Granger School Weekly Newsletter
Jan. 28-Feb. 1, 2019
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Jan. 28 PTO & SHAC combined meeting 6:00 pm Cafeteria
Jan. 30 Jr. & Seniors TSI test retakes
Jan. 31 Sophmore TSI testing
Planning Ahead
Wed. Feb. 6 Apply Texas Workshop for Sophomores
Thurs. Feb. 7 100th Day of School
Thurs. Feb 7 SENIORS: TSTC Rep here to guide through college process
Thurs. Feb. 14 Elementary Valentine's Day Party
Feb. 18 No school
Feb. 23 Father/Daughter-Mother/Son Dance 6:30-9:00 pm
March 1 National Read Across America
March 11-15 Spring Break
Friday, March 22 Early Release 1:00 pm
Secondary UIL Dates:
March 8 District OAP in Cameron
March 26 Journalism in Thrall
March 29 Remainder of events at Blinn
May 10 K-2nd Grade field trip to Mayburn Science Theater
May 17 All library books due
May 30 Last day of school year - Early Release 1:00
Attention Jr. & Seniors: Febuary 1st deadline for the chance to win a trip to Washington, D.C. For more information see Mrs. Thorsen, or YouthTour.org and TexasYouthTour.com, or contact Carrie Wenzel by phone at 254-527-3829 email cwenzel@bartlettec.coop for application.
GYAA Baseball/Softball 2019 Registration:
Ages 4-14
Cost: $70 in Jan. $75 in February
Registration Dates & Times:
Old Gym 10:00 am - 1:00pm
Saturday Jan. 12, 19, 26, Feb 2nd
Or online starting January 14th:
Contact: Careta Miller or Colter Gaswint
Conact: Careta Miller 254-289-5890
Tuesday: BBQ Chicken
Wednesday: Hot Pocket
Thursday: Hot Dog
Friday: Cheeseburger
Submitted by: Andres Salcedo, aspiring comedian
Because it was a piece of cake!
Student Council News
The Father/Daughter-Mother/Son dance is Saturday, February 23rd from 6:30 to 9:00 pm in the Cafeteria. More information coming soon!
FCCLA are still selling chocolate bars!
~ Rosa Parks, American civil rights activist
There's a lot to observe in February...
Monthly Observances
- National Self Check Month *
- National Enrolled Agents Month *
- Free and Open Source Software Month
- American Heart Month
- An Affair to Remember Month
- Black History Month
- Canned Food Month
- Great American Pies Month
- National Bake for Family Fun Month
- National Bird Feeding Month
- National Cherry Month
- National Children’s Dental Health Month
- National Grapefruit Month
- National Heart Month
- National Hot Breakfast Month
- National Library Lover’s Month
- National Snack Food Month
- National Weddings Month
- National Embroidery Month
- Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Traditions: Groundhog Day Feb. 2
Holiday: Valentine's Day Feb. 14
Federal Holiday: President's Day Feb. 18
Sport's Fans: Feb. 3rd Super Bowl Sunday
Testing Schedules
RTI Progress Monitoring Calendar
Jan. 28-Feb. 1 Reading
Feb. 4-8 Math
Feb. 11-15 OFF/Make-Up
Feb. 19-22 Reading
Feb. 25-March 1 Math
March 4-8 OFF/Make-Up
March 11-15 OFF (Spring Break)
March 18-22 Reading
March 25-29 Math
April 1-5 OFF
*April 8-12 Reading EOY
*April 15-18 Math EOY
April 23-26 OFF
April 29-May 3 Reading
May 6-10 Math
May 13-17 OFF/Make-Up
May 20-24 OFF
Eng 1 & US Hist - Dec. 3
Algebra - Dec. 4
Eng II & Bio - Dec. 5
Eng 1, 4th/7th Writing, 5th/8th Math - April 9
5th/8th Reading - April 10
Eng 2 April 11
Alg 1 - May 6
Bio - May 7
US History - May 8
3rd/4th/6th/7th Match, 5th/8th Retake - May 13
3rd/4th/6th/7th Reading, 5th/8th Science -May 14
5th/8th Science - May 15
8th Social Studies - May 16
Granger Lion Basketball
Jan.29 @ Home vs Thorndale 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Feb. 1Thrall 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Feb. 5 @ Granger vs Holland 4:00 JV1, JV2, Varsity
Feb. 8 Bye
Feb. 12 @ Granger vs Mumford 5:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Feb. 18-19 Bi-district TBA Varsity
Feb. 21-23 Area TBA Varsity
Feb. 25-26 Regional Qtrs. TBA Varsity
Feb. 28-March 2 Regional @ New Branunfels Varsity
March 7-9 State Tourney @ San Antonio TBA Varsity
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Friendly Reminder
***All students in grades 7-12 have the 2018-19 $35 laptop insurance due please.***
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/GrangerISD
Twitter: @granger_lions