Parent Peek At The Week
A collection of images, videos, and links to spark learning.

Peek At The Week 12/09 - 12/13
MONDAY 12/09
- Late Start Monday students entry is 9:35 a.m. (check your bus schedule)
- iReady Testing - Math
- Makers Club 3:45-5:00 p.m., (Mrs. Metallo)
- 6th Grade Bball vs JWL @ HMS 4:15 p.m.
- 7th & 8th Grade Bball Conference
- iReady Testing - Math
- 7:30-8:30 a.m. Harmonix (Dr. Glogowski)
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- Flipped Book Discussion, 3:45-5:00 p.m. LMC
- Photo & Solvers Club, 3:45-5:00 p.m. (Mrs. Metallo)
- Ukulele Club, 3:45-5:00 p.m. (Dr. Glogowski)
- Wrestling @ Jewel MS
- 7th & 8th Grade Bball Conference
- HMS Winter Concert @ WAHS Auditorium, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- iReady Testing - Math
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- Anime Club, 3:45-5:00 p.m. (Mr. Burger)
- Homework Club 3:45-5:00 p.m. (Mrs. Andrews)
- Cooking & Baking Club, 3:40-5:00 p.m. (Mrs. Frances)
- 7th & 8th Grade Bball Conference
- iReady Testing - Math
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- 7:30-8:30 a.m. Harmonix (Dr. Glogowski)
- 8:00-8:30 a.m. Student Council/SAVE Club meeting (Mrs. Andrews)
- Animation Club, 3:45-5:00 p.m. (Mr. Stancati)
- 7th and 8th Bball City of Lights
- Wrestling @ Rotolo
FRIDAY 12/13
- iReady Testing - Math
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- 7:30-8:30 a.m. Early Morning Choir (Dr. Glogowski)
- The Club 3:40-6:00 p.m. (every Friday!)
- Wrestling pictures 3:45-5:00 p.m.
- Cheer Showcase
All guests must present a valid photo ID upon entry.
Parents/Guardians: It is District Policy if a student arrives to school late or from an appointment, they have to be signed in by an adult. Please notify the main office, if a contact person other than parent/guardian is picking up your student for an early dismissal.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Herget Main Office
Notes from Coach Stauter:
The Herget wrestlers crashed out on the Thunder Thursday night, taking down Thompson 52-44. The evening started with an impressive five wins in a row: Ryan K. pinned his opponent, followed by Hunter P. and his major decision, back-to-back tech falls from Damian G. and Cole A., and a key decision scored by Ayden C. The finishing blows were delivered by Vincent V., Jackson C., Max P., and Jack M., who all won by fall. Andre B. accepted a forfeit as the proverbial cherry on top of the cake.
Then the exhibition wrestlers went on to thrash what was left of the competition, going 11-2 in matches overall. Mia C. started the rally with a vicious pin, followed by a 20-second fall scored by Iliana M. and yet another pin earned by Jaxson B. Gabe B. shut his opponent out 13-0, and Gavin A. upped the ante with an 18-second pin himself. Logan B. joined the pin train with a third-period victory, and Adan G. anchored the seven-win streak with a 15-2 major decision. Hunter P. reignited the Husky spirit and kicked off a four-win pin streak with a 13-second victory, followed by another first-period fall for Max R., a 12-second pin by Ayden A. (the quickest of the night), and yet another first-period pin by Van K. By the looks of things, the Herget wrestlers are primed for a big day at the Fox Valley Conference Tournament Saturday, December 7th. Let’s find out how hungry these Huskies are for some hardware!
Winter Sports Registration is Open!
Winter registration is now open for 6th girls basketball, 7th girls basketball, 8th girls basketball, and 6th/7th/8th dance team. You must be registered online at https://schools.snap.app/herget, and have an up-to-date sports physical on file in order to participate. First days of practice can be found below, all practice/game schedules will be posted as we get closer to the start of the season on the athletic website under resources.
If you have any questions, please email Mr. White (awhite@sd129.org) or the head coach below.
6th Girls Basketball – Coach Beetham (jbeetham@sd129.org) First practice 1/8 6-7:30 PM
7th Girls Basketball – Coach White (awhite@sd129.org) First practices 1/8-1/10 7-8:30 AM
8th Girls Basketball – Coach Vernon (rvernon@sd129.org) First practices 1/8-1/10 3:45-5:15 PM
Dance Team – Coach Casanas (jcasanas@sd129.org) First practices 1/13-1/17 3:45-5:15
- 12/16-12/19 Winter SPIRIT Week
- 12/16-12/19 Candy Grams sales
- 12/18- Musical Auditions begin, (see below)
- 12/23 - 01/03 - Winter Break, Classes Resume 01/06
- 01/16 - Family Trivia Night
Audition Call! Herget Presents...
Auditions for the Herget Musical, Seussical Jr are in 2 weeks, Wednesday, 12/18, 3:45-5:15! If interested, please fill out the audition form here. See you all soon.
Questions, ask Dr. Glogowski
BACK STAGE CREW for "Seussical Jr."
If you have NOT already done so, and are interested in being apart of BACKSTAGE CREW please fill out this link:
All questions about backstage crew can be directed to Ms. Klint through Schoology or you can find her in her classroom 1103.
Save the Date! Family Night!
Herget staff and PTO will be hosting an Are you smarter than a Middle Schooler? Family Trivia Night. Interpreters will be available, if you have a preferred language, other than English, please call the main office at 630-301-5220.