GenTX Month Hebron Hawks
Weekly Updates
November is GenTX Month!
You are Generation TX - get ready to Rock Your Future!
Keep your grades up and get your applications in, visit a college campus, find a mentor who can help guide you through the process – there’s a lot you can do today to get ready for your next step into college or a career.
Get started at http://gentx.org/ and don't forget to wear your college, military, or career t-shirts on Wednesdays in November for Wear Your Future Wednesdays!
Scholarships of the Week (combined)
Redheads Rule ~ Deadline November 30th
Make Me Laugh! ~ Deadline November 30th
What's Your Super Power? ~ Deadline November 30th
For Aggressive Scholarship Applicants ~ Deadline December 1st
LEF Lewisville Education Foundation ~ Deadline is Jan 8th
Getting Real About Distracted Driving ~ Deadline Dec 31st
Tall Texan ~ Deadline March 1st
Create a Greeting Card ~ Deadline March 2nd
Doodle for Google ~ Deadline is March 20th
Gamers Helping Gamers (Magic: The Gathering) ~ Deadline March 31st
Stuck at Prom: Duck Tape ~ Deadline April 2nd
*See past winners at https://www.duckbrand.com/stuck-at-prom/winners
More Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarships.com: https://www.scholarships.com/
Going Merry: https://www.goingmerry.com/
Fast Web: https://www.fastweb.com/
Cappex: https://www.cappex.com/
Scholly: https://myscholly.com/
Unigo: https://www.unigo.com/
Hebron Scholarship Working Document from GenTX Month: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QsxmPsRcx-DQTptjwFDkTK-Ut4od7ST1rRuhwjtKnig/edit?usp=sharing
GenTX Month FAQ Info
1. You can’t get in if you don’t apply!
Texas makes it easy. ApplyTexas.org lets you submit one
application to all Texas public universities as well as many private and two-year colleges. Common App is another great option depending on the colleges you are applying to.
2. Why do I have to fill out the FAFSA?
FAFSA is the starting place. FAFSA is the one application that opens the door to all federal and
state financial assistance (grants, loans, work-study), college-specific grants, and scholarships.
If you and your parents don’t fill out the FAFSA, there is no way for you to get any of this money.
The FAFSA form can be found at www.FAFSA.ed.gov and is now a graduation requirement for all seniors.
3. Why should I submit my FAFSA early?
FAFSA applications open on October 1 each year, and since most funds available are offered on
a first come, first served basis (while supplies last), it’s a good idea to get your application in as
soon as you can. Most colleges begin putting a financial aid package together only after you’ve
been accepted for admissions, so try to submit your college application(s) for admissions early
as well. Think of grant and scholarship money as a buffet! If you come early, there is plenty of everything to choose from. If you come late, it may be picked over and less for you! ;)
4. What is financial aid?
Financial aid is funding available to students and families to help pay for education expenses.
It may come in the form of free money (grants and scholarships), loans (money you will repay),
or work-study (a part-time job usually on campus). The financial aid you are offered each year
you are in school will be based on the gap between your family’s ability to pay for college (and
that means both parent and student) and the total cost of attendance, regardless of whether
your family plans to pay any of the cost of your education. You’ll pay for college with money
from several sources: a combination of free money, money you’ll earn, and money you’ll
5. Who decides what financial aid I get?
When you fill out the FAFSA, you will indicate which schools you are interested in attending, so
that your FAFSA information can be shared with each school’s financial aid office. Each school
that has accepted you and received your FAFSA information will offer you a financial aid
package in the form of an award letter. The aid offers you receive may vary among schools
because they are based on the difference between your family’s ability to pay for college (and
that means both parent and student), the total cost of attendance at each school, and the
financial aid resources available at each college. Note that colleges usually count scholarships
as a financial resource you bring with you when they put together your financial aid package.
Virtual College Tours
Senior Year Information
Order transcripts through this link: https://lewisvilletx.scriborder.com/
· Official transcripts have to come directly from Hebron Records. Students receive 5 transcripts free, and each additional transcript is $5. The final transcript is free—this one will go out AFTER graduation.
· You can access your Unofficial transcript any time through Skyward. (Log into Skyward. Choose “Portfolio.” The most recent unofficial will be here. Transcript copies are uploaded appx. two weeks after the end of each 9 weeks.
Please complete the college application PRIOR to submitting the request for recommendation. Recommendations are submitted directly to Common App, the university, or the scholarship requested. Allow 2 weeks for your counselor to complete. Complete this packet and turn it in to your Counselor.
College Applications – Deadlines Must Be Met!
· Texas Schools: https://goapplytexas.org/
· The Common Application (Private schools, out of state schools, alternative app for some Texas schools) https://www.commonapp.org/
· Also, visit each school’s admissions website. Some schools utilize their own program, or a different process.
College Visits:
Seniors may participate in college visits for up to two (2) school days per academic year. College visit days will not count as absences on the student’s attendance record, as long as proper documentation of the visit is returned to the attendance clerk within two school days following the visit. These absences will not count against final exemptions as long as the attendance office receives the proper documentation within 2 days following the visit.
● Keep an eye on your deadlines!
● We post scholarships that we receive on the announcements, the bulletin board outside our door, and in the monthly email Counseling Newsletter.
● School-Specific scholarships can be found on the University websites.
● LEF (Lewisville Education Foundation)
Financial Aid:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form completed by current and prospective college students in the United States to determine their eligibility for student financial aid. It comes available on Oct. 1 of Senior Year, and it must be completed every year. Here is an info link with the steps to complete Financial Aid and the FAFSA: https://studentaid.gov/h/understand-aid/how-aid-works
Choices 360
Access this program directly from the LHUB. Choices 360 is a comprehensive career planning program that helps students to make decisions about career and educational goals. Choices 360 gives students an opportunity to learn about interest, skills and values through assessments. Students can search for occupations based on those results, and save information to a portfolio.
The SAT or ACT must be taken for 4-year college admission. Fee waivers are available for eligible students. Before asking the Counselors for an SAT waiver, check your College Board account to see if one has already been made available for you.
Register for the test online at:
SAT: https://www.collegeboard.org/
ACT: https://www.actstudent.org
Top 10%:
The University of Texas, Automatic Admission update for College Freshman starting Fall 2022: Senate Bill 175, passed by the 81st Texas Legislature, allows the University of Texas at Austin to limit automatic admission to 75 percent of the university's enrollment capacity designated for first-time resident undergraduate students beginning with admissions for the 2011-12 academic year. The University has determined that they will automatically admit all eligible 2022 summer/fall freshman applicants who rank within the TOP 6% of their high school graduating classes, with the remaining spaces to be filled through holistic review.
Selective Service:
All male US Citizens must register for the Selective Services within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Register online at https://www.sss.gov/
Wear Your Future Wednesday
Contact your Hebron Counselor
If you have questions about your future, we encourage you to reach out to your counselor by any of the following methods:
1. Use the QR code posted around campus to sign-in for a visit.2. Send your counselor an email.
3. WebEx message your counselor.
Helpful Links:
Hebron High School Counseling Page: https://www.lisd.net/domain/4426
Apply Texas College App Site: www.applytexas.org
Common App College App Site: www.commonapp.org
Common Black College App Site: https://commonblackcollegeapp.com
Coalition for College App Site: https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org
College Board/SAT Registration Site: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register
ACT Registration Site: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act.html
NCAA Eligibility Center: https://web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3/
How to Request a Transcript: