Shorewood Hills Shark Tooth
May 3rd, 2024
We will develop a welcoming school community of global citizens through: Anti-racist practices, strong relationships, and high academic expectations.
We have a fun week planned for Appreciation Week next week. Thank you for all of the gift cards and fun prizes that have been donated. If you are still interested in contributing to the prize grab bags, it is not too late! Feel free to bring those into the office anytime next week. We have a truly remarkable staff at Shorewood and I cannot wait to celebrate them!
In partnership,
Anne Gillespie
The PTO will vote on updates to the bylaws at the next PTO meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30pm in the Multipurpose Room. The current bylaws can be found here, and the proposed updates can be found here. All members are encouraged to read the proposed updates and share any comments, questions or concerns via shorewood.pto@gmail.com before May 14th.
4th Grade Receives Arbor Day Trees from the WI Dept of Natural Resources
Future Problem Solving Team Competition!
Congratulations to our Shorewood Hills Elementary students on their participation in the Future Problem Solving Wisconsin State Competition! Mac Barbato, Du Chen, Grace Huang, Nithish Jayaraman, Yu Ohashi, Mohan Tokaji, and Max Yablon were part of the only elementary school team from the MMSD and the state of Wisconsin to participate in this competition.
We are so proud of their commitment to learning the FPS process and dedicated research on the competition topic, autonomous transportation. Max Yablon was awarded first place in the individual junior category and Grace Huang was awarded second place.
Max and Grace also qualified to participate in the FPS International Competition, which will take place in June at the University of Indiana.
A BIG thank you to Ms. Richmond and her daughter Talia for organizing and leading the club!
Turkey Vulture Visits Third Grade
Spring Sing: Thursday, May 9th
You are invited!
Come join us for 2024 Shorewood student performances:
K-1 Program: Thursday, 5/09, 9:10 – 9:40am
2-3 Program: Thursday, 5/09, 10:00 – 10:30am
4-5 Program: Thursday, 5/09, 11:00 – 11:30am
All performances will take place in the main gym.
Spokes to School: Wednesday, May 8th
Shorewood Hills Elementary School’s Spokes to School 2024 is almost here! Join children and adults around the nation who are celebrating the benefits of bicycling, skating, scooting, and walking on National Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day.
This event is for any and all in the neighborhood and is a fun way to show your support for safe streets, good health, sustainability, and community. Thanks for joining us!
7:45 am: Put on your helmet and ride to one of the nine meeting spots (see map)
7:50 am: Arrive at a meeting spot. Get your helmet checked by a Spokes Leader and listen to safety tips
8:00 am: Take a group ride along your “spoke” to school. On the north side of Shorewood Hills Elementary, we’ll have snacks, refreshments, and other fun before school begins.
Remember your bike lock. If you leave your bike unattended, it’s at your own risk. And always wear your helmet when biking!
3:30-5:30 pm: Free tune ups and minor repairs by Noah of DreamBikes! Donations gladly accepted. dream-bikes.orgIf you live close to the school or have a favorite route you’re confident about, you can ride there directly.
If you prefer to be part of a bike train, see the map for the “spoke” meeting points:
1) Brown bus shelter, Eagle Heights
2) Bernie’s Place playground
3) Corner of Wellesley and Columbia
4) Picnic tables near the tennis courts
5) Corner of Maple Terrace and Locust Dr 6) Corner of Tally Ho and Highbury
7) Corner of Blackhawk and Sunset 8) Trailhead to boat house
9) Four Corners bus stop
Science Night!
Science Night was a HUGE success! Many, many thank yous to the over 20 organizations and presenters who shared their knowledge and passion for science! We had robots, rocks, ultrasound machine, rockets, and so much more! Parent Yaewon Kang was the lead organizer for the event and we could not be more grateful!
UW Madison A Capella Group Performance
International Week is Coming!
International Week is just around the corner!! International Week is an iconic event for Shorewood school. It is one of the biggest, most popular and celebrated school community events. This is the event to celebrate our own culture and origins, embrace our differences, and appreciate the beauty of diversity.
Mark your calendars: this year, International Week will run from May 13th through the 18th, with Art Activities scheduled for May 5th. Highlights of the schedule include:
Sunday, May 5th - Art Activities
Wednesday, May 15th - Performances & Parade
Saturday, May 18th - Global Village and Global Food Fair
The success of this event relies on your participation! We are looking for families to share traditional cultural music, dance or other arts for the Performance and Parade, to make tasty food and treats for the Global Food Fair, to create country displays and activities for the Global Village, and more! This event takes many, many SHES family volunteers to be a success - volunteer opportunities include set-up and clean-up, ticket takers, door greeters. All levels of participation are welcome - please use the links to sign up!
This event is for the entire SHES community and needs your participation to be a success!
Oregon Dairy Princess and Agriculture Expert Visits Kindergarten!
MMSD Referenda Community Engagement
SAVE the DATE! Be part of important discussions – offer feedback specific to each attendance-area facilities. Your thoughts and ideas will help shape learning environments where every student thrives and excels. Flyers for each attendance area event available here.
Event Details:
May 7, 6 p.m. Vel Phillips Memorial High School (Memorial feeder specific)
May 9, 6 p.m. West High School (West feeder specific)
May 14, 6 p.m. La Follette High School (La Follette feeder specific)
May 21, 6 p.m. East High School (East feeder specific)
5th Grade Sharkade was a huge success!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please find food service menus linked here. There is also an option to subscribe to the menus on iCal or Google calendar.
Health Office Update
The spring MMSD Community Vaccine Clinic is coming up next weekend for any student aged 5+, staff and families. All vaccines required by the WI Student Immunization Law will be available. See the above link for more information.
Saturday, May 11th, 2024
Location: Holtzman Building, 333 Holtzman Road, Madison
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Please note that appointments are essential to ensure that we have enough vaccines available for everyone. To schedule an appointment for the clinic, please use the following link:(https://phmdcvaccine.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=51150159)
Please reach out to the health office with any questions.
Thank you,
Lucy McCluskey, School Nurse
Email: lgmccluskey1@madison.k12.wi.us
Health Office Phone (608) 204-1204
Carton Council of America Visit
About 20 representatives from the Carton Council of America visited Shorewood to learn more about our waste separating initiative (a partnership with Sustain Dane). The Carton Council is working to promote more sustainable practices in schools, specifically the recycling of cartons. They LOVED hearsing from a group of 5th graders who organized a carton re-use project for Earth Day.
Resources and Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates:
- Sunday, May 5th: International Week Decorations Making
- Wednesday, May 8th: Spokes to School
- Thursday, May 9th: Spring Sing
- Wednesday, May 15th: Performances and Parade
- Saturday, May 18th: Global Village and Food Fair
Help Lines:
Text “HOPELINE” to 741741
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 608-280-2600 or 1-800-273-8255
Briarpatch Helpline: 1-800-798-1126
Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+: 1-866-488-7386 or click here for Trevor Text & Trevor Chat
24/7 SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990
24/7 Parental Stress Line - 1-800-632-8188
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) Help Line: 608-251-4445 or 800-747-4045, If you are in immediate danger, call 911.