Instructional Minute
October 11, 2022

October 1, 2024
High Impact "Standards Based" Planning
What is High Impact "Standards Based" Planning?
High Impact planning involves:
Step 1:
Create guiding questions that point to the essential knowledge, skills, and ideas to be learned;
Step 2:
Identify what is to be assessed and how it will be assessed based on the rigor of the language used in the grade level content standard;
Step 3:
Create a learning progression (learning map) identifying what is to be learned and specific building block skills that will need to be mastered in the progression of learning;
Step 4:
Integrate questions, checks for understanding, and formative assessments into every lesson so that the teacher can be sure that ALL students understand what they are learning and how well they are progressing in their learning.
Planning always entails thinking about and responding to the following question:
What will students know, be able to do, or produce at the end of instruction?
Unlocking the Power of Learning
Math Talk Prompts
Use the following prompts to assist with building a Math Talk community in your classroom.
Elicit student thinking:
- So, what is this problem about?
- Tell us what you see.
Support student thinking:
- What did you mean when you said ______?
- Show us on your drawing what you mean.
Extend student thinking:
- Restate: So, you're saying that...
- How is your way of solving like _______'s way?
Increase participation of other students in the conversation:
- Prompt further participation: Would someone like to add on?
- Did anyone think of this problem in a different way?
Probe specific math topics:
- What would happen if ________?
- What pattern do you see here?
Staff Appreciation from Morrie's Okemos Ford
Morrie's Okemos Ford is offering FREE windshield wipers for any staff or district owned vehicles throughout the school year. It is as simple as filling out some basic information (on this Google form) about you and your vehicle that Morrie's would be getting the wipers for.
Districtwide Saturday School for 3rd – 5th Grade!
We are thrilled to announce staff openings for our districtwide Saturday School program - "Super Saturday"! We are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated educators to join us in supporting our 3rd - 5th grade students who are not yet at grade level to provide instruction over 9 exciting weeks, starting October 17th from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Students will be there from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
The locations for Super Saturday will be at Dwight Rich, Gardner, and Pattengill.
We are hiring for:
- 3 ELA Teachers
- 3 Math Teachers
- 3 PE Teachers
- 3 Leads
If you’re passionate about making a difference and have energy to help our students succeed, we’d love to have you on board! Please apply on the Lansing School District's website by clicking on the employment tab and looking for Saturday School Teacher or Lead.
Link to Evaluation Documents for Staff
This folder includes the "24-25 Evaluation Grid" that lists which roles are evaluated with which tool. It also includes a companion document and rubrics for non-classroom staff.
Reminder: The due date for your fully approved Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is Friday October 11th.
The PGP is 40% of your overall evaluation. The components you choose for your PGP will be rated by your administrator and calculated into your PGP score.
Remember to click "Submit for Approval".
FYI-Per MDE Guidelines, All 1st year teachers to the profession and any teacher rated minimally effective or ineffective the previous school year must have an "Individualized Development Plan" (IDP). This is in addition to the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) used for the evaluation. Administrators will reach out to those impacted.
Curricular Tools Crosswalk
Accessing Pacing Guides on District Website
Having Trouble Accessing your Online Curriculum?
If you are having trouble accessing your online curriculum it might be one of these two things:
- It may be that that subject area section has not been assigned to you in Synergy. Reach out to your building administrator/school secretary for assistance with assigning those sections to you in Synergy.
- Your Google account may be defaulting to a personal Google email account. Please also check that when you are logging in that you are on your district assigned Google account and not your personal account. We are finding that sometimes when attempting to log in, it defaults to personal Google accounts.
If you are still having trouble with accessing the online curriculum after verifying the problem was not these two things, please submit a Technology work request.
K-8th Grade Instructional Minutes by Content Area and Sample Schedules
Below you can find the new, updated required instructional minutes by grade level and content area. Each grade level also includes a sample schedule.
Pacing Implementation Guidelines
Teachers are encouraged to monitor student progress regularly using formative assessments and adjust pacing as needed based on classroom data. However, teachers should aim to stay within two weeks of the pacing outlined in the guides to maintain alignment with district-wide goals.
K-8 Pacing at a Glance for this Week's Instruction
The documents attached outline K-8 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
9-12 Pacing Documents
The document attached outlines 9-12 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
Workshop Model Lesson Plan Form to Assist in Planning Lessons
A resource to use as you see fit.