The Grove Gazette
Back to School 2022-2023
Message from Mrs. Cameron
Although our students are the heart of the building, it takes a great partnership between CG staff and families to help our students be successful. We appreciate you and all you will do this year to partner with us at CG. We have an amazing staff ready to do their part in helping your students grow and decipher life, but know that it cannot happen successfully without you! Thank you for uniting with us to build a foundation of learning and opportunity!
Our theme this year is Whatever It Takes! We will do whatever it takes to hold our CG vision true and we ask that you do the same! Working together (staff, students, and CG families), we will have a fantastic year! Enjoy the end of summer and we will see you all soon!
Mrs. Cameron, Principal
Important Dates
August 16 Make up Schedule Pick Up Day 8 am-3 pm
August 17 Back to School
August 30 Open House-5-6:30 pm
Online Registration DUE before schedule pick up
Students who are NEW to the school district need to check in at our front office with our registrar for enrollment.
Nurse's Notes
Please make sure immunization records or conscientious exemption forms are up to date and a copy is given to the nurse.
Students with diabetes, anaphylaxis, asthma, and seizures will need to have parent questionnaires completed and action plans filled out by their doctors to turn into the nurse. Rescue medications and/or necessary supplies need to be included as well.
Also, those needing to keep medication in the nurse's office will need to fill out the Medication Authorization form & the parent must deliver the medication in the original prescription container to the nurse with the pharmacy label and physician instructions clearly printed on it.
Necessary forms can be found at
Students with food allergies or special diet requirements must submit the Student Diet Modification Form to the Child
Nutrition Department.
In Need Of...
A joy we have every year is giving every one of our staff and students a CG t-shirt for free. We are still in need of several more t-shirt sponsors in order to be able to do this for our school.
We would appreciate your help! If you can help, here are the details:
Your business logo will appear on all student & staff shirts (approx. 700) as well as appear on our marquee and our school newsletter.
The cost to be a Cypress Grove t-shirt sponsor is $425.
If you would like to be a Cypress Grove 2022-2023 T-Shirt Sponsor please let me know as soon as possible. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call.
You may mail your check to:
Cypress Grove Intermediate School
Atten: Jan DeCoste
900 Graham Rd.
College Station, Texas 77845
I look forward to hearing back from you and thank you for your support of the CSISD.
CSISD Strategic Plan
Last year at Cypress Grove, we were focused on Explore. This year we are focused on the phase, Engage.
Cypress Grove Intermediate
Enjoy your day,
Piper Cameron, Principal
Location: 900 Graham Road, College Station, TX, USA
Phone: 979-694-5600
Twitter: @cg_cats