December 2024
What's Happening at Rees?
Acadience Testing Coming Up
Our MOY (Middle of Year) testing will begin on December 2nd. We hope to see lots of progress from our Eagles. Let's Aim High and Achieve!
Rees Spirit Night
Rees Choir Concert
Rees Choir Concert on December 9th: We invite you all to attend The Choir on Rees Avenue concert on December 9th at 6:00. Thank you to choir director and Rees parent Michelle White and her helpers for the job they do every week to teach and prepare our students.
Sing Around the Tree
We will have three Sing Around the Tree assemblies for students during the month of December one Sing Around the Tree for parents on December 19th. We love having parents and visitors here to watch their students sing.
To accommodate the crowd and traffic it is necessary for us to spread these performances out. This schedule will allow time for transition and visitors to exit. Please do not save seats if you are not staying for each performance.
We realize it may be difficult for families with multiple students, but it is the best option if we are to have visitors for these performances. We hope you understand we are considering traffic, parking, and student safety.
December 19th
9:45- 3rd Grade
10:30- Kinder
11:00- 5th Grade
1:30- 2nd Grade
2:00- 1st Grade
2:30- 4th Grade
December 20th Out at Noon and Christmas Break
School will dismiss at Noon on December 20th. There will be No School December 23rd-January 3rd. School will resume on January 6th.
Stay in the loop!! Check out our Calendar
Dec 4- Spirit Night at Sip'n and Little Caesars (see flier above)
Dec 5- Cougar Built Dunk Team Assembly
Dec 6- SCC @ 11:45
Dec 9- Rees Choir Concert @ 6:00
Dec 11- PTA Meeting @ 10:00
Dec 11- 3rd Grade Keyboarding Ends
Dec 16- Sing Around the Tree
Dec 17- Sing Around the Tree
Dec 18- December Student of the Month Victory Lap @ 3:00
Dec 19- Sing Around the Tree for Parents (See times for grade levels above)
Dec 20- Students Dismissed @ Noon
Dec 20- 5th Grade Field Trip to Legacy House
Dec 20- Last Day of Term 2
Dec 23rd-Jan 5th- No School/Christmas Break
Jan 6th- First day of 3rd Term
Download the Nebo App to stay connected!
Counselor Corner
We are so grateful to Family Haven for spending a week with us educating and empowering our students. In December we will focus on adapting to change. "Change happens when something you see, experience, or do is altered or becomes different in some way. Change is something that happens every day. There will always be change in your life. Sometimes, you can’t do anything about the change. The one thing you can always control is how you respond to the change.
The main goal for finding balance is to help you stay in control of your response to change. Our emotions are powerful and can sometimes take over our brains, but if we can find balance in change, our brains can continue to think and respond appropriately for us" (In Focus). Some helpful strategies are deep breathing, writing in a journal, exercising, talking with someone you trust, being creative, looking for the positive and being grateful.
Check out the Parent Guidance website for useful tools and events.
Ask a Therapist
Mental Health Series
Mandy Cope, MSW
School Counselor
Rees Elementary 801-798-4055
About Us
Location: 574 North Rees Avenue, Spanish Fork, UT, USA
Phone: 801-798-4055