Coaching Corner
October 2017- Monthly Issue
October Character Trait: Cooperation
October's Character Trait is COOPERATION.
This month's trait focuses on helping students understand how to work together for a common goal. Below you will find some quick and easy ways to integrate the trait into your everyday instruction.
Click here to view this month's trait poster. You will be receiving a color copy in your staff mailbox to display in your classroom also. Feel free to add this your classroom newsletter too!
Alan Katz to visit MGES October 9th!
Find out more about Alan Katz:
Discussion Questions for Silly Dilly books such as Where Did They Hide My Presents?
Parent-Teacher Conferences are... APPROACHING SOON!
Tips for a successful conference:
- Have a plan.
- Have materials ready to share and/or discuss.
- Invite parents to share their thoughts. You may want to gather their thoughts prior to the conference to help prepare. Think of it as Parent Homework!
- Highlight the positives. Make sure to share student's strengths.
- Address just one or two concerns.
- Don't be afraid to tell parents you would like to think through their concern/s.
- Consider following up the conference with a note home to parents thanking them for meeting with you.
On the Spring 2018 ISTEP+ test, 65% of our students will score a 1 or a 2 on the English-Language Arts constructed-response questions. Over the course of the next three years, we would like to decrease the percentage of students scoring a 0 to 20% or less.
Two New TOOLS for Finding Evidence
- FREE Finding Evidence packet from Mrs. Thompson's Treasures. Click here to print a copy.
- LOVE these "PROVE IT!" Finding the Evidence Task Cards! ($4 on TPT). I purchased one set if you would like to check them out.
- 80% of all students will be at or above the norm grade level RIT as measured by the overall NWEA Math RIT score for grades 2 through 5.
- 80% of all students in K-5 will show mastery on each Math Essential Learning as evidenced by PLC data.
Resources to help you and your students utilize Compass Learning & Learning Paths:
- Getting Started with Compass slide deck
- Compass Learning Handout
- Tracking Sheet to monitor student work & progress
- Student Portfolio Log to track student task completion
- Student Portfolio Log-2 to use for student goal setting and towards task completion