Logger Highlights
May 3, 2024
Sending Birthday Wishes to...
May 4 - Logan Arreguin
May 9 - Dakota Gerred
May 10 - Elleana Loper
Student of the Week
Bryce Florenski
Grade: Kindergarten
Parent’s Name(s): Jennifer and Ed Florenski
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Bryce wants to be a builder when he grows up.
Favorite Book: Bryce likes the book The Grumpy Monkey Stays Up All Night.
Hobbies and Interests: Bryce really enjoys playing his PS5 and playing with all his toys at home
School Activities: Bryce enjoys learning about letters and sounds on our computer program Lalilo and he likes learning math on Splash Learn.
Staff Comments: I am so proud of Bryce. He is such a hard worker and always tries his best and uses his stamina. Bryce is kind and helpful to all his peers and teachers. He always follows our Logger Agreement and is a good example to his friends. He speaks up and always makes good choices even when it is a tough situation. I am so happy to have Bryce in my Kindergarten classroom.
Submitted By: Mrs. Riccinto
May 6 - BA/SB AWAY @ Harbor Light 4:00 pm
May 9 - Golf vs East Jordan 4:00 pm
May 10 - BA HOME vs Central Lake 4:00 pm
The athletic schedule is also available on our website: https://boynefalls.org/parents/athletics-schedule/
May 8 - Seniors Leave for Hawaii!
May 8 - Bike to School Day
May 8 - Logger Enrichment Organization Meeting 3:30 pm
May 10 - Family Dance Event hosted by the Class of 2026 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
May 16 - Wellness Committee Meeting 3:20 pm
May 17 - School Picnic 11:45 am (more information coming soon!)
May 20 - Sports Boosters Meeting 3:20 pm
May 20 - School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
May 22 - Freshman Orientation 5:30 pm
May 23 - Preschool Picnic
May 24 - Half Day of School (11 am dismissal)
May 27 - Memorial Day, No School
May 31 - Elementary Award Ceremony @ 9 am, MS/HS Awards Ceremony @ 1:30 pm
May 31 - Senior Send-Off @ 2:45 pm
June 2 - Commencement 2 pm
June 5 - Half Day - Last day of School!
Teacher Appreciation week is next week, May 6-10
We still have FREE helmets available! Call the office if interested.
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month!
Mental well-being is important for all humans and is a top priority for our Building Healthy Communities: Step Up for School Wellness program. Mental well-being is important for students’ academic success, college and career success, and life success. In other words, these skills lay the foundation for individuals to be healthy, fulfilled and productive citizens. Here are seven tips families can use to support a child's mental health:
· Talk to them when there is a crisis: Knowledge is power and explaining the crisis in a way that makes sense to your children is very important. Be sure to talk about all of the people working hard to keep them safe and ways they can help keep themselves safe. Be sure to also explain that the crisis is temporary and things will improve in the future.
· Establish structure and routine: Most people enjoy keeping to a regular schedule, and children are no exception. Try to limit surprises by scheduling the entire day, including school time, family time, breaks, meals and play time. This can help children adapt when there are uncertain times. Most important, stay flexible. Find a structure that works for you and your family.
· Stay active: Physical activity is incredibly important for the mental health of children and adults alike. So make time each day to move around outside and get some fresh air and Vitamin D from the sunshine!.
· Limit screen time: Limited screen time outside of education can free up more time in the day for being with family, exploring the outdoors, or reading a book. Limiting screen time can also reduce the amount of time we look at the news and social media, which can unknowingly be causing stress and anxiety.
· Encourage socialization: Social distancing has been part of our vocabulary for the past two years. But, social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation! It is very important for children and adults to continue talking and sharing in-person time with friends, neighbors and loved ones.
· Foster open communication: The most effective form of communication is listening. In order for children to develop trust in relationships and feel safe coming to you with their fears, concerns, and problems, you need to keep an open mind and be a good listener for them. It is far more difficult to listen than to "teach and preach" - but, your children will appreciate it and so will you!
Share some coping mechanisms: Change is hard, especially for children. Talk with them about how you cope with fear, stress or anxiety. Taking deep breaths, exercising, thinking positive thoughts, playing with pets and journaling are all good ways to cope with a crisis. Whatever works for you might work for them!