Husmann Happenings
❗ Easter Egg Challenge! ❗
Read through this newsletter...there is a word that doesn't belong.
Have your child bring to the office a piece of paper with their name, teacher, parent signature and the secret word that doesn't belong in our newsletter and they will be entered in a raffle.
📅 Important Dates 📅
- November 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Break 🦃- NO SCHOOL
- December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break ⛄- NO SCHOOL
- January 6th: Classes Resume
- January 20th: MLK Jr. Day 🤝🏾- NO SCHOOL
- January 29th: Early Release @ 2 pm
🏫 A Note from your Administration 🏫
Hello, Husmann Parents & Guardians!
"THANK YOU" to everyone that took time out of their Monday or Tuesday to attend conferences! All of our teachers put a lot of time and effort into ensuring a great first Trimester for your child, and we know that you did from the homefront as well! It was so great to see everyone come together to celebrate successes and devise a plan to work on the areas of growth moving forward.
We also want to take a moment to say '"THANK YOU" to our HPTO for the generous breakfast spread and mid-day snack! We really appreciated starting the day off that way!
Lastly, for those celebrating Thanksgiving, we hope you have an enjoyable day with your family, friends and loved ones. The precious time with the special people in our lives is valued by our staff here at Husmann as well! We will see our Cougars again on December 2nd!
Your Partners in Education,
Mr. Sromek, Principal & Ms. Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal
❄️🌡️ Cold Weather Guidelines 🌡️❄️
Due to the many changes in weather this time of year we recommend students are prepared for whatever the day may bring. Please make sure your child is prepared with a warm jacket, hat, gloves, etc. If your child wishes to play in the snow at recess they must wear snow pants and boots or they will be asked to stay on the blacktop. Due to rain or snow it may also be a good idea to keep an extra pair of pants and socks in your child's locker. Please label your child's items. The guidelines established by district 47 during cold weather are as follows:
- 15 degrees or warmer- Unlimited time spent outside
- Zero to 15 degrees above zero- 20 minutes of time spent outside
- Below zero- Students remain indoors
🎄 Husmann’s Mitten Tree 🎄
We are collecting new mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for needy children of all ages. If you’d like to donate a new item, please place it on the tree in the main entrance of Husmann between December 2 - December 13. All collected items will be hung on the fences around Husmann for anyone who needs them!
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Brought to you by Cougar Council
🔊 Be Seen & Heard 🔊
During the week of December 9, a brief follow-up video presentation of Be Seen & Heard©, an age and developmentally appropriate sexual abuse awareness and prevention program provided to students in fulfillment of Erin’s Law, will take place during your child’s STEM class. This very short refresher of the main ideas presented earlier this year reminds students how to stay safe and to communicate with their Trusted Heroes. If you prefer your child not participate, you may opt-out by contacting the principal in writing/email. If you have already opted out for this school year, you do not need to do it again.
💜💛 Yearbooks! 💛💜
Did you know you can customize pages in your child's yearbook, for FREE?
To order your yearbook, please visit Treering here: HUS Yearbook
Use our school's passcode: 1015547582424576
All fifth grade students at Husmann will receive their yearbook FREE thanks to our very own HPTO! You can still add your custom pages too so head to the site!
👕 Lost and Found 👕
Lost N Found is overflowing! Any items left after Thanksgiving will be boxed up and donated. Thank you!
During the school year, students and teachers are working
on building a sense of community in their classrooms.
Some of the key skills that support a positive learning environment and promote a community culture include:
Learning how to work cooperatively with others to take care of materials in the classroom
Learning ways to share materials with others
Learning how to ask for help when needed
Learning how to help others when needed
Learning how to make decisions cooperatively with others
Learning how we can support the group's needs
Fostering Positive Social Interactions is an essential piece of fostering a positive school community!
Learning how to listen to others in small and large group settings
Learning how to work well as a part of a group
Learning to communicate clearly with others
Learning to adjust communication to help others understand a point
Learning to share details about one’s own self
Learning how to give others personal space
Learning and demonstrating conversational skills (taking turns, getting a turn in a polite way)
Learning to interact with others in a positive way
Partnering with teachers and school leaders in helping our children develop these essential skills will have an impact on student learning and academic progress!
🎬 Regal Cinemas Fundraiser 🎬
Enjoy movies with a purpose! HPTO is giving you the best reason to head to the cinema! Until January 23, 25% of each Regal Movie Ticket Bundle you purchase will be donated back to HPTO, when you buy via our fundraising sales page. Responsible. Treat yourself, your friends, and family to an unforgettable movie night in support of a great cause! Grab your tickets by clicking here or scanning the QR code.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Husmann PTO
- Website:
For any questions please email us at
🙌 Congrats to Our Very Own Elevate Award Winners! 🙌
Mrs. Olson - 3rd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Brual - Reading Interventionist
Mrs. Felz - Instructional Coach
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Elevate Award
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.