highgate on Sunday, April 7, stay overnight and observe the eclipse on the afternoon of the 8th, traveling back that evening.
We will have a MANDATORY informational meeting on March 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM to go over expectations for behavior and participation, details for food, lodging, and transportation, and answer any questions you may have. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we are excited to share it with our middle school students. Students attending must be in good standing academically and behaviorally. Please plan to attend this meeting with your student.
NOTE: If you are unable to attend for some reason, you and your child must make arrangements to meet privately with Principal Beam in order for your student to be able to go.
If your child is in PK- Grade 6, or in a our High School:
We invite you to come experience the eclipse together as a school community here at SMS. We have ordered special glasses so you can safely view the eclipse with your children. Teachers are planning simple activities to enjoy while observing the event.
We have also ordered MOONPIES to eat together in celebration. 😋
The peak viewing here in our area will be at 3:20 pm. Families are invited to arrive by 3pm to watch with your children.
NOTE: There will be NO AFTERCARE ON THIS DAY. Please plan to pick up your child no later than 3:30 pm. The roads WILL become congested in the hours after the eclipse so we want you to head home.
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS: We are looking for a few parents willing to step up and help organize the afterschool Eclipse party. Many of our faculty will be up north in Highgate so we will need extra help. Please contact Mrs. Beam if you are able to help at elainebeam@smsvt.info
But all the Vermont schools are dismissing early or cancelling school....
Yes, we are aware that many of the schools are dismissing students early to avoid traffic, but honestly, this event is just too educationally exciting to pass up on. 🤩 We want our students to enjoy this phenomenon, and we want them to do so safely, with proper eyewear and supervision.
We are not in the path of totality so we anticipate that most eclipse viewers will be well on their way to their destination and roads should be clear by the end of the school day.
However, if you would prefer to keep your child home, or pick them up early, please feel free to do so and know that this will be considered an excused absence.
Rain date?
Sadly, this one is out of our control 😨
If there is heavy cloud cover or rain, there will be nothing to see. The weather forecasters will be watching this event very closely so we will have more information as the day approaches.
We will send you all home with a moon pie as a consolation. 💔
Pray the weather is perfect for viewing on Monday, April 8th.
Congratulations to our high school drama students for a phenomenal performance!
Closing Notes from the Drama Production
First, thank you to everyone for attending the Saint Michael Catholic High School's production of The Man Who Came to Dinner. Whether you attended on Friday or Saturday evening the cast gave it their all. It has been a pleasure to hear your feedback and ideas for future productions.
As was done last year our students voted for our "Mikey" awards. I have included the winners below:
Best Actor: Hudson Buckley
Best Actress: Lanie Goodwin
Best Memorization: James Gardener
Best Stage Presence: Timothy Duchaney
Best Casting: Gregory Froula
Most Developed Actor: Lily Tainter
Rookie of the Year: Bridget Froula
Best Production Contribution: Anthony Bills
Best Duo: Lanie Goodwin and Hudson Buckley
Congratulations to all of this year's winners!
Stay tuned for more of The Man Who Came to Dinner. All good things take time so please be patient as we finalize a slideshow with some of the highlights from the production this year.
ONLY 6 LEFT! Last Chance to Reserve Your Limited Edition Collector's Mug!
This 2024 original artwork was submitted by SMS Freshman, Bridget Froula ('27), as part of a poster design contest. Congratulations, Bridget! You should see the original submission. It would take your breath away!
If this fundraiser is well-received, it is our intention to continue this as a tradition each year. By graduation, our families will have a mug to celebrate each year's production, all of their students' hard work, and fond memories together. Thank you for supporting the arts!
Don't count your chickens before they've hatched...
Ms Peek and her science students would like the opportunity to raise chicks in the classroom as part of their spring curriculum. However, we must find someone willing to take the chicks in once they are ready for the great outdoors.
If you raise chickens and would be committed to taking them when they are ready, please contact Theresa Peek by email at peek.theresa@smsvt.info Only serious inquiries please.
We need volunteers for the All-School Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 27
Saint Michael Parish, School and Saint Brigid’s Kitchen Clean Up Day
Saturday, April 27th
following 9AM Mass until Noon
Please save the date and join us for this community event.
🧼🧹⚒️ Whether you are a backyard warrior, someone who likes to just help out in the community, or you are looking for an excuse to enjoy a morning with friends, this is a great opportunity. Please consider volunteering for both indoor and outdoor projects around the school and parish on Saturday 4/27 from 10am until 12. Check out the photo collage to see how much fun we had last year!
Introducing "Mid and High Notes"
We have added a new feature, titled "Mid and High Notes" to our Hark Newsletter:
Many in our SMS community forget that St. Michael is composed of three schools: the primary school, the middle school, and the high school – one might call them after their classical titles: the grammar, logic, and rhetoric schools respectively. So, in order to highlight this, we have created Mid & High Notes. We will run this feature weekly for the rest of the school year: just make sure you scroll down until you see the Mid & High Notes banner.
And so without further adieu, we present to you this week’s news….
Grade 8 Gets Ready for High School!
The classical liberal arts consist of two groups of academic disciplines - the Trivium and the Quadrivium. The Quadrivium are mathematics based arts, while the Trivium are language based arts. Our Grade 8 students, now completing their last year of formal grammatical instruction, have begun the practical application of those concepts in a series of English compositions. Animals are the subject of the first series of essays. These essays are coordinated with, and complement, the SMS science program. Completed compositions include detailed expositions on the squirrel, the owl, and the bee. Future topics will include fruits, plants, trees, and natural phenomena. The total eclipse of the sun, which is to occur on April 8th, will be the subject of student composition. This practical work in composition will prepare students for logic, the next step in the Trivium and a subject of study for freshmen at SMS.
(Shown here are some of our 8th graders with their most recent composition submissions.)
Check your backpacks for Fun Run Packets
Students received packets today with details about the 2024 SMS FUN RUN fundraiser.
🤩 We have exciting new incentives for participation.... Like taping Principal Beam to the wall in Rand Hall!!!! And students are encouraged to submit original artwork for the t-shirt design contest.
Please review the contents and get started with your fundraising efforts. Let your donors know that their donation is tax-deductible and we offer convenient online giving for instant donations and donor receipts. Here is the link https://saintmichaelschoolvt.org/sms-fun-run
Look at all those laps!
Nice job girls!
Download and share this QR code to help donors find our page easily.
Let's hope we enjoy beautiful weather like we had last year.
Contact laurenpelis20@gmail.com if you are interested in sponsoring the Fun Run
Last chance to reserve your spot before we advertise our camp to the public:
We will be opening up spots to the public so please reserve your weeks asap
Thank you to everyone who helped to complete our survey. Based on everyone's response, we will be offering 5 weeks of preschool summer camp this year.
We will only be offering camp to our preschoolers, children ages 3-5. Thank you to all our kindergarten families for your input.
It is our intention to allow SMS families a few weeks to register children, at which time we will open up remaining spots to children in the community. Each week will be limited to 8 spots. Please let us know if you have any questions or trouble while registering your family.
A New Feature for SMS Parents from Dr. Bert Green
My name is Dr. Bert Green and am a school psychologist specializing in school neuropsychology. After a 25-year career consulting for schools in MA and VT I have retired and continue my work with children on a voluntary basis at St. Mike’s. I’m a member of the parish and my husband and I live in Dover, VT.
I have been working with students, faculty and staff since last summer and I'd love to now partner with you as parents and guardians to our students. I look forward to periodically writing helpful articles for the Hark! The articles are meant to be general guidelines to help support your child’s education. Please feel free to email bertgreen76@gmail.com if you have suggestions for topics or questions.
Please sign your child up for lunch daily
Teachers are now taking lunch orders IN THE CLASSROOM at role call. Make sure each of your children knows if they have a packed home lunch, or should order a hot school lunch.
We will be sending out a printed menu each month for your daily reference. You may also consult the Hark for a digital copy.
Our meal order must be submitted by 8:30 am. If you anticipate arriving after 8:25 am, please email the office and your homeroom teacher in the morning with any HOT lunch orders.
Lunch costs $4.15. Families will receive an invoice on the 5th of each month with the lunch bill for the month prior. Your FACTS account will autopay the bill on the 20th of that month. You will receive emails from FACTS so please be diligent in checking your emails monthly. Applications for eligibility to participate in the National School Lunch Program for Free of Reduced Lunch were sent out earlier this year and are still available in the office.
Call 802.254.6320 for questions
or email sandigauthier@smsvt.info
Help us spread the word with your reviews
As our school grows, prospective families are eager to hear from current families. We have a web presence on many sites but the reviews are outdated. A lot has changed and we are hoping that each of you will pick a site or two to leave some comments and reviews to help us spread the word.
Here is our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SMSVT
winnie.com (for our preschool)
And of course a good ole fashioned Google search and review of SMS by typing Saint Michael Catholic School Brattleboro VT
💰 Here is another small way you can help to make a BIG difference 💰
🌎 Community Events and Information 🌎
Share your event info here
If you know of an event that might be interesting or beneficial to our school community, please feel free to send us details and a flyer to include there.
A teaching on the Stations of the Cross
Deacon George Nolan will be leading the Stations of the Cross on Sunday March 24th at 10am in Blessed Sacrament Church, Greenfield MA. He will be expanding upon each Station. This is the final part of a series hosted by the Parish Religious Education program to help support Family Catechesis. Everyone is welcome. This will be a lovely way to enter into Holy Week!
Website: www.blessedtrinitygreenfield.org
SOUL FEST - New England’s premier Christian music festival August 15-17, 2024
The Diocese now offers a free tool for Estate Planning. You do not need to be Catholic! Read on...
✝Memento mori
"The one thing that unites us all, no matter our background, is the fact that we will all die. It’s a truth that we all know, yet many of us are scared to face it head-on. This fear of mortality is what inspired the ancient practice of Memento Mori, which encourages us to reflect on our mortality and use it as a tool to make the most of each moment and enjoy the journey."(Andrea Shelley)*
Vermont Catholic Community Foundation (VCCF) recently engaged with FreeWill, to provide free, confidential, online assistance with creating a will, advance directive, and power of attorney in addition to outlining your wishes for a Catholic funeral and burial. You can also make a simple bequest in your will specifying an amount or percentage of your estate that would benefit a specific Catholic ministry, such as Saint Michael Catholic School! This tool is free for our community. It only takes 20 minutes to complete your will now: https://www.freewill.com/vccf
🙏We hope you will please remember Saint Michael Catholic School in your estate planning and leave a legacy of faith.
Pass it along. This is not only for Catholics or those wanting a Catholic Funeral.
No one should be without their wishes in writing.
For further information, contact Ellen Kane (Executive Director of Vermont Catholic Community Foundation) at 802-846-5837.
*To read more from Andrea on the meaning and history of the practice of Memento Mori, visit https://andreashelley.com/blog/memento-mori-meaning-and-history/
Ways you can help
If anyone is looking for a way to make a donation to help out the school, we could use:
- barrettes and hair elastics
- boxes of tissues
- healthy snacks for the school day and aftercare
- copy paper
- band aids
- disposable cups
- reusable water bottles
- Children's pain/fever reliever (liquid please)
- multi-symptom children's cold medicine (liquid please)
- unused, new pairs of white, black or navy socks, navy leggings, and underwear for our uniform closet.
- We would also appreciate black or brown belts, new or gently used, all sizes.
Join our SMS parents Facebook Group
This parent facebook group is intended for current SMS parents, grandparents and caregivers only as a private way to connect with one another, share cute photos or events and collaborate on school tasks, such as Teacher Appreciation Week.
💝 Thanks to those who have granted a classroom wish!
We are so grateful for the donations of beautiful books and learning toys for the students. If you have toys still in great shape that you'd like to rehome, check with your teacher to see if they could use them in the classroom. Great items include Legos, Tinker Toys, wooden blocks, magnetic tiles, puzzles etc.
To purchase new items for a classroom, visit our Amazon wish list here:
Not inspired by anything you see? Check back as our teachers will be adding items. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Our students are so grateful for your support!
Back to School and Holiday Shopping Resources
To see our uniform Dress Code for the 2023/2024 school year, please go here
We will be working with students in these early weeks to make sure they are dressed according to the guidelines.
Uniform compliance starts in the home each morning. We thank you in advance for your help before they leave the house for the day.
We are here for you!
Questions? Thoughts? Suggestions?
Please reach out. We LOVE to hear from our families!
UNSUBSCRIBE? As we begin each new school year, we hope you all will continue to stay connected with Saint Michael School but we understand if you are in a new season of life. If you are no longer interested in receiving our newsletter, please know that there is an "unsubscribe" option at the end of every newsletter.
Elaine Beam, Principal elainebeam@smsvt.info
Sandi Gauthier, Administration, Accounting, Record Requests sandigauthier@smsvt.info
Lindsay O'Neil, Admissions and Development lindsayoneil@smsvt.info
Janna Andrus, Religious Education jannaandrus@smsvt.info
Joshua Dionne, Dean of Curriculum, joshuadionne@smsvt.info
Michelle Kuusela, Athletics michellekuusela@smsvt.info
Peter Orlowski, Dean of Students, peterorlowski@smsvt.info
As a reminder, all of our teachers and staff have personal emails which can be found on our website at: https://saintmichaelschoolvt.org/faculty