The Board Bulletin October 2023
A Monthly Summary of Board Discussion and Action
October 19, 2023
About The Board Bulletin
The Bulletin is published monthly on the Thursday following the voting meeting of the Board. The Bulletin is designed for informational purposes to keep the West York Area School District Community informed of Board happenings and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, please visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. Each meeting's minutes are presented to the Board for approval at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact
Board Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Board Voting Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by President Lynn Kohler.
The minutes from the October 10, 2023, Board Work Session were approved.
Ms. Alyssa Murray, HS Student Council representative, shared updates from the High School.
Dr. Davies shared a letter of appreciation for the hospitality shown by our athletic staff to a visiting football team.
Mr. Ken Phillips from Raymond James spoke to the Board about project financing.
Discussion was held regarding the proposed athletic complex project. Mr. Brian Bingeman from Turf, Track, and Court was on hand to answer questions from the Board.
- Please see a message below from Dr. Davies regarding a community survey about this project.
There was public comment regarding non-resident tuition before the Board took action on the items presented.
- Action was taken on the following items:
- Christmas' Learning Development Program Emergency Evacuation Agreement
- New Story Schools Agreement
- Bus and Van Drivers
- McClure Cost Estimate for HVAC projects
- Non-resident Tuition Student Admissions
- NRG Building Services Annual Agreement
- PA Counseling Services Letter of Agreement
- Rainbow Junction Emergency Evacuation Agreement
- Board Policy 255 (Retirement of Policy)
- Four Student Expulsions
- UPMC Employee Assistance Program Agreement
- Two Use of Facilities Requests
- Wellspan Philhaven Referral Agreement
- Personnel Items
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Informational Reports, including the monthly enrollment report and district rentals, were shared.
- Lifetouch Photography Services was discussed under Other Matters. Ms. Schlemmer, CFO, will meet with Lifetouch representatives regarding the quality of their products.
President Kohler adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.
A Message from Dr. Davies Regarding the Proposed Athletic Complex Project
During Tuesday’s Voting Meeting, the West York Board of Directors requested additional input from our community regarding the ongoing Athletic Fields Accessibility and Updating projects. The input that is being requested at this time specifically focuses on whether a renovated West York High School Stadium should feature grass or synthetic turf.
The West York Area School District has embarked on a significant project to enhance our athletic fields. This project initially took shape in the 2018-19 school year when we began exploring options to improve the accessibility of our main stadium. In February 2020, we sought your valuable input through a community survey to gauge your support for the initial plan to enhance the accessibility of the main stadium. The responses to that survey demonstrated community support for the goals of that stadium overhaul.
However, after pausing the project for two years, the Board revisited it last year and, in doing so, recognized the need to update not only the main stadium but also most of our athletic fields, both at the Middle School-High School Campus and the Trimmer Elementary School Campus.
The Current Project:
Our vision is to create a better experience for our athletes while making our campus and venues more accessible to the community. In pursuit of this goal, we plan to install two synthetic turf fields. One of these fields will be at a new multi-purpose "mini-stadium" where our existing field hockey and softball fields are located. The second synthetic turf field will either be integrated into the completely renovated main stadium or another field on the Middle School-High School campus.
Your Input is Important to Us:
We value your input in making this crucial decision for our community. Our new survey focuses on a pivotal question: Should the new main stadium field be grass or synthetic turf? To assist you in providing feedback, the survey will include a section outlining the pros and cons of each option.
Next Steps:
In the coming days, you will receive the survey in the same manner you are receiving this Bulletin, which will consist of just a few questions. Please participate and share your thoughts with us. Your input will be instrumental in guiding the future of our athletic fields.
Thank you for your continued support of the West York Area School District. Together, we can create a vibrant and accessible athletic environment that benefits our community and athletes alike.
Dr. Todd Davies
Work Session Highlights
Tuesday, October 10, 2023, Work Session of the Board
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Lynn Kohler.
President Kohler announced that an Executive Session was held prior to the meeting to discuss personnel and legal matters.
President Kohler called for a moment of reflection about the current conflict in the Mid-eastern region of the world.
The minutes from the September 19, 2023, meeting of the Board were approved.
Mr. Ken Phillips and Ms. Lauren Stadel from Raymond James shared a financial presentation with the Board.
- New Agreements Discussed:
- Christmas' Learning Development Program
- New Story Schools
- Renewal Agreements Discussed:
- Rainbow Junction
- PA Counseling Services
- Wellspan Philhaven Referral Agreement
- NRG Building Services
- UPMC Employee Assistance Program
- 2023-24 Bus Driver Recommendations
Two Board Policies were presented
McClure HVAC projects were discussed
The Athletic Complex project was discussed
Two Use of Facilities requests were discussed
Other Matters for Discussion
Lifetouch Photography service was discussed
A reminder to the Board about the Saxton & Stump Law Breakfast
A student expulsion will be on next week's agenda for action
Personnel Recommendations
Recommendations for approval at the October 17th meeting include new hires, resignations, retirements, volunteers, etc.
Recommendations for approval at this meeting were presented
Personnel Action Items
- There were a few time-sensitive personnel items approved
Committee Reports:
- Note that internal committee minutes are attached to the Work Session agenda in the month following the committee meeting.
- Internal Committees:
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Cocurricular Committee - Director Rice noted the next meeting will be on November 21st
- Educational Programming Committee - Director Herman noted the next meeting will be held on November 14th
- Facilities Committee - President Kohler mentioned the minutes from the September 26th meeting were attached
- Foundation for the WYASD - Director Myers had no report
- PRIDE Committee - Director Shope reported that the PRIDE Committee met just prior to the Work Session. Highlights were
- Changing the name from PRIDE to Communication and Engagement Committee (CEC)
- The flagpole banner samples are in and will be displayed at Lincolnway for a final decision regarding ordering for other buildings
- The Bulldog logo will be discussed at the next meeting in January
- Wellness Committee - Director Dennis was not present
- External Committees and Boards:
- West Manchester Township Recreation Committee - Director Dennis
- York County School of Technology - Director Harlacher
- York County School of Technology Authority - Director Rice
- York Adams Academy - Director Herman
- York/LIU Joint Authority and LIU Board of Directors - Treasurer Gettys
Public Comment (both prior to action items and at the conclusion of the meeting)
There was no public comment.
President Kohler adjourned the meeting at 9:34 p.m.
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are held in the Administration Boardroom for in-person attendance, via Zoom, and live-streamed on our District YouTube channel.
- November 9th Wellness Committee Meeting 3:15 p.m. (Admin Boardroom)
- November 14th Educational Programming Committee (EPC) 5:30 p.m. (Admin Boardroom)
- November 14th Work Session of the Board 7:00 p.m. (Admin Boardroom)
- November 21st Cocurricular Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. (Admin Boardroom)
- November 21st Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. (Admin Boardroom)
Meet the School Board
Click the photos below to meet our WYASD School Directors.
Mr. Lynn Kohler
December 2015
Committees: All Board Committees, Chair of Facilities
Mr. George Margetas
Vice President
December 2013
Mr. Todd Gettys
December 2007
Committees: Budget & Finance (Chair), Facilities, Lincoln Intermediate Unit (LIU) 12 Board of Directors
York/LIU Joint Authority Representative
Ms. Courtney Dennis
December 2019
Committees: Wellness (Chair), EPC, West Manchester TWP Recreation Committee Representative
Mr. Shawn Harlacher
December 2021
Committees: Facilities, YCST Joint Operating Committee Board
Ms. Jeanne Herman
December 2011
Committees: EPC (Chair), PRIDE, York Adams Academy Board of Directors
Mr. Wes Myers
December 2021
Committees: Cocurricular, Facilities, Foundation for the WYASD
Mr. Dan Rice
December 2021
Committees: Cocurricular (Chair), YCST Authority Board
Ms. Brandy Shope
December 2019
Committees: PRIDE (Chair) and Cocurricular
The Board Bulletin is designed for informational purposes for the West York Area School District Community and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, you can visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. The Board approves each meeting's minutes at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact