Back to School

August, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year, Lincoln Lions!
We are all looking forward to welcoming our Lincoln students and families for a wonderful 2024-2025 school year! Please read below for a lot of important information to get the school year started! Thank you!
Back To School Open House
Wednesday, August 28 (4:30 - 6:00 pm)
When you arrive, please pick up your child’s teacher assignment card outside the main entrance (outside of Door #1) and then you may proceed to your child’s classroom to meet their teacher. If there is inclement weather, families will get their teacher assignments in the gym (enter Door 1).
Open House is the only time you will be able to meet your child’s teacher this week as teachers are planning and participating in meetings the rest of the week.
Staff from Child Nutrition, Adventures Plus (before and after school childcare) and our Volunteer Services Coordinator will be available at Open House to answer any questions. Also, members of our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will be at open house.
School Hours (note change)
School Hours
8:50 am - 3:20 pm
The 1st bell rings at 8:40 am for students to enter the building.
Breakfast Hours
8:25 - 8:50 am
Students should enter through door 5 if they are going to breakfast.
School Supply List
The 2024-25 school supply list can be found HERE.
For the health and safety of students, staff and families, visiting opportunities are limited and anyone entering Lincoln Elementary must do so with a valid state ID. Volunteer opportunities will be coordinated through Lincoln’s Volunteer Services Coordinator, Diana Orr who can be reached at (763) 506-3130.
Please remember to bring your ID when coming to Lincoln Elementary. For the safety of our staff and students, Anoka Hennepin School District policy requires ALL individuals signing out a student or entering the building must scan a valid state ID. All individuals will need to scan their ID with our security system in the entry.
Morning Drop Off Information
Students can arrive at school starting at 8:35 (unless going to breakfast). Students should be dropped off through the car loop or at the playground fence if walking or riding bikes. Students will line up by grade level near Doors 3 & 4 (by the playground). There is no car drop-off allowed along South Street at any time. There is NO supervision prior to 8:35 and students are not allowed to play on the playground. Students will be welcomed into the building at 8:40. The office is NOT a drop-off location for students arriving before 8:50. If a student is dropped off in the office before 8:50, they will be directed to line up and enter through Doors 3 & 4.
End of Day Pickup Information
Car Loop:
All students being picked up in a vehicle must be picked up through the car loop. This is to ensure appropriate supervision and safety and to keep traffic running smoothly along South Street. In the car loop, students will not enter the vehicle until it reaches the front of the line in marked spots #1-4. Please continue pulling forward as cars leave. Staff will support students as needed with car doors, etc. Parents and guardians should not exit their vehicles. Please consider pulling ahead if your children need additional time to buckle up as this allows pick-up to continue smoothly and quickly.
South Street Fence (Walkers):
All students who are walking home OR who are being picked up by a parent or guardian on foot will be dismissed to the South Street fence (along the playground blacktop). Adults should wait behind the painted white line for their child(ren) to walk to them. Everyone walking must only cross at the crosswalk and follow the directions of the patrols and crossing guards.
Thank you for keeping our students safe!
Arrival/Dismissal Informational Video
Click HERE to watch an informational video on arrival and dismissal procedures.
Early Student Pickup
After 3:10, the office is not able to accommodate any changes to student dismissal plans, or accommodate early student pick up. If your student will be picked up early, or their dismissal plan will change on a given day, please communicate with the office prior to 3:10 pm. This is for the safety of all students, and allows the office to support a smooth dismissal process every day. Please plan accordingly and thank you for your cooperation.
Lincoln Family Handbook
At open house, each student will receive a Lincoln Family Handbook. Please read through it carefully with your student(s). This handbook is one way we can ensure all families understand the policies and procedures at Lincoln – thank you for your support! If you are unable to attend open house, your student’s teacher will send a handbook home with your student.
Lincoln kindergarten families have been invited to schedule a one-on-one opportunity to meet the teacher, and familiarize your student with their new classroom and the kindergarten routines. These meetings will be scheduled in 30 minute time slots and will be offered on Tuesday, September 3 and Wednesday, September 4. Once kindergarten families have received their letter in the mail with their child's teacher, they should go to myconferencetime.com/lincoln, select their student's teacher and a time to meet with the teacher.
Students with last names:
A - J: kindergartners start school on Thursday, September 5
K - Z: kindergartners start school on Friday, September 6
All kindergarten students will attend school on Monday, September 9.
Lincoln Elementary has health staff at school each day. If your student requires medication at school, connect with the school nurse open house or by calling the Main Office at 763-506-3100. Together, you can make a plan for administering medications on a regular basis or in case of emergency. Download the medication request form.(PDF)
Each year, ALL families are asked to complete the annual back to school verification for each of their students, so that we can have current contact information as well as updated emergency contacts. Click HERE for step by step instructions.
If your student will not be attending Lincoln in the fall, please call Lori @ 763-506-3102.
Families receiving district provided transportation will receive bus information in the mail from the Transportation Department. If you have any questions regarding bus transportation, please call 763-506-1125. Click here for the district student transportation safety policy and responsibilities of students while on the bus.
The Minnesota Legislature approved a bill providing “Universal School Meals”, which means every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost. Ala carte and additional meals are not covered, so students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items. School menus (breakfast and lunch) are available at ahschools.us/childnutrition.
All Anoka-Hennepin families are encouraged to apply for the educational benefits program for the 2024-25 school year. A new application must be submitted each school year.The enrollment window for the 2024-25 school year begins Aug. 1, 2024. Although school meals are still free, your family may still qualify for other educational benefits. If your family needs access to educational benefits available to your student, an application can be completed by visiting ahschools.us/freereduced. If you have questions, please call the Child Nutrition Program at 763-506-1240.
Learn more about educational benefits and complete your application online.
Reporting a Student's Absence
Student absences can be submitted online or by calling the attendance line at 763-506-3106. Click HERE for instructions to submit an online absence for your student.
Home and School Connections
At Lincoln, all staff believe that parents and guardians are a child’s first and most important teacher. To support all of our students this school year, we will all be working hard to connect with families so that we can be partners in your child’s education. Along with monthly e-newsletters, families can expect to receive communication from school in a variety of ways – class or grade level newsletters, emails, phone calls and postcards. Working as a team with families supports our school-wide goal of building and maintaining positive relationships with all of our students. When students feel safe, valued and respected, it is our hope that they will be motivated and excited to learn and make friends at school!
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office: 763-506-3100
Attendance Line: 763-506-3106
Health Office: 763-506-3104
Lincoln Child Nutrition: 763-506-3111
Adventures Plus: 763-506-3113
Volunteer Services Coordinator: 763-506-3130
On behalf of the entire staff at Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts, thank you for your time and attention to this newsletter and for being a supportive and respectful community. We are very excited to welcome your children back to school very soon, and look forward to partnering with you to make the 2024-2025 school year a successful one!!
This e-newsletter is published by Lincoln Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.