Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (10/14-10/18, 2019)
Shout Out!
This week's Shout Out goes to Alice for her flexibility and willingness to embrace some changes made in Kindergarten. She's facing her new challenges with a positive attitude and willingness to learn and grow in order to better support our students.
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Tuesday: Deadline for meeting with me about SMART goals,
Wednesday: All School Assembly: No Early Release: PLC time, Dictionary Day (also, my son Luke's birthday)
Thursday: 4th grade grade level meeting, Wear Something Gaudy Day (I don't make it up, I just report it)
Friday: No Beard Day
Friday Fun
Friday Fun for Oct. 18th is another round of Guess Who. I will email out a clue each day. Put your guess in the jar in the staff room by 3:00 on Friday for the chance to win a prize!
News, Updates, and Reminders
- Lynn (Sercu) Wells, who works at Mohawk, will be joining us on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-1:00 to work as our Inclusion Specialist while we try and find a replacement. She will begin the week of Oct. 21st.
- Budget season is rapidly approaching. Please be thinking about anything you may need for next year that is not a part of your regular expenses for the year. For example, if there's a big ticket item you know you are going to need, some special professional development you've been looking for, etc.
- Not next Wednesday, but the following (the 23rd) we will be having a discussion about the Monday meetings and any changes we may want to make to improve them.