Rose City Park Elementary School
December 20, 2024

Rose City Park Elementary School
Website: https://www.pps.net/rosecitypark
Location: 2334 Northeast 57th Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-6765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoseCityPark
Instagram: @rcp_otters
Message from Principal Bacon
Dear RCP Families,
Happy Holidays! Wishing all a peaceful and joyful winter break.
Lifting Universal Human Rights at RCP: This week on Wednesday we held our monthly school assemblies with the focus on Universal Human Rights. Our students were amazing! Check out the highlights HERE.
Change in Automated Attendance Calls: Please note an important change to our attendance process. To enhance our focus on student safety, automated attendance calls through Remind will now begin at 9:30 AM instead of 10:30 AM. To avoid receiving a call, please report your child's absence to the school before 9:30 AM. Thank you for your cooperation
Important 5th Grade Family Information: 5th grade families, please see this letter (English/Vietnamese) for important changes in grading happening at all PPS middle schools next school year.
Year of the Snake: 2025 is the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese Zodiac. The year of the snake symbolizes wisdom, transformation and intuition. The snake’s ability to shed its skin is a metaphor for letting go of the past and transformation. I invite you all to take some time this winter break to think about what you will let go and what you will transform in the new year. See you next year!
For more important school news, please read below.
In Solidarity,
Principal Bacon
4th Grade Book Recommendations
December Assembly Award Winners
3rd Grade Book Recommendations
December Assembly Award Winners
December Assembly Award Winners
5th Grade Book Recommendations
TAG Update!
The Family and Teacher TAG referral window is now open and will remain open until January 10th, 2025. The goal of this second referral round is to identify students who may not have been referred during the Fall data-driven referral window. This includes but is not limited to, those students in K-2 who do not participate in MAP and OSAS testing, as well as those in 3-5 for whom computer-based assessments present a roadblock in demonstrating their academic level and need. Families of 2nd-grade students who have scored at or above the 95th percentile on the screening assessment for intellectual giftedness (called NNAT) will be notified in January 2025 that their student will be evaluated for TAG identification based on that assessment.
The referral process this year has changed from previous years. Families interested in referring their student for TAG should contact their classroom teacher during this window to discuss their student’s needs. Teachers submitting a referral will complete a reflection about their experience with the student in the classroom and consider several things, including:
How quickly does this student master new concepts and skills?
Is the student providing insights and thinking about topics in a way that is different from most students?
In what ways (if any) does the teacher already need to differentiate for this student to support their success?
Once this reflection is completed, additional work samples and assessment data will be collected before the Rose City Park TAG team meets to make a final decision. Once a decision is reached, parents will be informed via email, prior to April 24, 2025.
The TAG website has more information on evaluation and identification, TAG services, and opportunities for parents to provide input and feedback through the TAG Advisory Council (TAGAC).
🏀⚽🥍Physical Education 🥍⚽🏀
Covered Bike Parking!
If you are able to help set up our new bike-cover canopy in January, please sign up here. Canopy Sign-Up
💐🥕News from the Rose City Park Garden! 🥕💐
⭐Here is where you will find items from past newsletters that are still somewhat current!⭐
We need your help with the lost and found. If you have 30 minutes a week to help tag items with a color-coded sticker and pull any items from the lost and found with names, this would be wonderful! Please click here to join the Lost and Found Committee. Many hands make light work!
Thank you - Ms. Karen & Ms. Madalyn.
📣Click here for additional volunteer opportunities!
🌞😎SUN News😎🌞
Dear RCP Families,
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
RCP SUN Winter term starts on Monday January 6th and ends on February 27th.
This week SUN Winter Term Confirmation will slowly send out to let you know your student schedule in SUN Winter term via email. Please feel free to contact me any time if you don’t receive the confirmation from us by December 16th.
Annie Tran
Anniet@irco.org or 503 954 6331
🏥 🩺 Health News 🩺 🏥
Student Health Center Winter Break 2024
Need healthcare while schools are closed for Winter Break?
The Parkrose Student Health Center will be providing primary and mental health care services from 8:45 am to 4:45 pm Monday through Friday Dec. 23 through Jan. 3 (except closed on Christmas Day Wednesday Dec. 25 and on New Year's Day Wednesday Jan. 1, 20204). They see all youth ages 5-18 who live or go to school in Multnomah County. You don't have to attend Parkrose High School to receive services. Call 503-988-3392 to schedule an appointment. All other Student Health Centers will be closed.
Hội Phụ Huynh News
VDLI Year-Round Fundraising
Do you shop at Hồng Phát? Please support the VDLI Capstone Program by purchasing Hồng Phát gift cards! Available year-round, these $25 gift cards can be ordered in any quantity by texting Mỹ-Tiên (503-515-7994). Pay via Venmo or any cash app and arrange pick up at RCP.
The VDLI Capstone Program sends 8th grade VDLI students to Vietnam on a research residency. The funds are managed by VDLI parents of the Research Vietnam organization.
Vietnamese Language Tutoring
If your student would like Vietnamese language support outside the classroom, HPH can help connect you with a tutor. Tutors are available for paid opportunities, and some are open to volunteering. Contact HPH (president@hphpdx.org) for a list of available tutors.
Note: We ask families to email potential tutors directly to inquire about rates, availability, and to set up sessions, and payments as needed. HPH is not responsible for matching tutors with students, screening tutors, or resolving any issues related to tutoring services. We will continue to update the list of available tutors.
RCP Site Council
Upcoming Events
December 21st - January 5th: Winter Break = No School
January 6th: SUN School Starts
January 14th: Site Council, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
January 20th: MLK Jr. Day = No School
February 7th: VDLI Tet Celebration at McDaniel High School