The Gator Gazette
Friday, April 14
Message from the SWAMP
New Blood - A Story of Reconciliation: There is an Indigenous learning experience available for our students to attend at Paul Kane High School on the afternoon of April 21st. New Blood blends Blackfoot music and contemporary music by Peter Gabriel to create an amazing piece of theatre celebrating Blackfoot history and traditions. Featuring poetry, music, contemporary and traditional dance, the show is inspired by the life of Chief Vincent Yellow Old Woman and his experience as a child in residential school, how he reclaimed his way of life and became chief of his people. The show’s cast primarily come from students attending Strathmore High School.
There are 20 spots available for students in grade 7, 8, or 9. If your student would like to attend, please have them pick up a form from the office, and the first 20 to return them, signed and completed by their parents will get to go!
Rugby: Practices will start next week after school. Boys start on Monday, and girls start on Tuesday. Boys please meet in Mr. Andersen’s Room after school Monday and girls meet in Mr. Drake’s Room Tuesday after school. Make sure you dress for the weather!!
Band Trip (Calgary) - April 19, 20, 21: Students are to arrive at their regular time on Wednesday and will go directly to the drama/lunchroom with their luggage, 8:30 to 11:30 - rehearsal, 12pm students will load bus and depart. Friday April 21, students will arrive back at the school around 8:00pm.
Looking Ahead.....
- 19th, 20th, 21st - Band Trip, Calgary
- 21st - Healthy Hunger lunch - Boston Pizza
- 28th - Healthy Hunger lunch - Edo
- 4th - Early Dismissal
- 10th - Track Day
- 15th - ELA Part A Exam
- 18th - Parent Council - 7pm
- 22nd - Victoria Day - No School
- 23rd - District Track Day
- 1st - Zone Track Day
- 2nd - Band Trip Birch Bay
- 7th - Early Dismissal
- 8th - Gator Day Out - Millennium Place
- 9th/10th - Bike Trip
- 15th - Grade 9 Farewell
- 16th - Grade 9 Day Out - Wabamun
- 20th - ELA Part B
- 22nd - Math Part A
- 23rd - Math Part B
- 26th - Social PAT
- 27th - Science PAT
- 28th - Last Day of School/Early Dismissal
- 29th - Awards Night
TA Cupcake Challenge TA9 vs TA11
Climbing Club at Muriel Martin
A few more works of Art
Parent Survey
As part of our school and the division's planning and reporting processes, we conduct an annual parent satisfaction survey to find out how parents feel about their child's education. Parent, student and staff survey results help us reflect on our work. A sampling of survey results are included in our Annual Education Results Report which is updated and posted to our website annually in late fall.
Please take a few minutes to complete the parent satisfaction survey as honestly and accurately as you can. We ask that you complete one survey for each child you have enrolled in our division. The survey deadline is April 28, 2023. All responses are confidential and anonymous.
School Fees
St. Albert Online Scholastic Chess Club
Calling all Indigenous Artists!
Check out this contest! Speak with Ms. Priddle for more info. The theme is "Bridging the Gaps" and the deadline to submit entries is May 1st.
Healthy Hunger Lunches
Don't forget to place your Healthy Hunger Lunch Orders! Next week is Boston Pizza!
If your child is away and has ordered hot lunch, please email or call the office by 11:00 a.m. to direct your child’s hot lunch. It can be given to a sibling/another student or can be picked up in the office starting at 12:30.
If a student needs to leave early, the office MUST hear from a parent/guardian. Please email or call the office and we will allow the student to sign out & meet you outside (or walk home).
If a student will arrive late, they are to sign in at the office. If we have been informed the student will be late, that will be an excused late. Without hearing from a parent, the student would be marked as unexcused.
If you have any questions, please ask the office.
Gator Gear!
Lorne Akins Junior High School for Grades 7 to 9
Location: 4 Fairview Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-460-3728
Twitter: @lorneakins
Jennifer Suriano
Assistant Principal