Important Dates
Term 1 - 27 March 2024
As notified in last weeks newsletter the scheduled Hearing/Vision Technician visit was cancelled due to the Technician being unwell. This has been rescheduled to 23 and 24 May 2024.
The school offers free vision and hearing screening through Hutt Valley DHB on an annual basis. If you wish to opt out of this for your child, please click the link below to complete the opt out form. If you do not complete the form below we will assume you are opting in.
Life Education Visit
The Life Education visit had been postponed.
The new dates for this visit are 6 - 13 May.
Paid Union Meeting for teachers - Your Support Please
The NZEI are holding Paid Union Meetings this term as they continue to advocate for the learning conditions in our schools.
In order to allow for our teaching team to attend these with minimal disruption to the classroom programmes, our Bellevue teaching staff will be attending the same session - 2-3pm on Thursday 4 April.
We are therefore requesting that those families who are able to, please collect their child from school on Thursday 4 April at 1.10pm (the start of second play). Students who are not able to be picked up will remain at school under the supervision of Annette and staff not attending the meetings. An alternative programme will be run for these students. Please use THIS LINK to notify us of the plan for your child this afternoon before 8am on Wednesday 3 April, so we can plan for safe student supervision.
Please note that we ask all children in Years 1-3 to be picked up from their classroom by an adult (unless they can walk home with an older sibling). For our students in Year 4-6 we require approval via this form prior to 8am on Wednesday 3 April to allow them to walk home. Students’ safety remains our top priority. Thank you for your ongoing support of our team.
Important Dates
Wednesday 27 March
Combined Schools Board Event - Ngā Hau e Whā o Paparārangi - 6.30 - 8pm
Thursday 28 March
Bellevue Board Meeting 6.30 - 8.30pm
Friday 29 March
Good Friday - school closed
Monday 1 April
Easter Monday - school closed
Tuesday 2 April
Easter Tuesday - school closed
Thursday 4 April
Paid Union Meetings for Teachers 2-3pm
Friday 12 April 2024
FUNdraisers Pizza lunch
Last day of term 1
Monday 29 April
First day of term 2
Monday 6 May to Monday 13 May
Life Education van visit
Tuesday 14 May
NZ Cross Country - pp Thursday 16 May
Year 6 National Young Leaders day
Thursday 16 May
Junior Invitational Cross Country- pp Thursday 23 May
Friday 17 May
Whakawhanaungatanga Friday 11.50am - 1.05pm
Thursday 23 May
Bellevue Board Meeting 6.30 - 8.30pm
Thursday 23 May - Friday 24 May
Hearing/Vision Technician at school
Thursday 30 May
School Disco
Community Notices
We will be operating from the school hall from 15-26 April (excluding ANZAC Day). All enquiries to or 021 409641.
Holiday programmes and other notices
There are a few holiday programmes and community notices advertised this week. Please see the Community Notices link further down.
Username bellevue-newlands, password 'grow'
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