Westwood Weekly
January 12, 2025
Westwood High School
Email: fossittc@nice.k12.mi.us
Website: https://nice.k12.mi.us/
Location: 300 Westwood Drive, Ishpeming, MI, USA
Phone: 906.485.1023
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/niceschools
WHS Teen Cuisine Students Attend Luncheon at NMU
Each year the students in Mrs. Jurasin's Teen Cuisine class attends an Etiquette Luncheon at NMU. The event includes a fine dining experience consisting of traditional table settings and a four course meal. It is an event the students look forward to every year and we appreciate NMU for hosting our students.
Semester Exam Schedule
Semester 1 examis will be held on January 14-17. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, January 14th (Full Day)
- 1:20 pm to 3:00 pm - 7th hour exam
Wednesday, January 15th (Half Day)
- 8:05 - 9:45 am Exam Period 1
- 9:45 - 10:00 am Break
- 10:00 - 11:40 am Exam Period 2
Thursday, January 16th (Half Day)
- 8:05 - 9:45 am Exam Period 3
- 9:45 - 10:00 am Break
- 10:00 - 11:40 am Exam Period 4
Friday, January 17th (Half Day)
- 8:05 - 9:45 am Exam Period 5
- 9:45 - 10:00 am Break
- 10:00 - 11:40 am Exam Period 6
Final Exam Reminders
Students who have chosen to exempt from exams do not need attend school during that period. Parents do not need to call and excuse them. The office has a record of those who have chosen to exempt from their exam and will adjust attendance accordingly.
Students are not allowed to leave class once they finish their exam, they must stay for the duration of the exam period. The office staff will not call into classrooms to release students as it disrupts the learning environment. We encourage students to bring a book to read or study materials for their next exam. Thank you for your cooperation
Counseling Update
Schedule change requests were due 12/20, but if a student has additional questions, they should reach out to their counselor via email or try to schedule a meeting before the end of the semester.
POA Update
Attention POA Students
Students enrolled in a Patroit Online Academy class must take the final exam for the course. However, they do not have to take it during the regular scheduled exam time. Students can take the final at any time prior to the deadline for completion, which is January 12th.