Franklin Academy Friday News
November 22, 2024
Principal Update
Dear Franklin Families,
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you. This year has been filled with hard work, growth, and countless moments of joy, and it’s all made possible by the support and dedication of our amazing staff and families.
To our teachers, staff, and families: thank you for your continuous commitment to creating a warm and nurturing environment where our students can thrive. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and I’m truly grateful for each of you.
As we gather with loved ones this week, I hope you all find time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. Whether you’re spending the holiday near or far, may it be filled with peace, love, and gratitude.
Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Ms. Torres
IXL Franklin Campuses Challenge
Conduct Scores are here! Grades K-8th
Please check Power School every Friday at 5PM to view your scholar's conduct score. Thank you for your continued partnership between home and school.
Please review the list below of who to contact when certain questions/concerns arise.
School Fees/Balances: Mrs. Bartosik- businessmanager-pbg@franklin-academy.org
Dash Pass-:Please ensure that you have an active Dash Pass account and it is working upon arrival on campus. Any Dash pass questions, please contact Ms. Jabar at jabar.Aleesa@franklin-academy.org
Service Hours: Please ensure that you have a Raptor account to log your parent volunteer hours. Any questions please contact Ms. Jabar at jabar.Aleesa@franklin-academy.org
Registration/School Records: Registrar- hul.stephanie@franklin-academy.org
Clever Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Clever account, please contact Mrs. Young at young.katherine@franklin-academy.org
Power School Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Power School account, please contact Ms. Torres at Torres.deborah@franklin-academy.org
Transportation: All transportation inquires should be directed Ms. Jabar at jabar.Aleesa@franklin-academy.org
Student Schedules- If you have any concerns with a PYP schedule, please contact Mrs. Yurick at yurick.claudia@franklin-academy.org
Student Schedules- If you have any concerns with a MYP schedule, please contact Mrs. Varela at varela.michelle@franklin-academy.org
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Franklin Academy is the Sponsor of the 5K Trailblazer/Tree Lighting Ceremony
Specials Newsletters
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
11/25-11/29- Thanksgiving Break
12/2- School Resumes
12/7 5K Trailblazer/Tree Lighting PBG
Middle School ID'S
All MYP scholars must wear their ID at all times per our Uniform Policy. Should we need to reprint an ID, Power School account will be charged $10 for each replacement.
FortifyFL - See something, say something
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
By accessing FortifyFL, students can provide a description of the threat, share pics, and videos and optionally submit their contact information. Submissions can be anonymous or non-anonymous. Submitting a tip is quick and easy using our mobile app or website.
All Franklin Academy students have access to FortifyFL via their Clever portal dashboard.
News from the PTO
PTO Membership
Help make the 2024-2025 year be our best yet by joining the PTO. Membership is $15 per family. Joining PTO entitles you to preferred access to volunteering at our top events like Franklin Feast, Field Day & more. Our first PTO meeting is in person on September 11th at 6PM.
Click HERE to visit the Franklin Academy PBG PTO website.
Questions? Please contact the PTO President, Tonja Ewing-Gomez,
tonjaewinggomez@gmail.com or 561-512-9724
Service Hours
Service Hour Program
Please visit our Service Hour page by clicking on the link below. There's a SERVICE HOUR BROCHURE as well as a FAQ section at the bottom of the page.
Helpful tip...your RAPTOR portal will always display your total service hours 24/7; PowerSchool Family Portal is updated quarterly with total hours.
ALL families must have a Raptor account in order to complete service hours. New families should register NOW!
Resources for Families
MYP A/B Schedule 2024-2025
PYP Specials Rotation Schedule 2024-2025
Parent/Student Handbook NEW! UPDATED- See Website
Franklin Family Reunification Plan
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Franklin Academy, a FREE Public Charter School, Now Serving Students in Grades K-12.
Email: torres.deborah@franklin-academy.org
Website: https://www.franklin-academy.org/
Location: Franklin Academy, Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Phone: 561-348-2525
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FranklinAcademyCharter
Twitter: @FranklinCharter