Middle School East
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Week In Review and A Look Ahead
August 30, 2024
Notes from the Principal
Hello MSE Students and Families!
We had a very successful opening of school! It was great to see the many familiar faces returning to our building, while welcoming our newest students to middle school. Our students did exceptionally well on the second day of school as we kept them busy with various meetings, pictures, health screenings, and other activities. On Wednesday, we followed our traditional schedule and students are developing their routines as they move around school.
Next Tuesday, open seating begins in the cafeteria. Students will be expected to report to the cafeteria in a timely manner on their own and will be able to choose their own seats. Seats are not allowed to be "saved" and all students are expected to exhibit respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors in the cafeteria.
This coming Thursday evening we will have our 7th/8th Grade Back to School Night. Please see below for further information.
Have a safe, enjoyable, and fun Labor Day Weekend!
7th/8th Grade Back to School Night
7th and 8th grade parents/guardians are encouraged to join us Thursday, Sept 5, for our Back to School Night. Our event begins at 6:30PM and will conclude by 8:30PM. Doors will open at 6:15PM. Parents/guardians will report to their children's first period class, following a Day 1 schedule. We ask that students stay at home this evening as this event is for the adults only.
Special 8th Grade Parent/Guardian Presentation
Prior to Back to School Night, MSE 8th grade parents and guardians are invited to preview Victim Services Center of Montgomery County’s “Creating Better Boundaries” program on Thursday, September 5 from 5:45-6:15pm in the auditorium. This is a program focused on safety, sexual harassment prevention, bullying prevention, and social-emotional skill building. In this preview, parents and guardians will learn about the three-part program and what each lesson entails. Educators from Victim Services Center will give an outline of the program and its activities. The presenters will be able to answer any specific questions parents and guardians have about what the 8th grade students at MSE and MSW will be learning in this program taking place from September 24th through November 13th in REACH classes. If you have further questions after this parent preview, or if you do NOT want your child to participate in this Better Boundaries presentation (opt out form linked) please reach out to Mrs. Malfaro (CMalfaro@boyertownasd.org / 610-473-3987) by September 16th.
Bear Ambassadors
Thank you to our 8th Grade Bear Ambassadors who have been helping our newest students adjust to MSE.
PE Dress Begins Next Week
The PE department is excited to get our students active and moving!
7th and 8th Graders will begin dressing for class on Thursday, September 5th.
6th Graders will begin dressing for class on Monday, September 9th.
As a reminder, students need sneakers and are required to change into black shorts and a red
t-shirt. Please refer to our course syllabus which can be found in students' Phys Ed Google Classroom for further information regarding our class policies and procedures.
High School Sporting Events
Students and families are reminded that middle school students must be accompanied by a guardian or adult to attend BASH football games as well as our middle school home sporting events. We hope that our community comes out to support our student-athletes; however, those middle school students without a responsible supervising adult will not be allowed entry. Tickets for BASH football games must be purchased online and can be done HERE. There is no charge or tickets required for middle school sporting events.
Upcoming Events
Click HERE for quick access to our Student Handbook/Code of Conduct
School Counselor Contact Information
MSE School Counselors Contact Information (counselors will return to school August 7):
Mrs. Charlee Malfaro (Class of 2029/Grade 8 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3987
Mrs. Beth Shive (Class of 2030/Grade 7 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3990
Mrs. Allison Thomson (Class of 2031/Grade 6 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3991
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and
is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter were purchased through canstockphoto.com before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout this newsletter
will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
Middle School East
2020 Big Road
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
(610) 754-9550