Duneland School news for parents, students and teachers

Thurs., Sept. 26, 2024 Vol. 59 No. 8
CHS Homecoming Court
Front row, left to right,1st row, Isis Spruth, Lauren Koonce, Olivia Roach, and Destiny Blackwell. Back row, Adam Kurek, Ryan Gray, Cal Stuckert, and Zach Fender. Absent from photo is Evan Hibshman.
The two members of Homecoming Royalty will be crowned at halftime of the Chesterton vs. Portage homecoming football game on Friday, September 27.
Trojan Guard at Penn Invitational
The Chesterton High School Trojan Guard Marching Band captured a 3rd Place trophy this past weekend at the Penn “Carnival of Bands” Invitational.
The Trojan Guard directors for the 2024 production “¡VIVA!” consists of: CHS Director of Bands Jon Flodder, Westchester Band Director Matt Christensen, Liberty Band Director Vince Arizzi. Additional staff includes Jeff DeHenes, Color Guard director; Colin Campbell and Lana Wordel, Percussion directors; Michael DePasquale, Audio technician; and Eric Berger, Drill Design.
The next competition for the Trojan Guard will be this Saturday, October 5, as the group competes at ISSMA Scholastic State Prelims. The Trojan Guard will also host a community performance at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, at the CHS stadium. The event will be free and open to the public.
For additional information regarding the Trojan Guard or any band activity, please contact the CHS Music Department at (219) 983-3758.
CHS Homecoming Parade 2024
The CHS Homecoming Parade will take place at 5:00 PM on Friday, September 27th. Participants will begin lining up at 4:00 PM in the South parking lot of the former Chesterton Middle School campus.
Parade Route: The CHS homecoming parade will leave the South lot traveling east on Porter Avenue to S Calumet Road, Calumet Ave to Broadway, Broadway to S 6th Street, and ends back to the former CMS campus. The parade will be followed by the CHS home game against Portage at 7:30 PM. Homecoming Royalty will be crowned at halftime of the football game.
State of our Schools - Sept. 2024
In this slideshow presentation, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Chip Pettit explains the State of our Schools providing an overview of some of the great things going on in our district while specifically focusing on Strategic Planning, Student Performance, Student Safety, Capital Improvements, and Corporation Finances.
Duneland Early Learning HUB
Come check out the Duneland Early Learning HUB!
The HUB is Duneland's birth-to-school program free to any family with 0-5 year olds that live within the Duneland School Corporation district.
We have the following classes:
- Music and Motion
- Trojan Tykes
- Mini Movers
- Calm Crew
- Kinder Kids
- Young Explorers
- Trojan Time
- Open Gym
- Kinder Kids
- Multipurpose Room Open Play
Happy fall y’all! The HUB started our fall books, centers, songs, etc. this week. We will continue learning about apples, pumpkins, Halloween, five senses and more with our HUB families for October.
If you have children ages 0-5, come join in the fun M-F at the HUB. Check out this FREE program at our DSC website.
Weekly District Newsletter - DuneNews
The district newsletter, DuneNews, is published each Thursday afternoon throughout the school year. Each weekly issue can be found on our website at https://www.duneland.k12.in.us/news/dune-news-online along with archived issues for review.
2024-2025 School Start & End Times
The new daily schedule for the 2024-2025 school year will be:
- Elementary (K-4) 7:30 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.
- High School (9-12) 8:10 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
- Intermediate/Middle (5-8) 8:50 a.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
The Duneland School Corporation has adopted the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System for all grade 5-12 schools. The link to the Say Something Tip Line can be found on the DSC website, on the middle and high school websites, and on the DSC Safety and Security page located under Programs and Services.
- Yost Elementary - October 2
- Early Learning Preschool - October 8 (Day 1) and October 9 (Day 2)
The goal of the Duneland School Corporation district school newsletters is to inform students, parents and the school community about school-related information.
The Duneland Schools share information that pertains to opportunities our students may be interested in and outside of school on a special page on our website. These available opportunities are offered by not-for-profit partnerships and organizations within our school district boundaries and local communities. Follow this link to Community Opportunities.
Want your event/activity/camp posted on this page? Submit a request by email with the flyer/information to the Duneland Schools Administrative Center to ahicks@duneland.k12.in.us and bmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us.
Click on the image below to learn more about all these activities
Trivia Night Fundraiser
Support CHS Girls Basketball
CHS Girls Basketball League Registr. & Skills Academy Sign-ups
Information UPDATED...
Sign up today!
Dine at Chipotle
Support the Chesterton Choral Boosters
CHS Golf Cart Raffle
Support Cheer & Lifters
Photos for CHS Yearbook
The CHS Yearbook is seeking student photos of trips, sports, student sections, dances, pregames traditions, student life, homecoming, events, etc. Please scan and send.
Football Kiddie Camp!
Support Chesterton Dance - Sign up TODAY!
CHS Boys Basketball League Gr. K-6
Sign up today for Boys Basketball League
Apples for Students at Strack & VanTil
Support CHS by shopping at any Strack & VanTil
Gelsosomos Giveback Night
Support the CHS Cheer and Lifters
Exceptional Learning Instructional Aide Positions Available
Ready to make a difference in the lives of students? Interested in a fulfilling and rewarding position with no required evening or weekend work? Looking to enjoy the same summer and holiday schedule as your kids? The primary responsibilities of Exceptional Learning (EXL) Instructional Aides range from sharing smiles, making connections, building confidence, encouraging learning, supporting students with instruction in & out of the classroom, and assisting children with self help & self management skills.
DSC is currently searching for select individuals to serve as EXL Instructional Aides. Available positions can start at $19.00, $17.00 or $15.00 per hour. Opportunities exist at elementary, intermediate and secondary levels and can:
- be full-time/benefit-eligible
- be part-time and follow the student school day
- involve sharing the day with a single student
- involve engaging with multiple learners in a classroom setting
The Chesterton High School Alumni Association is seeking nominations from the community to be considered for the CHS Alumni Association Hall of Fame for 2024.
“Many accomplished and dedicated individuals are not necessarily in the public eye; they are the unsung heroes and quiet warriors among us impacting students and staff every day,” said Mike Anton, CHS Alumni president. “The 2024 recognition committee invites alumni, community members, parents and others throughout the Duneland community to submit their nominations.”
Please consider nominating a candidate for Alumnus, Teacher, Administrator, and Support Staff based on the following qualities:
Exceptional Contributions
Giving Back
Courageous Acts
The CHS Alumni Association is accepting nominations for 2024 now through Friday, November 1 at 3 p.m.
Learn more about the past Hall of Fame recipients and about the CHS Alumni Association at the CHS Alumni Association website.
New Items!
Did you know that Duneland Schools has an online Spirit Wear Stores where you can buy your Duneland all school spirit wear? Check out our Spirit Wear Store platform at: https://dunelandschoolsopenstores.itemorder.com/shop/home/
NorthShore Clinic for All DSC Students
To make an appointment please call 219-763-8112. Let NorthShore know you are a Duneland School student or staff member and that you would like to make an appointment at the Duneland School Clinic located at the old CMS.
DSC 2024 -2025 Calendar
CHS Maroon & Gold Calendar/Bell Schedules
Parent Observer Account
Parents are encouraged to set up their Canvas observer accounts to monitor their students' progress. Parents can click this link to view how to set up their Parent Observer Account
Link to the Canvas Log In
The DSC Child Nutrition Department utilizes NutriSlice as its menus program. This app is available for iPhone and Android through your mobile app store. Parents can also access the full website for Duneland Schools on a computer via this NutriSlice link.
This app will allow parents and students to view the menus as well as the nutritional info for each menu item at any of the Duneland Schools. This program will be developed further incorporating images of the actual food items being served at each of the Duneland schools.
Menus will be posted on Thursday, Aug. 1
DSC Strategic Plan 2024-2028
In the Fall of 2023, a strategic planning team was formed to review and update the current four-year strategic plan into a five-year plan that will be used to guide the Corporation from 2024-2028. The new Strategic Plan will guide DSC for the next five years in the areas of Student Achievement, Safety & Operations, People & Culture, and Finance & Facilities.
Contact the Duneland School Corporation IT department via one of these methods:
- Open a IncidentIQ ticket by sending an email to: helpdesk@duneland.k12.in.us
- Log into IncidentIQ and submit a request duneland.incidentIQ.com
Internet Connectivity
Families without internet due to financial hardship have access to programs from two local providers.
Comcast Internet Essentials:
Families that qualify for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI and other programs may also qualify for the Internet Essentials program from Comcast.
This program offers internet at a low cost per month.
Additional options and services are also available
More information is available at this Comcast link
Frontier Lifeline Program:
Families that qualify for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI and other programs may also qualify for the Lifeline Program from Frontier.
More information is available at this Frontier link
Duneland School Corporation
Email: bmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us
Website: www.duneland.k12.in.us
Location: 601 West Morgan Avenue, Chesterton, IN, USA
Phone: 219-983-3600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dunelandschools/
Twitter: @dunelandk12