The Cohasset Compass
Ever Onward ~ Moving Our Schools Into the Future
Hello Cohasset Families,
As we near closer to November 5th, Election Day, we want to take a moment to remind our school community of our Cohasset Public School mission: The Cohasset Public Schools places students first. We provide an optimal teaching and learning environment by cultivating empathy, globally citizenship, agency, inclusivity, and community engagement to empower students to realize continuous personal growth and achievement. As such, our number one priority is to ensure that all of our students feel safe and supported at school. With that in mind, I want to share the following.
As a public school district, it is our obligation and legal responsibility to educate students about the history of the United States, current events, and the importance of civic engagement. Our education system is specifically designed not to tell students what to think about issues, but rather, how to gather and examine information, think critically, engage with peers, and draw informed conclusions.
We are currently living through a politically charged time and our own Cohasset community is composed of individuals with different life experiences, backgrounds, and points of view. Many of us are passionate about all three of those things that make us who we are and that is important. And, though members of this community may share different perspectives, it is imperative that our schools maintain a safe educational environment that fosters thoughtful academic discourse, protects the rights of all students, and is conducive to learning. For this to happen, we must hold our core values close and remain rooted in empathy and support rather than conflict and opposition.
Thus, when disputes arise regarding political activity in public schools, itโs important to remember not only who we are as a school community, but also that the right to free speech under the First Amendment does not give individuals the right to voice any opinion, in any setting, without consequence. The circumstances and the context matter, and in the public school setting, we have the legal and ethical responsibility to ensure speech does not create a disruption that would be harmful to students and staff.
Given this, I am reminding the entire community that the law prohibits campaigning in school and on school grounds. Additionally, public employees are prohibited from engaging in any political advocacy on school grounds or during the school day, and may not use any school property or resources to campaign or raise funds for any candidate or referendum. This includes prohibition on the use of email, affixing signs to walls or in classrooms, as well as advocating for any political candidate in class. While we should engage students in academic discussions about politics, the election, and civic engagement, educators should remain neutral in our views while creating age appropriate and constructive forums for students to explore and discuss the issues.
Finally, it is important to be clear that verbal or symbolic speech which results in disruption, disorder, or interference with instruction or professional activities, or that causes harm to members of our community, are prohibited both leading up to and after the election. Our district places students first. We are here to foster their academic journey as they become empathetic and global citizens who have agency, are committed to inclusivity and community engagement. We are also here to keep them safe. I appreciate your partnership in helping us reach both of these important goals.
Should you be looking for resources about how to talk with your child about the election, we recommend the following:
- Psychology Today: Talking to Children and Teens About Elections
- Child Mind Institute: Guidance for Speaking to Kids About the Election
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your building principal or me.
Ever Onward,
Our October Challenge: Did you try a new food? Did you hop, skip, etc?
Did you participate in October's Power of Play and Responsible Risk Taking Challenges? Did you get out there to hop, skip, jump, etc and try a new food? If so, how was it? Was it fun? Did you feel young again? To those of you who participated ~ Thank you ๐
I was excited to wrap my October challenge into a celebration of the new garden at the Cohasset Middle School. Through the generosity of the CEF, the middle school, in partnership with Holly Hill Farm, planted 24 raised garden beds this summer. The grant supports our school garden to cafeteria initiative along with a garden club and curricular connections. Principal John Mills, Food Service Director Vinicio Cordon, and Zach Herman from Holly Hill have collaboratively planned and guided this project.
Last week we celebrated the first harvest from the garden with our 6th grade students and the CEF. The garden club harvested purple turnips ~ a vegetable I had never had. This week, Mr. Cordon and the kitchen staff used the turnips and their stems to create a beautiful gnocchi dish that they served at both the middle and high school lunches. I tried it and it was delicious! Turnips are a new veg that I enjoy, and I am grateful for all who played a role in my being able to try this new food. Below are some photos that capture the experience.... garden to table.
The Importance of Student Voice
I have also expanded the SSAC to include our Deer Hill and Osgood students because our younger students love to share about their experiences and have important things to say. The SSAC model at the elementary level will look different from the middle and high school model but is equally as important. Today, I had the opportunity to meet with 16 amazing Deer Hill students who shared with me what they thought I should know about Deer Hill. Below are a few of their highlights.
- Deer Teams are great because they help me make new friends and learn important things.
- We get ice cream on Fridays!
- We really like our new "play" time.
- We have a great selection of books in the library.
- All of the teachers and the people that work at Deer Hill are so nice!
- Learning at Deer Hill is fun.
- Hugo brings so much joy to the building!
I can't wait to meet with them again before winter break and to have my first meeting at the Osgood in a couple of weeks!
Mark Your Calendars
- October 25: Osgood Trunk or Treat (TODAY @ 4:30)
- November 6: School Committee Meeting @ 6:00pm at Deer Hill
- November 11: No School - Veteran's Day
143 Pond Street
Cohasset, MA 02025