Welcome to the BHS Express
A newsletter keeping you informed about Batavia High School
Hello Bulldog Families.
BHS is already off to a busy start as our marching band and athletic teams have been on campus every day preparing for what’s certain to be a great fall season! It’s an exciting time to be a high school student as all of our extra curricular activities become a part of the total high school experience! We have several important dates and links throughout this newsletter and encourage you to join us for our Open House on Tuesday, August 13th from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. You will be able to pick up your student’s schedule, meet the teachers and pick up parking passes if you’ve purchased one.
It’s important for us to take some time to note the cell phone expectations for Batavia High School. Please note that these are linked into this newsletter and that your student will be receiving this link in their emails. We will also be reviewing these expectations with them next week. You may be aware that it is now Ohio law that school districts must adopt cell phone policies by July 2025. In fact, many surrounding schools have gone to completely banning them in the buildings altogether. Please reference this link to the language from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: ODEW's Language on Cell Phones. Also, reference this news article about how Cincinnati Public Schools plan to address this law: CPS Article on Cell Phone Policy. As you review ODEW’s website, note the requirements around what the policy must contain:
Emphasize that student cell phone use be as limited as possible during school hours.
Reduce cell phone-related distractions in classroom settings.
May permit students to use cell phones or other technological devices for student learning or to monitor or address a health concern.
As you review the BHS Cell Phone Expectations link, you will notice that here at BHS, we’ve taken the approach that there may be times when the cell phones are appropriate. Teacher discretion is paramount in this language so if a teacher asks students to put away the cell phone, the expectation is that the students will comply. Please notice that there are very specific consequences for cell phone misuse. Most of our BHS students respect our teachers and follow instructions. However, it’s important that both parents and students understand the consequences for failure to follow these expectations.
As family members, please understand that we need your cooperation in this matter as well. If you need to reach your student, you are encouraged to call the high school office at 513-732-2341 and ask that we convey a message to your student. During your students’ lunch period, they may come to the office and use their own cell phone to call you back. When you text or call your student throughout the day, this also becomes a disruption. In fact, research has shown that when students look at their phones, whether it’s for a text from home or a social media post, it can take up to 23 minutes for students to regain their focus. Please read this article about the importance of focus within the classroom: Article About Phone Distractions We know you value your child’s educational experience, so please help us by reaching out to the office to convey messages or reinforce with your students that you expect to only hear from them during their lunch periods.
We’ve also linked in the parent drop off map for the campus for the 2024-2025 school year. Nothing has changed for our high school parents or student drivers. (The drop off changes impact parents who drop off at the middle school.) High School parents are to drop off their students by entering via the Old 32 entrance. Doors will not open until 7:05 a.m. Our student drivers and staff are to enter via the Batavia Road Exit.
Lastly, we are excited to include a precious photo of a beautiful little bundle that Mr. Buis and his wife welcomed this week! Harper has now become an extension of our Bulldog family, and Mr. Buis can’t stop smiling! Mr. Buis will be returning to BHS towards the end of September, so please encourage your students to reach out to Mr. Moorehead, who will be filling in for Mr. Buis, or to me if they have anything they need. We want to honor Mr. Buis by allowing him to have this time with his new family.
We hope you enjoy this beautiful weekend and soak in the final days of summer break with your students. We can’t wait to get started next week!
In service to our Bulldogs.
Andrea Conner, High School Principal
Matt Buis, BHS Assistant Principal
Welcome to the Bulldog family, Harper!
Shout Out to our Talented Seniors and their Parking Spots!
Welcome to BHS, Class of 2028!
2024-2025 Parking Pass Prices:
$40 = Standard Parking Pass (valid for entire 2024-2025 school year.)
$20 = 2nd Semester Only Parking Pass - Available January 6th, 2025 (This option will be available at the start of 2nd semester for new drivers who receive their license during the 2nd semester of the school year.)
The Parking Pass Sales are open. Parking pass purchases can be made through EZ Pay on the school website. The parking pass purchases are time stamped in the order of purchase. This will determine the spot each student will receive.
Parking passes can be picked up on Tuesday, August 13th during Open House
Students who choose to purchase a student parking pass and provide their own transportation must do so with the understanding that students must be on time to school. If tardies are an issue then administration reserves the right to revoke a student's parking pass.
Safety!!! Any student operating a motor vehicle on campus must operate their vehicle safely. Any students caught speeding or making other unsafe choices will have their parking pass revoked. Administration will determine the level of consequence based on the unsafe behavior.
- 2024-2025 District Calendar
- Back-to-School Checklist
- Batavia Schools Community Resource Highlight
- August 13, 2024: BHS Open House: 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Students can pick up schedules and visit teachers if they’d like. Parking passes will also be available.)
August 15, 2024: First day of school for students
September 2, 2024: No School: Labor Day
September 10, 2024: School pictures for students in grades 9-11 in the a.m.
September 17, 2024: Senior pictures with Dingo Photography in the a.m.
September 19, 2024: Parent-Teacher Conferences
September 26, 2024: Homecoming Parade
September 27, 2024: Homecoming Game
September 28, 2024: Homecoming Dance
Check out the Batavia High School Guidance Counselor website.
Your Guidance Counselors are:
Felicia Grooms
9th - 12th Grade Counselor A-L
(513) 732-2341 ext: 7037
Beth Poling
9th - 12th Grade Counselor M-Z
(513) 732-2341 ext: 7036
Welcome Back! We are so excited to see you for the 24-25 school year! All students will get hard copies of their schedule at Open House on Tuesday afternoon. We ask that all students and parents review your HS schedules. Make sure you have all 4 of your core classes if you are in grades 9-11. You should have an English, a Math, a Science, and a Social Studies class for the full year.
Remember that you have 5 days to drop or add classes once school starts. If you have questions or concerns please email us!
We look forward to seeing you at Open House and are ready to get this school year off to a great start!
Mrs. Grooms and Mrs. Poling
Mark Pierson, Athletic Director
Tim Young, Assistant Athletic Director
Link to Athletic Website:
https://bataviaathletics.com/IMPORTANT LINKS
513-732-2341, ext. 7051
Matt Buis, Assistant Principal
513-732-2341, ext. 7052
Melissa Anstaett, Administrative Assistant
513-732-2341, ext. 7055
Edie Strine, Administrative Assistant
513-732-2341, ext. 7054
If your student is absent, call
513-732-2341 and leave a message on the attendance line