Holly Ridge Middle Weekly Update
November 3rd, 2024
Holly Ridge Middle School Families,
We hope you remembered to “fall back” for daylight savings time.
As a reminder, Tuesday, November 5th is a teacher workday, there will be no school for students.
In preparation for our Pep Rally on November 6th, we invite all students to participate in our Spirit Week the week of November 4-8, 2024. Please see HRMS Spirit Week: November 4-8, 2024 for additional details.
On Wednesday, November 6th, we will have our first Pep Rally. We will operate on an altered bell schedule as the pep rally will be at the end of the day.
On Friday, November 8th, students will receive their first quarter report cards during homeroom to bring home.
Holly Ridge Middle School Bee Prepared for the Spelling Bee -
➔ All students may participate in their classroom spelling bee. Social Studies teachers will schedule a classroom spelling bee during the week of November 4th. One student in each classroom will become their classroom spelling bee champion! These students will move on to the school-wide, in-person spelling bee Wednesday evening, December 4, 2025.
➔ Study the word lists before your classroom spelling bee! Word lists will be available electronically. Paper copies can be made available from Mrs. Brown in the library and Mrs. Stallings room.
Study Tips:
First, students are encouraged to study grade level words. If grade level words are mastered, students should continue to study higher grade level words. In a spelling round, the speller must pronounce the word before and after spelling it. The speller may ask the pronouncer to say the word again, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech, provide the language(s) of origin, and/or provide an alternate pronunciation.
HRMS Career Day: We are excited to announce that we will be holding a Career Day on Friday, January 10th! While we’re still finalizing the details, we would love your support. If you’re interested in volunteering or possibly showcasing your career to our students, please fill out the form linked below. Your involvement can make a significant impact on their future aspirations!
Thank you for your support!
HRMS Career Day Volunteer/Guest Speaker Interest Form
PTA Updates:
➤ Our PTA Meeting is Tuesday 11/12 at 6pm in the school library. All are welcome in person or virtually.
Please email secretary@hrmspta.org if you are not a current PTA member but would like to join virtually.
➤Take a night off and enjoy a treat this week!
Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A (Holly Springs location only) is this TUES, 11/12
HRMS PTA will receive 10% of participating sales from 6:30 am - 9:00 pm
You MUST order online using the Chick-Fil-A app and have "Yes, I'd like to support" selected at check-out!! Code: Hornets (code is case sensitive)
➤The 6th & 7th Grade Dance is Friday, 11/15 3:30-5:30 pm
It's a NEON Friends-giving Dance! We need your help to make the first dance of the school year happen for our 6th and 7th graders. Please sign up HERE to volunteer on the 15th or donate items.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, November 4th - Friday, November 8th - HRMS Spirit Week
Monday, November 4th - Soccer and Volleyball vs Fuquay Middle @ 4 PM
Tuesday, November 5th - Teacher Workday (No school for students)
Wednesday, November 6th - Pep Rally
Football vs Fuquay Middle @ 4 PM
Friday, November 8th - Quarter 1 Report Cards Distributed
Monday, November 11th - Veterans Day Holiday (No school for students and staff)
Tuesday, November 12th - PTA Meeting in the Media Center @ 6 PM
Spirit Night @ Chick-Fil-A
Friday, November 15th - 6th and 7th Grade Dance @ 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Have a wonderful week!
Go Hornets!