Lowell Lantern
March 20, 2020
Principal's message
Lowell Families,
Happy Friday, Everyone! It was nice to wake up to the sunshine this morning!! I hope all of you are well and are finding something to smile about each day! While we truly miss seeing our Lowell students and families, we certainly appreciate and respect decisions being made that have the health and safety of everyone as the first priority!
Throughout the newsletter this week, you will find information that has been shared from the district regarding food distribution sites and the most recent update regarding school closures. In addition, I will include some learning resources for families to access as you wish. These are not required learning resources but ones that are available to use as you choose.
As a reminder, we have not currently been utilizing eLearning lessons this past week. The governor granted waiver days that we have used for this time. The next two weeks (weeks of March 23 and March 30) are our regularly scheduled Spring Intersession. This is scheduled time out of school per our district calendar; therefore, eLearning will not take place during this time. While spring break may look a little different this year for many, we will continue to consider these next two weeks as our intersession break.
Please review the information in this newsletter carefully as it outlines supports available for our Warren families as well as the most updated information from Dr. Hanson, our superintendent.
Please know that you may contact me any time that is needed. Even though I am not in the building, I still have access to my voicemail and my email. Feel free to call me at 317-532-3901 or email me at kgriffin@warren.k12.in.us if you have any needs or questions.
In addition, there is also a District Community Outreach Hotline number available to families. If you have a significant need, you can call our District Community Outreach Hotline at 317-869-4308 and leave your information. Someone from the district will contact you as soon as possible.
Continue to watch for further announcements and updates or visit our website at www.warren.k12.in.us.
Take care of yourselves and tell your kiddos hi from me! I miss seeing them!!
Mrs. Griffin
Food Outreach Program
School Closure Extended to May 1
On the afternoon of March 19, Governor Eric Holcomb mandated all schools to remain closed until May 1, 2020. This mandated closure follows the recent Centers for Disease Control guidelines to limit gatherings to less than 10.
These are unprecedented times, and we recognize how challenging this will be for all of our families, students and staff. Our district team will be forming new plans to support you during this extended closure and will communicate more information as soon as possible.
Please remember to utilize our expanded food outreach program. Sharing a reminder that the food outreach program is available at 9 locations Monday - Friday between 11 AM - 1PM. Those locations are: Warren Central High School, Pleasant Run Elementary, Creston, Raymond Park and Stonybrook Intermediate Middle Schools, Braeburn Village Apartments, Knoll Ridge Apartments, Washington Pointe Apartments, and Shiloh Estates Mobile Home Park. Friday meals will include 3 lunches and 3 breakfast meals to assist families over the weekend. Meals will be available while our schools are closed.
If you have a significant need, you can call our District Community Outreach Hotline at 317-869-4308 and leave your information. Someone from the district will contact you as soon as possible.
Please continue to monitor our website, district app, school newsletters, and our social media Twitter and Facebook accounts for updated information.
Report Cards
Most students should have brought report cards home with them on Thursday, March 12. If for some reason, your child did not bring his/her report card home, parents can access those through the parent portal. Please don’t hesitate to do so.
Learning Resources
Scholastic has created a learn at home page:
The Scholastic Learn at Home website does not require a username or password and is open freely to all, on any device. They are designed to limit the need for printing and allow students to learn independently or with their families.
This site supports students with approximately three hours of learning opportunity per day, including projects, articles and stories, virtual field trips, reading and geography challenges, and more. These daily learning opportunities were carefully curated by our editors to reduce the burden on teachers and families needing to create meaningful learning experiences.
Cincinnati Zoo
The Cincinnati Zoo is hosting a Facebook Live event 7 days a week at 3:00pm on their Facebook page, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. They will feature a different animal each day and an activity children can do at home. This begins on Monday, March 16.
Visit http://cincinnatizoo.org/ for more information.
Mo Willems Doodles
Art Museums
Louvre Museum, Paris https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-gallery-of-art-washington-dc?hl=en
Metropolitan Museum of Art https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-metropolitan-museum-of-art
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/van-gogh-museum?hl=en
Uffizi Gallery, Florence Italy https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/uffizi-gallery?hl=en
San Diego Zoo https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/videos
Zoo Atlanta Panda Cam https://youtu.be/_6wbfVWVk8Q
Smithsonian’s National Zoo https://nationalzoo.si.edu/webcams
Reid Park Zoo Lion Cam in Tuscon, AZ http://reidparkzoo.org/cameras/lion-cam/
Ouwehand Park Polar Bear Cubs Rhenen, Netherland https://explore.org/livecams/polar-bears/polar-bear-ouwehand-twin-cubs-cam-2
Monterey Bay Aquarium https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals-and-exhibits/live-web-cams
Georgia Aquarium https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/ocean-voyager/
National Aquarium Virtual Tour http://samuraivirtualtours.com/example/nadc/index.html
Virtual Tour of the Seattle Aquarium
Kids Activities Blog
Indoor Activities For Kids
Brain Pop
BrainPOP is offering free access for students and teachers to support learning through school closures. Click here
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Check out Cosmic Kids Yoga on Youtube. It’s perfect for pre-K and elementary age students.
National Geographic for Kids
Second Steps
Second Step Resources for Students and Families
Pebble Go (Grade K-2)
Happy Numbers Math
Lowell Teachers & Staff Miss You!!
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Student Success Handbook 2019-2020 School Year
Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1