Marathon Memo
December 2024
Important Dates
Friday, December 6
Marathon School Council 8:00 AM via Google Meet
December 16 - December 20
Spirit Week
Full Week of School
December 23 - 31
December Recess: No School
Wednesday, January 1
New Year's Day: No School
Thursday, January 2
School Resumes
Welcome Back!
Notes From the Principal
Breakfast at Marathon
Thank you for your help in the successful breakfast launch at Marathon!
On our first day, we served 155 students and finished at 9:07 a.m. The first few days, we tweaked things to improve the process, such as having two student lines and shifting from the kiosk to a table for grab-and-go ease from each side. This has greatly improved efficiency.
To date, the number of students getting breakfast has ranged from 155 to 208, and our time has improved, often finishing at 8:59 or 9:00 a.m.
Students choosing breakfast have had their student ID cards ready. This helps facilitate the line and ensures we follow all allergy restrictions. If your child needs an ID replacement, visit: Replacement ID Options.
If you have any questions about breakfast, please contact Michelle Condakes, the Hopkinton Public Schools' Director of Food Services, at
Spirit Week: December 16 - 20
December 16 -20 will be Spirit Week at Marathon. This will be a fun way to encourage school spirit, a positive culture, and unity among students and staff. Note that the Friday before break is a regular, full school day.
Mad About Plaid Monday:
Wear plaid clothing or accessories!
Caring Tuesday:
Wear Red, and say something sweet to a friend.
Winter Wonderland Wednesday:
Wear your Winter Accessories: Hats, scarves, or snow-themed attire.
Tacky Sweater/Sock Thursday:
Wear a silly winter-themed sweater and/or fun socks!
Last School Day of 2024:
Come extra comfy in your jammies or snuggly clothes to enjoy your last day before break.
Farewell 2024
As the year comes to a close, it is often a time of reflection. I am grateful for the Marathon Community. We are fortunate to have a strong community with many varied cultures represented at Marathon, which enriches our lives.
As 2024 comes to a close, I’d like to wish all of our Marathon Families a wonderful December recess. May you have many enjoyable and memory-making experiences with your family during the break from school.
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2025!
Recess Ready
We go outside for recess as much as possible. After checking conditions on our play surface during the winter, we reference the Child Care Weather Watch chart to aid in our decision-making.
Please dress your child for the weather, especially the changing New England weather, to ensure they are prepared for outdoor play.
Remember to label your child’s items!
From the Health Office
For the safety of your child, it is essential that you notify the school if your child is absent due to illness or an appointment that cannot be scheduled at another time. Call anytime to inform us that your child will not be in school. You will speak directly with the School Nurse or be connected to voicemail. When leaving a message, share your child’s full name, his/her/their homeroom teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence.
Please report your child’s absence to the nurses to avoid unnecessary absence calls.
Ways to report your child's absence
Call the absentee call in line at 508-497-9876
Email the school nurse: Candace Schaufus, RN, BSN,
Complete the online “Absentee Form,” which is found under “Contact Us.” This information will go directly to the school nurse. On the bottom right side of the Marathon School webpage, click on “Contact Us.” A new window will pop up. On the left side of this window, click “Absentee Form” and fill out the requested information.
For information about absences, refer to the Elementary Family Handbook and/or the School Committee policy regarding Student Attendance. Presenting a doctor’s note will not excuse an absence unless it is for an ongoing, chronic, or long-term illness.
Change of clothes
Please send your child with a change of clothes in case of accidents or if beverages spill during lunch. Remember, the weather has changed, and you may need to swap out the spring set with a winter one. An extra pair of socks is also a good idea, but not something everyone thinks of.
Cold and Flu Season
Please revisit this chart shared in a Tuesday Tip when determining when your child should stay home from school and when they should return to school:
When a Student Should Stay Home Sick and When a Student Should Return to School
Musically Yours, Mrs. Moran
Marathon School Musicians are excited about all the new things they are learning in music class. Your children have been moving, singing, clapping, dancing, coloring, and listening to music in creative new ways. Music instruction at Marathon School is varied and comprehensive. Your children have fun as they learn!
All the children were delighted with the fun singing game “Pumpkin, Pumpkin Round and Fat.” They were all giggles and joy when they noticed that every time they turned away from their original partner, they would have a new friend to dance with. We transferred this same circle dance process to another favorite: “Bow, Wow, Wow, Whose Dog Art Thou?”
They also love the singing game “Bluebird, Bluebird, Through My Window”. After the children fly through the windows, they choose a new bird to join their ‘bird family’ with each repetition. (For Thanksgiving, we replaced ‘bluebird’ with ’’Turkeybird’!)
Kindergarten children love our fingerplays (‘Where is Thumbkin?’ ‘Arabella Miller,’ ‘Fuzzy Little Caterpillar,’ ‘Eensy Weensy Spider,’ ‘Creep, Creep Mouse’). In all grades, we enjoy discussing the rhyming words in songs and nursery rhymes. The Kindergarten students are so proud that they can write the rhythms of nursery rhymes using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. The children in first grade are also proud: They are composing their first song! This song is based on a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson: The Swing. They have learned to write both the rhythm and pitches on the staff!
Grade One students enjoyed their study of French music as they listened to the musical story, Danse Macabre, by Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921). They loved this descriptive ‘spooky' music and were intrigued as to how the composer used instruments to tell the story. Soon, your Grade one children will be learning about the famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeaus Mozart.
Kindergarten Musicians loved the story, Peter and the Wolf, by the famous composer from Russia: Sergei Prokovfiev (1891-1953). He composed this delightful story as a way to teach children all around the world about the sounds of the instruments of the orchestra.
Now that your children are getting more comfortable with our routines in music class, many classes are starting to challenge themselves by learning to play a variety of our beautiful percussion instruments and xylophones. We will also continue to build upon our repertoire of many new songs (several from other cultures) and fun, creative movement activities!
Preschoolers recently learned about "community helpers." This curriculum theme introduced students to different professions contributing to their community through activities designed to help them understand the roles and importance of these individuals in their daily lives. Students met real-life community helpers and learned about their work firsthand from special visits from Hopkinton firefighters, SRO Santoro, and our school nurses.
Preschool 2024-2025 Lottery Application
Dear Hopkinton Families,
Hopkinton Integrated Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2025 lottery. Please click here to complete the application. Completing the application is your ticket to the lottery, and at this time, this is the only necessary step.
Thank you for your interest in our program. Please fill out the application as accurately as possible. Applications must be received by February 1st. The preferred method is to complete the application online, as this timestamps the receipt of your application. The lottery will occur on February 4, 2025, at 4:30 pm. This will be a live lottery via HCAM. The lottery results will be posted on the preschool website within 24 hours of the lottery.
To be eligible for the lottery:
Children must be at least 3 years of age by August 31, 2025
Children must not turn 5 years of age on/before August 31, 2025
If your child turns 5 before September 1, 2025, he/she is age-eligible for Kindergarten at Marathon Elementary School. They are not eligible to participate in the preschool lottery.
Families must be residents of Hopkinton at the time of the lottery. Families will have one month from the notice of lottery acceptance to secure their preschool spot with a non-refundable deposit, which will serve as the first month's tuition.
Do Not Register in PowerSchool. You will be notified of the next steps should your child be selected via the lottery.
Applications received after the February 1st deadline will be added to the waitlist generated in the order received. Applications received after February 1st will not be part of the lottery.
If you have any questions about the application, lottery, or general preschool information, we encourage you to email one of us at and
Please note that applicants must be residents of Hopkinton.
Shannon Overdahl
Preschool Director
Kim Sullivan
Preschool Coordinator and Teacher
Hopkinton SEPAC is excited to announce the start of our new program called Project SHARK.
What is Project SHARK?
SHARK is an acronym for: SEPAC Helps Add Resources for Kids
SEPAC has asked our Marathon Elementary School special educators, related service providers, and paraprofessionals to make a wish list of items that would be helpful in their work with students with special needs. (Example: therapy supplies, items for the classroom, equipment for learning ADLs, or anything that would be helpful to students). The goal is to provide enriching materials that further the work that our educators do every day. Similar to how a PTO provides additional educational items and supplies, Project SHARK hopes to add materials and supplies that enhance and add to classroom materials.
SEPAC is proud to support our amazing teachers. We hope that this project spotlights special education, the phenomenal work of our educators, and the different needs of students with disabilities.
Donate to Marathon Elementary School Project SHARK in 2 ways: Wish List – search “Hopkinton SEPAC” or use this link here.
Don’t forget to include a note of thanks to our wonderful educators in the “Gift Message.”
We want to thank families that donate! – Optional: Click “Share your default shipping address.”
Donate the following gently used items (Email to arrange delivery):
K-1 Intensive Learning Specialist Classrooms
Flexible seating
Sensory equipment
Sensory materials
Toys for K-1
Fine motor activities
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Board games for children age 3+
Fine motor toys and activities for ages 2+
December 2024 SEPAC Events
Hopkinton SEPAC Parents and Care Partners Coffee Hour
December 2, 2024 at 10am-11:30am
Hopkinton Public Library, Betty Strong room
Hopkinton SEPAC is hosting a coffee hour for parents and care partners of special needs students. Come to meet other special needs parents and learn more about Hopkinton SEPAC. We will be serving coffee and donuts.
Snowman Saturday with SEPAC
December 14, 2024 at 10 am – 12 pm
Marathon Elementary School Cafeteria
We are hosting a snowman-themed family fun day! Please join us for:
Cookie Decorating
Hot chocolate station – choose your own toppings
Games (with PRIZES)
Photo booth
Winter themed crafts
Snacks and refreshments
RSVP is preferred but not required. The event is free.
HEF: Thank-A-Teacher
Dear Hopkinton Parent/Guardian,
We invite you to take this opportunity to recognize your child(ren)’s teachers in a unique way -- by making a donation to the Hopkinton Education Foundation. Each teacher honored by a donation receives a personalized card with artwork from a Hopkinton student, thanking the teacher for their work and including the name of your child (although not the amount of the contribution). Contributors receive an on-line receipt for tax purposes.
The Hopkinton Education Foundation has been advancing innovation in the Hopkinton Public Schools for over 30 years. During that time, we have awarded over $1,500,000 to fund over 350 grants to Marathon, Elmwood, Hopkins, HMS and HHS. Some recent examples are listed below.
To participate in the Thank-A-Teacher program and to find out more about how you can help support Hopkinton’s teachers and schools, donate online at or scan the QR code above. Please complete your donation by December 13.
Thank you for your support!
Hopkinton Education Foundation
Marathon Elementary School It All Starts Here
Contact us at:
Lauren Dubeau, Principal
Eric Mitchell, Assistant Principal
Mark Campbell, Administrative Assistant
Rosemary Tabakin, Administrative Assistant