Wildcat Newsletter
September 18th, 2024
Dear Wildcat Families & Staff,
We are excited to have you in our classrooms this Thursday night at our annual Back to School Night. This is an opportunity to hear about what is happening in your child’s classroom, first hand from the teacher. Lots of information will be shared about the curriculum, expectations, staying connected, homework, field trips, volunteering, and more. Interpretation in Spanish will be available.
In addition to hearing from your classroom teacher, you can attend the Family English Language Development session for students receiving ELD services or the Talented and Gifted session if your child is identified for TAG or if you want to hear about the TAG services in PPS.
One other component of this time of year is the annual Title 1 update for families. This will be available as a video, it is not a live presentation. You can access the video from the Family Newsletter online. In this message, I will present information about our Title 1 designation, what it means at Woodlawn, our student data, areas of our Schoolwide Improvement Plan, and ways to stay connected. You can watch it below from the electronic newsletter or log into our school web page pps.net/woodlawn and find this link in the posted newsletter. You will also find the presentation on the “recorded presentations” tab on our front page.
Lastly, and maybe it should have been first… DINNER!!! Dinner from Cason’s will be available starting at 5:30. Join us in the cafeteria for fried chicken, mac n cheese, spaghetti, beans, and greens.
Reminder: Next WEDNESDAY is our first early release day.
Students get out at 11:50. Lunch will be served.
A Video Message from our School Counselor, Mrs. Marquis
Hear about the Counseling program and some of the topics and curriculum that will be presented during weekly Counseling whole-class lessons in this video. Also, see below about our drill in September “Lockdown”. This is presented in a trauma-informed way through a story.
Parent Vue communication re: test scores
Historically, PPS has mailed standardized test scores to parents at the start of the school year. Beginning this year, score reports will no longer be mailed home. Instead, PPS has activated some test scores in ParentVue.
Currently, Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) test results (given in 3rd-5th, results from last year for current grades 4th-5th) and Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) (given in grades 2nd-5th, results from last year for current grades 3-5) results are available to view. Results are also available for students taking the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) ( given to all 2nd graders, results from last year for current 3rd grade).
A few important things to know:
You can access your student’s test by logging into your ParentVue account and clicking on the “Test History” tile. This will take you to the test score screen.
There is also a tile called “Student Assessment Descriptions” that will take you to a web page providing a description of the assessment and context for the results.
Not all assessment results details can be shared in ParentVue.
If you do not yet have a ParentVue account set up – or if you have additional questions about testing and your student’s results – please contact your school.
Attendance Popsicles on Halloween
We are planning to celebrate students who have a 90% or higher attendance rate for the first quarter of school. If your student has this attendance rate, they will be invited to celebrate with popsicles on Thursday, October 31, the last day of the first quarter.
One of our schoolwide goals is to lower our rate of students in the chronically absent category. We ended last year at 37% of students in the chronic category. We are aiming to lower that by 5% this year. Stay tuned for more attendance focused initiatives and ways we are celebrating “regular attenders” (90%+)
SUN School Registration for Fall is Open NOW Thru Friday!
SUN Fall Registration is open! Here is the link to complete registration. If you have any questions, please email SUN Site Manager, Anastasia Jones at anastasial@selfenhancement.org
Sammy & Friends Pre-Event
Portland Public Schools (PPS) is invested in fostering safe, trauma-informed emergency drills that are taught and carried out in developmentally appropriate ways. Oregon schools are required to instruct and drill students on emergency procedures and it’s important that students are empowered to keep themselves safe in case of an emergency.
Next week, Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade students at our school will learn about Sammy the Sasquatch, Crittertopia, and the many ways Sammy practices safety. Crittertopia is kept safe by the Critter Elder’s magic. While it’s very unlikely a curious human will accidentally wander into Crittertopia, Sammy & Friends practice keeping Crittertopia safe by doing a Lockdown, “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight.” For more information on Sammy & Friends and resources to help empower your kids at home, please see that attached document.
The School Counselor will read the illustrated children’s book, “Sammy the Sasquatch: Welcome to Crittertopia,” while students color an image of Sammy. We will then focus on empowering students and providing choice throughout the Lockdown Classroom Coaching session, modeling how to do a Lockdown and allowing students to choose to practice together.
Classroom Coaching for Lockdown will not focus on any specific threat. Students will be able to ask questions which will be answered in trauma-informed and developmentally appropriate ways. Responses will always bring the focus back to:
Kids, and adults, practice safety in many different ways every day.
Doing a Lockdown does not mean school is unsafe. It means one of the caring adults did a great job of noticing.
School safety partners, like Campus Safety Associates (CSAs) and local first responders, are very good at their jobs and will respond quickly if students need help.
Carissa Marquis
School Counselor
PTA Updates:
Get Involved!
NE Holland Mural Project
Join Wildcat students and community members to complete the wall mural on NE Holland (between NE 11th and NE 12th). Adults and Wildcats that want to join the mural team in painting or design, email woodlawnschoolpta@gmail.com by October 1st.Help Sell T-Shirts at Back to School Night
Sign up to help sell t-shirts at Back to School Night! Click here for more information. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D49AFA828A4FEC43-volunteerWear Wildcat Gear
Purchase youth or adult Wildcat gear online here. https://woodlawn-806881.square.site/wildcat-gear You can pick up your items at Back to School Night, or they can be sent home with your student.
Upcoming Events
First PTA Meeting
Tuesday, October 1st, 6:00 p.m. Auditorium
Dinner and childcare will be provided. An agenda will be sent in next week’s newsletter.Fall Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day
Wednesday, October 9th
Exercise your way to school and meet PTA volunteers at 7:45 a.m. on the lawn in front of the school for music, bubbles, and giveaways! This event is for all students, including those who ride the bus. Coffee will be available for adults. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Mallory Tyler at malloryatyler@gmail.com.
Contact Us or Join the PTA
Contact Us or Join Us!
The PTA is here to welcome and support you. Reach out to us with any questions at woodlawnschoolpta@gmail.com or join our Private Facebook Community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/WoodlawnPTA Public Facebook, or Instagram pages.To join the PTA, select Woodlawn Elementary and sign up here. https://www.oregonpta.org/membership 100% of your dues go toward insurance and required operating fees.
A Note From Our OSU Nutrition Educator, Rebecca Marson
Hello Wildcats! Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? Or who grows it? This week, get to know Oregon farmer, Sam Pollock. He grew the delicious watermelon students across the district have been enjoying this month.
Know Your Farmer!
Located in Hermiston, Oregon, Pollock and Son Inc. has been farming in this community for over 50 years. Sam Pollock, a third-generation farmer, carries on his family’s legacy with pride, focusing on producing some of the finest watermelons in the Pacific Northwest. Through Farm to School programs, like Harvest of the Month, Sam’s freshly grown watermelon reaches students in Portland Public Schools.
Farming is in Sam’s blood. “My father did this, and his father before him. This is all we have ever done,” Sam says with a sense of pride. The Pollock family has a long history of farming in Hermiston, and they are dedicated to producing the best watermelon for the Pacific Northwest. "We used to farm a lot of different crops, but we decided 20 years ago that we wanted to focus on getting really good at growing watermelons.”
Growing watermelons follows the rhythm of the seasons. In early spring, Sam and his team prepare the fields for planting. The growing season begins in early summer. By mid to late summer, it's harvest time, “by far our busiest season,” Sam notes. They handpick the best melons from the vine, load them into plastic bins, and take them to the packing shed. There, cameras sort the melons by size. Finally, the melons are shipped to stores across the Pacific Northwest. After harvest, the fields are cleaned up, and the cycle begins again.
For Sam, seeing his watermelons enjoyed by students is one of the most rewarding aspects of his work. “Nothing compares to it,” he says. “It makes me proud to have students feel good or proud about eating something grown in their state.” This pride drives his focus on quality, ensuring that kids get the best watermelon possible.
Pollock and Son Inc. have been providing watermelons to Portland Public Schools (PPS) for some time. “So far, they are the only [school district we sell to].” Farm to School programs like Harvest of the Month are important because they bring fresh, oregon-grown foods to students. With all PPS students now able to enjoy free breakfast and lunch for the 2024-25 school year, the impact of these programs is even greater.
When it comes to enjoying watermelon, Sam likes to keep it simple: “Just sliced.” He also enjoys experimenting with new varieties. “Sometimes it isn’t always the best, but when it is good, it’s exciting.”
For students interested in farming, Sam encourages starting small. "Growing your own food in a garden is always a satisfying start." Sam adds that while it can be tough, hard work and determination will always pay off. “Farming is a lot of hard work,” Sam admits, “but in the end, you’re mostly your own boss, and it’s very rewarding.”
Celebrate the taste of Oregon-grown foods with the Harvest of the Month! This September, students can enjoy Sam's fresh watermelon every Thursday. You won’t want to miss it!
Upcoming Important Dates:
9/20 SUN Registration Closes
9/19 Back to School Night
9/20 SUN Registration Closes
9/25 Early Release
9/25 Spirit Day: Wear Grade Level Colors!
10/1 First PTA Meeting
10/2 Picture Day