Patriot Press
Week of August 26, 2024

Message From The Principal
Greetings Poynter Families,
We welcomed teachers back to the building today and they are busily preparing their classrooms for Wednesday's community night. In a little over a week, your students will be welcomed into the halls of Poynter Middle School. For our 8th graders this is a, "Welcome Back." For our 7th grade families, this is a, "Welcome to middle school!" Either way we are so happy you are a part of this community.
As you prepare for next week, please ensure your students have needed school supplies. This includes 3 ring binders, notebook paper, pencils, pencil pouches, and spiral notebooks. During advisory classes in September, students will participate in weekly binder checks to ensure they have needed materials. This will support our focus on student organization this year. You can find a supply list here.
Classes start for students every day at 8:45 except for Wednesday. On Wednesday, our classes start at 9:16. Please know that students are not allowed in the building until 8:20 (8:50 on Wednesdays). There also is no supervision until this time so please don't drop your kids off until then. We want to make sure they are safe.
I hope your students have a great final week of summer break! We look forward to seeing you Wednesday night!
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
8/28 - Poynter Community Night and Family Connections
9/4 - First Day For 7th Graders (School starts at 9:16)
9/5 - All Students Attend (School starts at 8:45)
9/30 - No School (Staff Development Day)
August 28 - Family Connections Day and Poynter Community Night
On August 28, teachers will be reaching out to their advisory students' families to welcome them to Poynter.
That night, at 5:00pm, we invite you to visit us at Poynter to learn about our community, pick up schedules, and meet your students' teachers. The evening will be an open house, so come by ay time between 5:00-7:00pm. We'll see you there!
September 17 - Picture Day
Picture day is scheduled for September 17th.
Staff Spotlight
Gisselle DeLeon Tellez
Gisselle DeLeon Tellez is Poynter's amazing attendance secretary and facilitates our Latino Youth Program. She loves all of the different people she works with in our community and how kind everyone is. Outside of work, she loves to work on cars!
Previous (and still relevant) Announcements
School Supplies
Please review this list to make sure students have needed supplies. Some classes may have specific needs, but having these supplies on the first day would be a good first step. Every student will need a binder, notebook paper, and pencils. The 4 core classes typically require a spiral, college-ruled notebook.
The Hillsboro Schools Foundation is running a fundraiser to help secure supplies for students in need. If you find yourself in a position that you can help, please consider donating here.
Thank you Hillsboro Schools Foundation for supporting our students!
New Chromebooks
In the first few weeks of school, students will be receiving new Chromebooks for the year. This provides a great resource for student learning.
Please have a conversation with your child about the importance of taking care of these devices. While we are able to repair some types of damage, other damage will require the replacement of the device at the family's expense. Here are the fees that can be incurred through damage:
If it can be repaired:
- 1st & 2nd Repair: $0 (as long as it doesn't have to be replaced)
- 3rd Repair (or after replacement): $75
- 4th+ Repair: $150
If it is lost or damage is unrepairable:
- 1st Replacement: $200
- Additional Replacements: $400
- Charger Replacement: $20
September 4th - First Day For 7th Graders
We will be welcoming our 7th graders to the Poynter community on Wednesday. This is a day for 7th graders to get accustomed to our school before everyone is here. Because it is a Wednesday, our day starts at 9:16.
Liberty Football Games
Liberty's home football games are coming up and we want to make sure they are fun and safe for everyone to enjoy. To help ensure that, middle school students will need to be accompanied by an adult and need to be seated in the stands most of the time. Also, please keep the following at home:
- Backpacks
- Outside food & drink
- Bikes, skateboards, & scooters
For more information, please look here.