The Greencastle Gazette

Principal's Message: October 6, 2024
Here is some important information for you to review this week:
1. Excel Beyond The Bell Elementary (EBBE) Begins Monday, October 7th: Registration is now open. Click this LINK to complete the registration form. Click this LINK to complete the registration form in Spanish. For more information about EBBE, check out their website.
2. Saturday School at Paint Branch High School: This is an affordable academic tutoring program for students serving Montgomery County Public Schools. The October Newsletter includes information about Scholarship Opportunities, Enrollment, and a Back-to-School Night Photo Collage. We only have three students from Greencastle ES enrolled in the program. If you are interested in registering for Saturday School, click this LINK.
3. Grade 5 Virtual Middle School Programs Presentation - Thursday, October 10 @6:30 p.m.: Families are invited to listen to the various middle school programs and the application program, facilitated by Principal Dean. Here is the information to log into the virtual presentation:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 626 060 2038
Passcode: Castle24
4. Picture Day is Monday, October 21 & Tuesday, October 22: More information is coming about picture day and your student's scheduled day and time.
I hope you had a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you promptly at 9:00 a.m. (door open at 8:40 a.m.)
Mrs. Dean
Mark Your Calendar - IMPORTANT DATES
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
Thursday, October 10: Virtual MCPS Magnet Program Parent Meeting @6:30 p.m.
Friday, October 18: Professional day for all staff; No School for Students
Monday, October 21 & Tuesday, October 22: Fall Picture Day
Monday, November 4: Grading and Planning for the end of term; No School for Students
Tuesday, November 5: General Election Day—Schools and offices closed; No School for Students
Attendance Matters!
MCPS Things to Know
A Word from Our PTA President, Mrs. LaKeisha Carroll
**Volunteers Needed for the School Dance!**
We need volunteers for the School Dance on **October 25th** to help with decorations, crowd control, concessions, and more. If interested, please email us at GreencastleESPTA@gmail.com.
**PTA Membership**
Can we reach our goal of 100 members by October? We’re currently at 84 members and we’re confident we can do it! https://fspta-00024724.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Instagram: Greencastle_PTA
Facebook: GreencastlePta
X: GreencastlePTA
Color Party Hosted by the PTA: Friday, October 25 @ 7:00 p.m. (Greencastle ES)
The Greencastle ES PTA is excited to host the first Dance Party of the 2024-2025 school year, and this year's theme is a "Color Party"! What’s a Color Party, you ask? Let us tell you!